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I haven't a clue .... do any of you?


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I have a newsletter module built into the ecommerce software I'm using and need a bit of a mod. Currently, when a customer puts in their email address it emails them requesting confirmation and then a subsequent email with confirmation. I would like to bypass the request and just send them one email with a confirm/thank-you.


I've seemed to come down with the Mr. Bush syndrome all morning... endless cut n' past - trial n' error kinda thing! But I'm willing to step down!!


Any help would be appreciated!






/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */

func_define("SUBSCRIBER_EXISTS", 1);
func_define("SUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS", 0);
func_define("SUBSCRIBE_FAILED", -1);

* New list subscriber description.
* @package Module_Newsletters
* @access public
* @version $Id: NewsSubscriber.php,v 1.8 2007/03/20 15:00:16 sheriff Exp $
class NewsSubscriber extends Base
    var $fields = array(
            "list_id"  => 0,
            "email" => "",
            "since_date"  => 0,

    var $primaryKey = array("list_id", "email");
    var $alias = "news_subscribers";
    var $defaultOrder = "since_date,email";

    function subscribe($email, $list_id, $verbose = true)
        require_once "modules/Newsletters/encoded.php";
        if ($this->find("list_id=$list_id AND email='".addslashes(strtolower($email))."'")) {
            return SUBSCRIBER_EXISTS;
        $this->set("email", strtolower($email));
        $this->set("list_id", $list_id);
        $this->set("since_date", time());
        if ($verbose) {
            $params = array
            	"email" => $this->get("email"),
                "list" => $this->getList(true),
                "code" => func_newsletters_gen_code($this->get("email"))
            if (!is_null($this->get("profile"))) {
            	$params["profile"] = $this->get("profile");
        return SUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS;

    function unsubscribe($email = null, $list_id = null, $verbose = true)
        if (!is_null($email) && !is_null($list_id)) {
            if (!$this->find("list_id=$list_id AND email='".addslashes(strtolower($email))."'")) {
        if ($verbose) {
        	$this->set("list_id", $list_id);
            $params = array
                "email" => $this->get("email"),
                "list" => $this->getList(true)
            if (!is_null($this->get("profile"))) {
            	$params["profile"] = $this->get("profile");

    function request($email, $list_id = null)
                array("email" => $email,
                    "code" => func_newsletters_gen_code($email))

    function sendMail($email, $template, $params = array())
        $mailer =& func_new("Mailer");
        if (!empty($params)) {
            foreach ($params as $param => $value) {
                $mailer->set($param, $value);

    function import($list_id, $fname)
        if (($subscribers = file($fname)) === false) {
            die("failed to open CSV file $fname");
        foreach ($subscribers as $num => $email) {
            $email = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]/", "", $email);
            echo "<b>Importing CSV line #$num...</b><br>";
            if (strlen($email) > 0) {
                $ns =& func_new("NewsSubscriber");
                $res = $ns->subscribe($email, $list_id);
                if ($res == SUBSCRIBER_EXISTS) {
                    echo "<font color=blue>Subscriber $email already exists!</font><br>";
            } else {
			echo "<font color=red>Subscriber e-mail is wrong!</font><br>";

    function &getList($as_new=false)
    	if ($as_new) {
    		$this->list = null;
        if (is_null($this->list)) {
            $this->list =& func_new("NewsList", $this->get("list_id"));
        return $this->list;

// Please ensure that you have no whitespaces / empty lines below this message.
// Adding a whitespace or an empty line below this line will cause a PHP error.




[attachment deleted by admin]

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