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Displaying Multiple GD images


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Hello Everyone-


I want to make a dynamic web page that will create a certain number of boxes depending on input from the user. Because i've just learned about the GD library, i was experimenting by trying to place two images on the same page. Below is my code.

    header('Content-type: image/png');

    header('Content-type: image/png');


For some reason, only one box will appear. Does anyone know why?


My php version: 5.2.5

gd-library is enabled





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The only way to place an image on a web page is to use a <img src="..." alt=""> tag for each image - http://w3schools.com/html/html_images.asp


You cannot generate and output more than one image at a time. You would need to break your php code into two pieces and reference the filename of each piece in two separate <img tags.

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If you want to do it that way though. The solution is relatively straight forward. Both your images are 200 x 50. So create a canvas (imagecreate) that is 400 x 100, then make the two images seperately and imagecopymerge them onto the canvas.


something like:


$im = imagecreate(400,100); // create 400x100 canvas



ImageCopyMerge($im, $image, 0,0,0,0,200,50,100);
ImageCopyMerge($im, $imagetwo, 0,52,0,0,200,50,100);
    header('Content-type: image/png');
    imagepng($im, "img.png");



will output this




That way you have 2 images in one.


Although from what I can make out, that's not exactly what you meant, is it?



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I think i can work with that. I can simply make as many individual boxes as i want and them merge them on a huge canvas. I read somewhere that when i output images with GD i cant output text the normal way (using echo). Is this true? If it is then i'll just have to do it all in GD, i just wasn't sure.


This line:

imagepng($im, "img.png");

Creates a copy of the image as a file, right?



Thank you very much



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Here is some code i was working on after helraizer's example.

  $im = imagecreate(400,400); // create 400x400 canvas

  $yf=50; //initialize y final position
  for ($i=0;$i<2;$i++){ //start a loop, loop should create two gray boxes and store them on same canvas
    ImageCopyMerge($im, $image, 0,$yf,0,0,50,50,100); //$yf should change the position of the second
    $yf+=50;                                                          //box by 50
    header('Content-type: image/png');
    imagepng($im, "img.png");


I thought it would do pretty much what helraizer's example did (except they would both be gray boxes), but then i could change the number of times it did it to, say eight, and i would have eight boxes all in a column. However, this does not work.


Thanks again



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    $number = isset($_GET['n']) ? $_GET['n'] : 1;
    $interval = 52;
    $im = imagecreate(52,$number * $interval); // create 52x? canvas

    for ($yf=0; $yf<$number * $interval; $yf+=$interval){ //start a loop, loop should create N gray boxes and store them on same canvas
    header('Content-type: image/png');
    #imagepng($im, "img.png");


Place on page with

<img src="img.php?n=2">

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