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[SOLVED] PHP mySQL Upload Script Error


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I am trying to upload files using PHP into a mySQL database and I have the following code in an upload.php file that is called by an html form.


mysql_connect("localhost","fw_admin","mypasswordhere") or die ('Error connecting to mysql database'); 
$data = addslashes(fread(fopen($form_data, "r"), filesize($form_data))); 
$result=MYSQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO uploads (description, data, filename, filesize, filetype) ". "VALUES ('$form_description', '$data', '$form_data_name', '$form_data_size', '$form_data_type')") or die('Error, query failed'); 
$id= mysql_insert_id(); 
print "<p>File ID: <b>$id</b><br>"; 
print "<p>File Name: <b>$form_data_name</b><br>"; 
print "<p>File Size: <b>$form_data_size</b><br>"; 
print "<p>File Type: <b>$form_data_type</b><p>"; 
print "To upload another file <a href=http://workspace.mydomain.org/admin> Click Here</a>"; 


When I submit the form, it evidently connects to the db fine, but returns "Error, query failed", so it is dying on the mySQL query. But I can't figure out why.


I have double-checked the database field names, and when I take out the error trapping in the query it posts the "print" statements correctly with file size so it seems to read teh file correctly, etc., but nothing is added to the db...


Questions or Suggestions???





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lets try this and see if we produce some errors

mysql_connect("localhost","fw_admin","mypasswordhere") or die ('Error connecting to mysql database'); 
$data = addslashes(fread(fopen($form_data, "r"), filesize($form_data))); 
$q = "INSERT INTO `uploads` (`description`, `data`, `filename`, `filesize`, `filetype`) VALUES('".$form_description."', '".$data."', '".$form_data_name."', '".$form_data_size."', '".$form_data_type."')";
$result = mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error()."<br />".$q);
$id= mysql_insert_id(); 
print "<p>File ID: <b>$id</b><br>"; 
print "<p>File Name: <b>$form_data_name</b><br>"; 
print "<p>File Size: <b>$form_data_size</b><br>"; 
print "<p>File Type: <b>$form_data_type</b><p>"; 
print "To upload another file <a href=http://workspace.mydomain.org/admin> Click Here</a>"; 


If it errors report back the error

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Thanks for the suggestion, but I know I have the permissions and access needed.


Cooldude & Chigley

When I make your changes, I get a "No database Selected" Error... though I thought I had that syntax correct.



Here is the form code that calls the upload.php file. The form_description is a field in the form that I also want added to each entry in the db.


<form method="post" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 
<input type="text" name="form_description" size="40"> 
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2000000"> 
<br>File to upload:<br> 
<input type="file" name="form_data" size="40"> 
<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> 


Thanks for your help. Evidently I am connecting to the database server but not selecting a db somehow.


What now?



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I got it...


I noticed that somehow I had put the name of the table in the mysql_db_select string.


"uploads" is the name of the table, but not the name of the db itself.


Thanks for the help guys... Problem solved.


Now I just have to create the page to list out the files so people can dload them.


Thanks again!



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