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I am using a basic setup of Apache 2 (the latest) and php (also the latest) that I have installed and configured. my ohoh info came back ok and I ran 1 test svript and retrieved data from an sqlite db. My pronlem is I want to learn the Sqlite db and Im having a hard time trying to connect and add info from a form into the db.


Here is the error I get from my php script


Warning: sqlite_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in C:\mywebs\htdocs


I have pasted that into google without getting any usable results.

I have checked the Sqlite home page but they are mostly about Sqlitr3 and that is pdo which I dont understand yet. I have checked the php home site and nothing I can use from there.

So I tried to use some of the code from Mysql here is the code I used:


$uname = $_POST['uname'];
$address = $_POST['addy'];

// set path of database file
$db = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../email.db";

// open database file
$handle = sqlite_open($db) or die("Could not open database");

sqlite_query("INSERT INTO list (name, address) Values ($uname, $address)");


I have also done a search from this forum with just the search term Sqlite with only 1 result. Is there anyone who knows how I can use sqlite or is it better to stick with Mysql. Personally I like the idea of less is more but.





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Thank's for the quick reply the topic is solved here is the resulting code:


$uname = $_POST['uname'];
$address = $_POST['addy'];

// set path of database file
$db = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../email.db";

// open database file
$handle = sqlite_open($db) or die("Could not open database");

sqlite_query($handle, "INSERT INTO list (name, address) Values ('$uname', '$address')");


Thatl do Thatl do!


Thanks again!

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