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$Username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Username']);



as long as u got that in bold when getting the value from a form, it should be fairly safe from hackers.

Get a script going and then post it here we can add to it to secure it for ya.


You can be fairly certain that the string will be properly escaped for entry into your version of mysql, not hacker proof!


You never know what a user can toss into a string, you should always verify it isn't a injection string


one common issue is with GETvariables

users think its fine to edit the url causing undesired results (By making integer values strings)


Well, my login validation page looks like so (I also use mysqli functions):



$userName = $_POST["userName"];
$_SESSION['userName'] = $userName;
$passwordHash = md5($_POST["password"]);
$_SESSION['passwordHash'] = $passwordHash;

$databaseConnect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "username", "password", "database")
			Or die("Unable to connect to the database.");

$query = "SELECT user_ID, accessLevel FROM Users WHERE username = '$userName' AND password = '$passwordHash' LIMIT 1";
$result = mysqli_query($databaseConnect, $query);

if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0)
	echo "Username or password is incorrect.";
	$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
	$_SESSION['userID'] = $row['user_ID'];
	$_SESSION['accessLevel'] = $row['accessLevel'];
	echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=http://www.xtinctdesigns.com/clients/XtinctCMS/RD1/options.php">';


I do a similar check with javascript before allowing the user to submit:


<script type="text/javascript">
function verify()
	var message = "";
	var valid = true;

	if ((userName.value == "")) {
			message += "Please enter your username. \n";
			valid = false;

	if ((password.value == "")) {
			message += "Please enter your password. \n";
			valid = false;

	if (valid == false) {
			return false;


Do you recommend re-checking server side with PHP as well?

I do a similar check with javascript before allowing the user to submit:


<script type="text/javascript">
function verify()
	var message = "";
	var valid = true;

	if ((userName.value == "")) {
			message += "Please enter your username. \n";
			valid = false;

	if ((password.value == "")) {
			message += "Please enter your password. \n";
			valid = false;

	if (valid == false) {
			return false;


Do you recommend re-checking server side with PHP as well?



People can turn JavaScript off... so always do the exact same checks with PHP aswell as javascript just encase.

mysql_real_escape_string is the way to do it. But you could also validate each input it yourself also. For instance the character \ can be harmful to a database so you'd do something like..


if (stristr($_POST['username'], "\\") { //note the backslash has to be "\\" or else it won't work in the way we want it to.
// code to get rid of characters or have the form return false
else {
//if no backslash is found use a code to add the username to the database


As for arrays and code etc.. if the integer in $_GET is supposed to be a number use this :


if(isset($_GET['int']) && is_numeric($_GET['int']) {
//launch code as normal if GET is an integer (numeric)
elseif(isset($_GET['int'] && is_array($_GET['int']) {
//code for if GET is an array
elseif(isset($_GET['int'] && is_string($_GET['int']) {
//code for GET is a string
else {
//code if it's anything else



Hope that helps,



So, I was working on this an ran into a snag.  My escape_forbidden function isn't working properly.  For whatever reason, the strcspn() function is returning the full number of characters in the string even if a forbidden character is present.


Can you see what my error is?


function escape_text($connection, $text) {
	// Stripslashes
	if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
	  $text = stripslashes($text);

	// Escape if not a number
	if (!is_numeric($text)) {
	  $text = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $text);

	return $text;

function escape_forbidden($text) {
	// Forbidden characters
	$forbidden = ":@{<}{?!$£%&^>*)¬`\/.,;#[][]-=+_";

	// Escape if $text contains forbidden
	if (strlen($text) != strcspn($text, $forbidden)) {
		echo "The input, $text, is invalid.  Please try again.";
	else {
		echo strcspn($text, $forbidden);
		return $text;

$databaseConnect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "worldofk_admin", "eagles", "worldofk_AdminStuff")
		Or die("Unable to connect to the database.");

$user = escape_text($databaseConnect, $_POST['userName']);
echo $user;
$user = escape_forbidden($user);
echo $user;


If I enter "k$jtocool" as the username, it returns:



To answer my own question, the problem seems to be the following characters in $forbidden: ><


So now my question becomes, how can I test for these characters?  It doesn't seem to matter where they are in the string, nor if they are the only character.

I think there was something else wrong causing the error.  In any case, I got the following working.


I would really appreciate input on how strong the below code is against sql insertion and what can be done to improve it.  If you feel I have left out any characters I should test for, or if you can think of any way to improve the code, please let me know. 



function escape_text($connection, $text) {
	// Stripslashes
	if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
	  $text = stripslashes($text);

	// Escape if not a number
	if (!is_numeric($text)) {
	  $text = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $text);

	return $text;

function escape_forbidden($text) {
	// Forbidden characters
	$forbidden = "/!\@#$%^&*():{}?£¬`\/.,;[]-_+=~<>";
	$text = stripslashes($text);

	// Escape if $text contains forbidden
	if (strlen($text) != strcspn($text, $forbidden)) {
		return "invalid";
	else {
		return "valid";

$databaseConnect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "username", "password", "database")
		Or die("Unable to connect to the database.");

$user = $_POST['userName'];
$passwordHash = md5($_POST["password"]);

if (escape_forbidden($user) == "invalid") {
	echo '<p align="left" class="style7">The input, ' . $user . ', is invalid.  Please try again.</p>';
	echo '<p align="left" class="style7"><a href="login.php" class="style7">Click here to return to the login screen.</a></p>';
else {
	$user = escape_text($databaseConnect, $user);

	$query = "SELECT user_ID, accessLevel FROM Admin_Users WHERE username = '$user' AND password = '$passwordHash' LIMIT 1";
	$result = mysqli_query($databaseConnect, $query);

	if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) {
		echo '<p align="left" class="style7">Username or password is incorrect.</p>';
		echo '<p align="left" class="style7"><a href="login.php" class="style7">Click here to return to the login screen.</a></p>';
	else {
		$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		$_SESSION['userName'] = $row['username'];
		$_SESSION['userID'] = $row['user_ID'];
		$_SESSION['accessLevel'] = $row['accessLevel'];
		echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=http://www.*********.com/CMS/options.php">';



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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