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Locked/Non-locked reply issue


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I've been trying to get locked topics to non-replyable topics unless you're above a certain rank. I've managed to lock everyone out of posting on topics with the exception of people above the certain rank. I've managed to reverse that to where anyone the certain rank and above can't post period. But I can't for the life of me or sanity figure out what I'm doing wrong. This is the code I'm working with now and it's allowing everyone to post no matter if the topic is locked or non-locked.



$subject = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_subjects2 WHERE game = '$game'");

if (($subject['locked'] == "1") AND ($rank <= "14"))
die(header(error("view_topic.php?game=$game&id=$reply_to", "You cannot post on locked topics.")));

if ($subject['locked'] == "0") {
header(error("view_topic.php?game=$game&id=$reply_to&page=$page","Your message has been posted."));

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have you used mysql_fetch_assoc() for $subject anywhere? Looks to me you used $subject directly out of a query, and you're treating a resource as an array!


$subject = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_subjects2 WHERE game = '$game'");

$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($subject);

if (($data['locked'] == "1") AND ($rank <= "14"))
die(header(error("view_topic.php?game=$game&id=$reply_to", "You cannot post on locked topics.")));

if ($data['locked'] == "0") {
header(error("view_topic.php?game=$game&id=$reply_to&page=$page","Your message has been posted."));

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revraz, I tried your solution and got this Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/aces12/public_html/add_reply.pro.php on line 94



8ball, I tried yours and it's still letting you post on locked topics no matter what rank.

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We're trying to determine what are in your two variables.


echo $subject['locked'].$rank; will display whats in there so you can see why its letting you post.


But 8Ball is right, $subject is a Resource ID and it wont == 1


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Comment out the Header line and replace it with the code above I posted.


I'm not sure what you mean by it will display the results, the only thing the page show is "Your message has been posted." along with the topic I posted on.

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I did replace it with what you posted and it didn't show anything other then the post went through the way it normally does.


I even tried both versions with it and got the same results.



$subject = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_subjects2 WHERE game = '$game'");

if (($subject['locked'] == "1") AND ($rank <= "14"))
echo $subject['locked'].$rank;

if ($subject['locked'] == "0") {
echo $subject['locked'].$rank;

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EDIT, nevermind, need to recollect my tired thoughts... what I said doesn't work. heh


EDIT #2:

Ok, here's what revraz is telling you to do: we want to know what $subject and $rank contain. If you don't use a debugger, use




Open the page, right click, goto "view source", then copy and paste the result into here.


This is a means to investigate the events that lead up to the problem. And likely the problem exists in one of the two.

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Thats because neither statement is true.  Since you are comparing the wrong variable, both IF statements are false.  Use ELSEIF instead, and at the end have an out:


$subject = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_subjects2 WHERE game = '$game'");

if (($subject['locked'] == "1") AND ($rank <= "14"))
echo $subject['locked'].$rank;

elseif ($subject['locked'] == "0") {
echo $subject['locked'].$rank;

else {

echo '$subject is the wrong variable to compare to';
echo $subject['locked'].$rank;


[quote author=Sinikka link=topic=170730.msg754943#msg754943 date=1196893986]
I did replace it with what you posted and it didn't show anything other then the post went through the way it normally does.

I even tried both versions with it and got the same results.

[code]$subject = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_subjects2 WHERE game = '$game'");

if (($subject['locked'] == "1") AND ($rank <= "14"))
echo $subject['locked'].$rank;

if ($subject['locked'] == "0") {
echo $subject['locked'].$rank;

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Ok getting a tad bit confused here. I changed the code to this, I think that's what I was supposed to do from what you said.


$subject = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_subjects2 WHERE game = '$game'");

if (($subject['locked'] == "1") AND ($rank <= "14"))


if ($subject['locked'] == "0") {




And then I viewed the source and here's the output from that




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<tr bgcolor=#000000><td colspan=2><p><font color=#FFFFFF><font color=DE0029><b><i>Sending items</i> (Locked)</b></font></font></td></tr>

<tr width=100%><td width=125 valign=top bgcolor=#FFFFFF><font size=-1><a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/user_profile.php?game=1&user=kalma><font face=wingdings><FONT COLOR=#00A400><sup>¶</sup>¶<sup>¶</sup></font><font face=verdana><FONT COLOR=#9D60C0><i><b>Kalma</b></i></font></a><br><br><img src=images/user_images/opg_1/avies/premium.gif><br>  <font color=#cc66cc size=2><b>Site Manager</b></font><br>

12:32:53, Nov 8<br>Posts: 249<br><br></p><p><img src=images/icons/female.gif><a href=mail_send.php?game=1&send_to=><img src=images/icons/mail.gif></a><a href=buds.php?game=1&bud=kalma><img src=images/icons/bud.gif height=14 width=14></a></p></td><td valign=top bgcolor=#FFFFFF><br><br><font color="#000000"><p><font color=#000000>Anytime you send an item to a friend please make sure you select the name from the drop down. If the person is not on your friend list you can use the text box below but make sure you get the name correct or the item will be sent out in to Mystic Space never to be recovered!</font></p><hr width=75% color="#002AAD"><p><center><img src="/image/rblade.jpg"></center></p></font></a></td></tr><tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF><td colspan=2><p><font color=#000000>Page: </font><a class=bottom href=http://mysticpetquest.com/view_topic.php?game=1&id=15484&page=1><font color=#000000>1</font></a></p></td></tr><tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF width=100%><td bcolor=#FFFFFF width=125 valign=top><font size=-1><a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/user_profile.php?game=1&user=Outlaws_Dream><font face="Webdings"><FONT COLOR=#660099>&#89;</font><font face="book antiqua"><FONT COLOR=#660099><b><i>Auntie Drea</b></i><font face="Webdings">&#89;</font></font></a><br><br><img src=images/user_images/opg_1/avies/dreadagger.gif><br> <font color=#6732BA size=3><b>Site Admin</b></font><br><font size=-1>9:20:03, Nov 16</font><br>Posts: 37 <br><a href=view_topic.php?game=1&page=1&id=15484&quote=83669#add_reply><img src=images/icons/quote.gif height=14 width=14></a><img src=images/icons/female.gif><a href=buds.php?game=1&bud=Outlaws_Dream><img src=images/icons/bud.gif height=14 width=14></a></p></td><td valign=top bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br><br><font color="#000000"><p><font color=#000000>A special note, this means you need to send it to the user name, not their nickname.</font></p><p><font color=#000000></font></p><p><font color=#000000>ie:  Auntie Drea = outlaws_dream</font></p><p><font color=#000000></font></p><p><font color=#000000>so if you send something to Auntie Drea, it will go into mystic outer space</font></p><hr width=75% color="#002AAD"><p><font color=purple>Purple??where???its MINE!!!</font></p></font></a></b></i></u></td></tr><tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF width=100%><td bcolor=#FFFFFF width=125 valign=top><font size=-1><a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/user_profile.php?game=1&user=kalma><font face=wingdings><FONT COLOR=#00A400><sup>¶</sup>¶<sup>¶</sup></font><font face=verdana><FONT COLOR=#9D60C0><i><b>Kalma</b></i></font></a><br><br><img src=images/user_images/opg_1/avies/premium.gif><br> <font color=#cc66cc size=2><b>Site Manager</b></font><br><font size=-1>5:29:37, Nov 16</font><br>Posts: 249 <br><a href=view_topic.php?game=1&page=1&id=15484&quote=83691#add_reply><img src=images/icons/quote.gif height=14 width=14></a><img src=images/icons/female.gif><a href=buds.php?game=1&bud=kalma><img src=images/icons/bud.gif height=14 width=14></a></p></td><td valign=top bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br><br><font color="#000000"><p><font color=#000000>Actually on this Auntie Drea is the exception. You can send items to peoples users names as well as nicknames. The only reason Auntie Drea is the exception is because if you haven't noticed, when you do your nickname it states that it has to be the same as your account name and her account is the only exception where it's different. You can try updating your nickname all you want using a name other then your account name and all it will do it default back to what your originally had it.</font></p><hr width=75% color="#002AAD"><p><center><img src="/image/rblade.jpg"></center></p></font></a></b></i></u></td></tr><tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF width=100%><td bcolor=#FFFFFF width=125 valign=top><font size=-1><a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/user_profile.php?game=1&user=rottentothecore>Rotten To The Core</a><br><br><img src=images/user_images/opg_1/avies/spaavatar.gif><br> <font color=#6732BA size=3><b></b></font><br><font size=-1>4:20:20, Dec 5</font><br>Posts: 133 <br><a href=view_topic.php?game=1&page=1&id=15484&quote=84872#add_reply><img src=images/icons/quote.gif height=14 width=14></a><img src=images/icons/female.gif><a href=buds.php?game=1&bud=rottentothecore><img src=images/icons/bud.gif height=14 width=14></a></p></td><td valign=top bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br><br><p><font color=#000000>test</font></p></a></b></i></u></td></tr><tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF width=100%><td bcolor=#FFFFFF width=125 valign=top><font size=-1><a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/user_profile.php?game=1&user=rottentothecore>Rotten To The Core</a><br><br><img src=images/user_images/opg_1/avies/spaavatar.gif><br> <font color=#6732BA size=3><b></b></font><br><font size=-1>4:44:39, Dec 5</font><br>Posts: 133 <br><a href=view_topic.php?game=1&page=1&id=15484&quote=84873#add_reply><img src=images/icons/quote.gif height=14 width=14></a><img src=images/icons/female.gif><a href=buds.php?game=1&bud=rottentothecore><img src=images/icons/bud.gif height=14 width=14></a></p></td><td valign=top bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br><br><p><font color=#000000>test</font></p></a></b></i></u></td></tr><tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF width=100%><td bcolor=#FFFFFF width=125 valign=top><font size=-1><a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/user_profile.php?game=1&user=rottentothecore>Rotten To The Core</a><br><br><img src=images/user_images/opg_1/avies/spaavatar.gif><br> <font color=#6732BA size=3><b></b></font><br><font size=-1>4:45:16, Dec 5</font><br>Posts: 133 <br><a href=view_topic.php?game=1&page=1&id=15484&quote=84874#add_reply><img src=images/icons/quote.gif height=14 width=14></a><img src=images/icons/female.gif><a href=buds.php?game=1&bud=rottentothecore><img src=images/icons/bud.gif height=14 width=14></a></p></td><td valign=top bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br><br><p><font color=#000000>test</font></p></a></b></i></u></td></tr><tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF width=100%><td bcolor=#FFFFFF width=125 valign=top><font size=-1><a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/user_profile.php?game=1&user=rottentothecore>Rotten To The Core</a><br><br><img src=images/user_images/opg_1/avies/spaavatar.gif><br> <font color=#6732BA size=3><b></b></font><br><font size=-1>4:45:39, Dec 5</font><br>Posts: 133 <br><a href=view_topic.php?game=1&page=1&id=15484&quote=84875#add_reply><img src=images/icons/quote.gif height=14 width=14></a><img 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bcolor=#FFFFFF width=125 valign=top><font size=-1><a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/user_profile.php?game=1&user=rottentothecore>Rotten To The Core</a><br><br><img src=images/user_images/opg_1/avies/spaavatar.gif><br> <font color=#6732BA size=3><b></b></font><br><font size=-1>4:50:25, Dec 5</font><br>Posts: 133 <br><a href=view_topic.php?game=1&page=1&id=15484&quote=84877#add_reply><img src=images/icons/quote.gif height=14 width=14></a><img src=images/icons/female.gif><a href=buds.php?game=1&bud=rottentothecore><img src=images/icons/bud.gif height=14 width=14></a></p></td><td valign=top bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br><br><p><font color=#000000>test</font></p></a></b></i></u></td></tr><tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF width=100%><td bcolor=#FFFFFF width=125 valign=top><font size=-1><a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/user_profile.php?game=1&user=rottentothecore>Rotten To The Core</a><br><br><img src=images/user_images/opg_1/avies/spaavatar.gif><br> <font color=#6732BA size=3><b></b></font><br><font 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	<P align=center><FONT SIZE="-1" color="#FFFFFF"><font color=#3878DB>© 2007 MysticPetQuest.com<br>04:52:11 | <a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/tos.php?game=1 class=bottom><font color=#6CABE7>Terms/Rules</font></a> | <a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/privacy.php class=bottom><font color=#6CABE7>Privacy/Legal</font></a> | <a href=http://mysticpetquest.com/eapps.php class=bottom><font color=#6CABE7>Employment</font></a></font></FONT></P>







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Sorry, we have certainly been pretty confusing. I'm going to try to simplify what's been said and add to it:


1. You need to have a mysql_fetch_assoc() in there. Mysql_query() returns a resource, not an array. You need to use mysql_fetch_assoc on that resource to make an array.

2. Replace your header()'s with useful error messages that will be removed when you release the final version (as suggested by revraz). This must be done to isolate the location of the problem.

3. Try to be consistent about datatype. You're being very liberal about the datatypes of these variables (is $rank less than or equal to the string "14")


Optional #4. Change AND to &&, this is only a minor thing, but && has stronger precedence. AND can have some odd side effects for the people who don't understand the difference between the two. It won't affect this case, just a good thing to know


Final combined result by revraz and myself:


// changed $subject to $data, and used $subject for mysql_fetch_assoc()
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_subjects2 WHERE game = '$game'");
$subject = mysql_fetch_assoc($data);

if (($subject['locked'] == true) && ($rank <= 14)){
die('The topic is locked');
} else if ($subject['locked'] == false) {
die('The topic is not locked');
} else {
die('There was a problem with the script');


Hopefully that'll create some results.

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Ok now I'm getting this as the output whether the topic is locked or not.


The topic is not locked



$rank is defined in the globals file, it pulls the rank of the person on site from 0-16 with each number being a different rank. The rank is pulled from a column in the database.




Edit, in the database if a topic is not locked it's status in the locked column is a 0 if it is locked it's a 1.

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Hm, ok, double check, just to make sure, that the thread you are in is locked, and whether your user has a rank higher than the user you're logged in as has a rank lower than 14. Also, perhaps you mean locked OR underranked, instead of locked AND underranked? Therefore:


if (($subject['locked'] == true) || ($rank <= 14)){


If there are still problems, the problem must reside elsewhere, and not in this immediate part of the code.

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