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I'm working on a Double-Linked Select box. Basically you select an option in box A, and box B becomes filled with that information.

In this case box A is where you select your company, and box B is where you select the branch of that company.

Everything works in IE, but it's not working in Firefox.

Would some one mind taking a look?


Here is the xmlhttp file

    // Create xmlhttp request object
var xmlhttp=false;
/*@cc_on @*/
/*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
// JScript gives us Conditional compilation, we can cope with old IE versions.
// and security blocked creation of the objects.
try {
  xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {
  try {
   xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  } catch (E) {
   xmlhttp = false;
@end @*/
if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') {
try {
	xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (e) {
if (!xmlhttp && window.createRequest) {
try {
	xmlhttp = window.createRequest();
} catch (e) {


Here is the code for select box A and box B. A must be selected before B becomes filled with options.

	<td><select value="Company" onchange="FillBranches(this.value)">
		<option value="Null" SELECTED>Please select a company</option>
		<option value="A">Company A</option>
		<option value="B">Company B</option>
		<option value="C">Company C</option>
	<td><span id="selectBranch"><select value=\"Branch\">
		<option value=\"-1\">First select a company</option>


This is the FillBranches functions that gets called when you select a company.

function FillBranches(company) {
  url="./FillBranches.php?c=" + company;
  handleMessages(url, "selectBranch");


Here is the FillBranches.php page which is called from the FillBranches function

include 'library/functions.php';

$db=opendb($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);

$company = $_GET['c'];
if ($company==''||$company=="Null")
    echo "<select value=\"Branch\">\n<option value=\"-1\">".$company." Please first select a company</option>\n</select>\n";
else {

	echo "<SELECT name=\"Branch\">\n";
	echo "<OPTION value=\"00\" SELECTED>All Branches</option>\n";
			echo "<OPTION value=\"".$result[$a][1]."\">".$result[$a][0]."</OPTION>\n";
	echo '</SELECT>';
	echo 'No branches exist for this company';


And final the handleMessages function which takes the results from FillBranches.php and places them back on our original page.

    // Message handler
//  - Sends message to script and waits for completion
    //  - On completion, updates page with script output
    // url = url to call server-side script
    // resultID = ID of DIV or SPAN element to receive the output
function handleMessages (url, resultID) {
  var obj;
  xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);
  xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {
       if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) {
            obj = document.getElementById(resultID);
            obj.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
return 0;


Again, this works fine in IE, but isn't working at all in Firefox. Any ideas?

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I'm not totally sure whats gone on, but in the end I think all I needed was a xmlhttp.send(null) instead of a xmlhttp.send();

This crap is picky.

Here's the final code for anyone that needs this in the future.



function createRequestObject() {

   var req;

      // Firefox, Safari, Opera...
      req = new XMLHttpRequest();
   } else if(window.ActiveXObject) {
      // Internet Explorer 5+
      req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
   } else {
      // There is an error creating the object,
      // just as an old browser is being used.
      alert('Problem creating the XMLHttpRequest object');

   return req;


// Make the XMLHttpRequest object
var xmlhttp = createRequestObject();


Select Boxes Code

	<td><select value="Company" onchange="FillBranches(this.value)">
		<option value="Null" SELECTED>Please select a company</option>
		<option value="A">Company A</option>
		<option value="B">Company B</option>
		<option value="C">Company C</option>
	<td><span id="selectBranch"><select value=\"Branch\">
		<option value=\"-1\">First select a company</option>



function FillBranches(company) {
  url="./FillBranches.php?c=" + company;
  handleMessages(url, "selectBranch");



include 'library/functions.php';

$db=opendb($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);

$company = $_GET['c'];
if ($company==''||$company=="Null")
    echo "<select value=\"Branch\">\n<option value=\"-1\">".$company." Please first select a company</option>\n</select>\n";
else {

	echo "<SELECT name=\"Branch\">\n";
	echo "<OPTION value=\"00\" SELECTED>All Branches</option>\n";
			echo "<OPTION value=\"".$result[$a][1]."\">".$result[$a][0]."</OPTION>\n";
	echo '</SELECT>';
	echo 'No branches exist for this company';


And finally HandleMessages

function handleMessages (url, resultID) {
  xmlhttp.open("GET", url,true);
   if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4&& xmlhttp.status==200){
	var response = xmlhttp.responseText;
	document.getElementById(resultID).innerHTML = response;
  return 0;


Hope this help some one at some point. As far as I can tell it's working fine in FF and IE.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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