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Hey Anyone....I am having an issue with a form on my website that is supposed to email selected pdf files to a user when they select something, enter their email address and then hit submit.  The "thank you" page appears when the submit button is clicked but nothing else happens.  Any suggestions?  Thanks

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Sorry, Here's the code....I'm new to all of this so please bear with me.  Thanks to anyone that can help.





/* Required Files */



/* set defaults */

if ($_POST['email_type'] == "demorequest"){
	if ($_POST['email_type'] == "inforequest"){

// generate CORE Software Corp. email content

	$content = "The following person has completed the form to access the Renaissance Architect Demo.\n\n";

	$content .= "{$_POST['firstname']} {$_POST['lastname']}\n";

	$content .= "{$_POST['company']}\n";

	$content .= "{$_POST['email']}\n\n";

	$to = "[email protected]" . ", ";

	$to .= "[email protected]";

	$subject = "Renaissance Architect Demo request";

	// sending email

	mail($to, $subject, "{$content}","From: [email protected]");


/* Send the potential customer to the demo now.  */

header("Location: http://www.coremigration.com/demo/interface.html");

/* set defaults */

setPOST("wp_bus", 0);

setPOST("wp_tech", 0);

setPOST("cs_npb", 0);

setPOST("cs_vis", 0);

setPOST("bro_core", 0);

setPOST("ebul", 0);

$date = date("Ymd");

	/* Create DB reference */

	$db = &$_APP['masterdb'];


	// insert fields

	$sql = "INSERT INTO t_inforequests (salutation, name, company, telephone, title, email, migration, migration_start, 

				findus, wp_bus, wp_tech, cs_npb, cs_vis, bro_core, requestedon, ebul, isdeleted) 

			VALUES ('{$_POST['salutation']}', '{$_POST['name']}', '{$_POST['company']}', '{$_POST['telephone']}', '{$_POST['title']}','{$_POST['email']}',

					'{$_POST['migration']}', '{$_POST['migration_start']}', '{$_POST['findus']}', {$_POST['wp_bus']}, 

					{$_POST['wp_tech']}, {$_POST['cs_npb']}, {$_POST['cs_vis']}, {$_POST['bro_core']}, '{$date}',{$_POST['ebul']},0)";

	$req_insert = $db->query($sql);

	// generate client email content

	$content = "To view the documents that you requested, please go to\n\n";

	if ($_POST['wp_bus']) $content .= "http://www.coremigration.com/pdf/Core_Migration_Business_WP.pdf\n";

	if ($_POST['wp_tech']) $content .= "http://www.coremigration.com/pdf/Core_Migration_Technical_WP.pdf\n";

	if ($_POST['cs_npb']) $content .= "http://www.coremigration.com/pdf/CORE_study_NPB.pdf\n";

	if ($_POST['cs_vis']) $content .= "http://www.coremigration.com/pdf/CORE_study_VISaer.pdf\n";

	if ($_POST['bro_core']) $content .= "http://www.coremigration.com/pdf/COREbrochure.pdf\n";

	if ($_POST['ebul']) $content .= "\n\nYou have also been signed up for our monthly e-bulletin as per your request.\n\n";

	$content .= "\nIf you have any questions, please contact us directly.\n\n";

	$content .= "Or, if you would like to know how long it will take to migrate your legacy PowerHouse application, or how much will it cost, please go to our free estimate at the following URL http://www.coremigration.com/options_estimate.html\n\n";

	$content .="Thank you.\nCORE Migration - The proven PowerHouse migration method\n";

	$content .="Tel: 613.727.5051\n";

	$content .="Fax: 613.727.2603\n";

	$content .="Toll-free: 1-877-768-2673 (in Canada, United States)\n\n";

	$content .="Sales: [email protected]\n";

	$content .="Career Opportunities: [email protected]\n";

	$content .="General Inquiries and comments: [email protected]\n";

	// sending email

	mail("{$_POST['email']}", "The CORE Migration documents that you requested", "{$content}","From: [email protected]");

	// generate CORE email content

	$content = "The following person has requested documents from the CORE website.\n\n";

	$content .= "These documents were automatically forwarded to them.\n\n";

	if ($_POST['ebul']) $content .= "The client was also signed up for the monthly e-bulletin\n\n";

	$content .= "{$_POST['salutation']} {$_POST['name']}\n";

	$content .= "{$_POST['company']}\n";

	$content .= "{$_POST['telephone']}\n";

	$content .= "{$_POST['email']}\n\n";

	$content .= "The administrative section of the CORE website has been updated accordingly.\n";

	$content .= "http://www.coremigration.com/admin/index.php\n";

	// sending email

	mail("[email protected]", "Website Document request", "{$content}","From: [email protected]");


header("Location: http://www.coremigration.com/resources_thankyou.html");



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