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Hello, lets get straight into it. I have a web comic viewing script, it worked perfectly well, but it only preformed a simple task: display comics dynamically and allow viewers to scroll through comic (appending variables to the url). All this was displayed on the index page. I thought that was all fine and dandy until I decided that I wanted to have an archive page. So I integrated the script into a mySQL database. After a few tries I got it working fine (save for some problems I will mention in another thread). The pages are:



Comic Page


And here are the codes


@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
$query="SELECT * FROM imgcont";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
	print "<li><span class='php'><a href='comic.php?id={$row["id"]}' target='comix'>{$row["title"]}</a></span></li>";


@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
$query="SELECT * FROM imgcont WHERE id='$id'";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))  {
	echo sprintf("<img src='comic{$row["id"]}.png' /> \n");
	echo sprintf("<a href=\"comic.php?id=%d\">\n<img border=\"0\" src=\"back.png\" alt=\"Previous Comic\" align=\"left\" />\n</a> \n",(($row['id']-1>0)?(--$row['id'])$row['id'])));
	echo sprintf("<a href=\"comic.php?id=%d\">\n<img border=\"0\" src=\"next.png\" align=\"right\" alt=\"Next Comic\" />\n</a> \n",(($row['id']+1<=$maximages)?(++$row['id'])$row['id'])));


So, that works fine. But then I got complaints about moving the comics off the index page. So I decided that I would use <iframe></iframe> tags and put archive and comic pages on the index page through that.

Here is the page:

Club Index


And the very very basic code:


<iframe name="comix" src="archive.php" frameborder="0" class="fr" allowtransparency="true"/>


Unfortunately that defeated half the functionality of the original script, I the comic id was not displayed in  the url anymore as it was on a different page. Here is my question: How do I append the id var in the iframe to the index page url?

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the page that the iframe targets is by all rights, a seperate and unique page and therefore doesn't access the same namespace as the parent.  In your iframe tag, when you target the framed page, target it with $_GET args .... thats the only way.  Depending on how your site works, this might not work for you.

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