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random pagination


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so just


$_SESSION[count] =$_SESSION['count'] +1;
if ($_SESSION['count']  == count($x)){
$_SESSION['count'] = 1;
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid_2 = {$x[$_SESSION['count']]}") or die(mysql_error());


cause thats what i thought u said... pluse this code isn't showing my page numbers and its still the same

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well it works... but the randomization is still the same.. oy


would it have to do with anything in the second SELECT function


$_SESSION[count] =$_SESSION['count'] +1;
if ($_SESSION['count']  == count($x)){
$_SESSION['count'] = 1;
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid_2 = {$x[$_SESSION['count']]}") or die(mysql_error());

$rows = mysql_num_rows($data);

//This is the number of results displayed per page
$page_rows = 4;

//This tells us the page number of our last page
$last = ceil($rows/$page_rows);

//this makes sure the page number isn't below one, or more than our maximum pages
if ($pagenum < 1)
$pagenum = 1;
elseif ($pagenum > $last)
$pagenum = $last;

//This sets the range to display in our query
$max = 'limit ' .($pagenum - 1) * $page_rows .',' .$page_rows;

//This is your query again, the same one... the only difference is we add $max into it
$data_p = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid_2 $max") or die(mysql_error());

yehey at last it works..


you get the data from your db right?

now to select the banner do something like


select * from banner order by id rand()  that should be the value of your $X

you only have to query that once so you have to use session again to determine if you're finish querying



once the page loads set the session

if (!isset($_SESSION['loads']) ){

     $_SESSION['loads'] = true;
     $x ='select * from banner order by id rand()';
     $x2 = mysql_query($x);
      while($x3 = mysql_fetch_array($x2)){
      $x[] = $x3 ;

note not tested but that should work

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I'm just lost.. just to recap what is going on for people who dont feel like reading the whole topic. i am trying to get my pagination to display randomly. which it does. but it only has 1 random order.. which is pointless. soo here is the code


// Connects to your Database
@mysql_connect("db1093.perfora.net", "dbo215169417", "TkA.Btc7") or die(mysql_error());
@mysql_select_db("db215169417") or die(mysql_error());

//This checks to see if there is a page number. If not, it will set it to page 1
if (!(isset($pagenum)))
$pagenum = 1;

//Here we count the number of results
//Edit $data to be your query
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid_2 > '0' ORDER BY rand()") or die(mysql_error());
$rows = mysql_num_rows($data);

//This is the number of results displayed per page
$page_rows = 1;

//This tells us the page number of our last page
$last = ceil($rows/$page_rows);

//this makes sure the page number isn't below one, or more than our maximum pages
if ($pagenum < 1)
$pagenum = 1;
elseif ($pagenum > $last)
$pagenum = $last;

//This sets the range to display in our query
$max = 'limit ' .($pagenum - 1) * $page_rows .',' .$page_rows;

//This is your query again, the same one... the only difference is we add $max into it
$data_p = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid_2 > 0 $max") or die(mysql_error());

//This is where you display your query results
while($values = mysql_fetch_array( $data_p ))
//Print $values'Name'];
echo "<br>";;
   $username = $values['username'];
   echo " <img src=\"http://www.adworld-online.com/images/banners/". $username ."_banner.jpg\" width=\"500\" height=\"95\"> <br>";
   echo ".::. Company: " . $values['companyname'] . "<br>  ";
   echo "Short info: " . $values['info'] . "<br> ";
   echo "<a href=\"http://www.adworld-online.com/submit.php?user=$username\">.::. Contact Us </a> <br />";
   echo "<a href=\"http://www.adworld-online.com/submit2.php?user=$username\">.::. Contact Us </a> <br />";
echo "<p>";

// This shows the user what page they are on, and the total number of pages
echo " --Page $pagenum of $last-- <p>";

// First we check if we are on page one. If we are then we don't need a link to the previous page or the first page so we do nothing. If we aren't then we generate links to the first page, and to the previous page.
if ($pagenum == 1)
echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pagenum=1'> <<-First</a> ";
echo " ";
$previous = $pagenum-1;
echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pagenum=$previous'> <-Previous</a> ";

//just a spacer
echo " ---- ";

//This does the same as above, only checking if we are on the last page, and then generating the Next and Last links
if ($pagenum == $last)
else {
$next = $pagenum+1;
echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pagenum=$next'>Next -></a> ";
echo " ";
echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pagenum=$last'>Last ->></a> ";


that was designed initially to pic fromt he database numbers 1 - users=5 and randomize them in an order like so 14523 something like that .. . the problem is i want a new randomization not that same order everytime a user makes a look at the page.. so its fair to all my users and nobody gets the front page everytime


OY thanks

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