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[SOLVED] search my site


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Hi guys,


I know there are loads of sites and code snippets out there but i want to create my own,


I have got a webpage with a thumbnail and a text link underneath it,


I want something that will search the page by a keyword and find all the appropriate thumbnails and links and put them in a php page lined up next to each other,


how do i go about it? can anyone start me off?

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How do you have a login/register on your site without a database?


Well...I'm not sure if there is that much you can do in your situation without a database. I would suggest looking at your host seeing if you can upgrade to be able to have one. It would be pretty difficult using a text file for your search.

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You can probably use a text file...but it will be a lot harder and less efficient depending on how much information you store.


You could set it up something like this:


keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword


I'm not very experienced with working with flat files, so that might not be the best way...if you have already done this with your login, what are you having problems with?

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i have decided to index the themes in a text file and have wrote code to preg match the searched phrase to the keywords in the text file and i can get a match fine


when the php finds a match in the keywords, how do i get it then to add the object to the php page?



if (isset ($_POST['submit']))



if (empty($keyword) ||  ($searchlen<4))


echo '<form method="POST" action="http://fonecave.110mb.com/themesearch.php"';
echo ' enctype="multipart/form-data">';
echo '<input type="text" name="keyword" size="20">';
echo '  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search">';
echo '</form>';
echo 'Search must be over 3 characters';


else {

$file=fopen("privatefile.txt","r") ;
if ($file)
while ( !feof($file))
$line1 = trim(fgets($file));
$line2 = trim(fgets($file));
$line3 = trim(fgets($file));

if (preg_match("/$keyword/", $line3))   {





echo '<form method="POST" action="http://fonecave.110mb.com/themesearch.php"';
echo ' enctype="multipart/form-data">';
echo '<input type="text" name="keyword" size="20">';
echo '  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search">';
echo '</form>';
echo $match;

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Have built it on a text file that contains the information instead of a database have a look at www.fonecave.co.uk goto themes and search for "test" or the themes that can be found in the two catagories there aren't many at the minute have only just set it up, if you want to know how ive done it send me an email


thanks for your help



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