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trying change a value in the CSS of a free PHP flash games script

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Hey everyone, I found a free online flash games script and installed it to my website at www.rubbersheep.com/games


unfortunatly it doesn't come with much documentation and my PHP and CSS skills are nothing to brag about (how can I complain when it's free).


There are two changes I would like to make to it


1. (most important) enlarge the flash game area when they are playing it... it's just really way too small. better yet I would like to be able to have a FULLSCREEN button available to the player but at the least double the size of the game.


2. make three rows of games on the front page rather than 2.


I have searched through all the files and experimented for hours with different values in different files and no good, I was able to adjust everything BUT what I needed to adjust, : ) any help would be MOST appreciated


PS. if you know the creator of this script or the name of it, maybe I can find a forum that talks about it. thanks again!


if you want to experiment with it, select one of the following options:


the script and hundreds of flash games and images 72.6 MB: www.rubbersheep.com/games/Arcade_Flash_Games_Script.zip


Just the script and directories, only 26.7 KB http://www.rubbersheep.com/games/Empty_Arcade_Flash_Games_Script.zip


(empty version also saved as an attachment to this message)



PS. one last question, anyone know what "  " means? it appeared on the top of the front page all of a sudden.


Thanks again!



[attachment deleted by admin]

  • 3 weeks later...

 is what they call a BOM (byte-order mark).  Some programs add this to your file.  Some of them get read in by web browsers, some of them don't and it sometimes varies on browsers.  You either need to copy and paste your code into another program that does not create these (notepad is one) and resave the file to the type you are using (UTF-8 or charset...) or get a program that can detect them (do a search on google).


As for your script, there are so many that look similar if you search google, but all you have to pay for.  I suggest you polish up your skills on PHP and CSS because althought this is not an extremely hard change, it can be a bit time consuming to figure out certain aspects. 


What you need to do is start trying it yourself and ask specific questions that we will help you with.  Otherwise, you should pay someone to actually do it for you. 


Good luck with it. 



1. (most important) enlarge the flash game area when they are playing it... it's just really way too small. better yet I would like to be able to have a FULLSCREEN button available to the player but at the least double the size of the game.


you can use javascript to create a function that will resize the flash game to full size (100% width/height) and then at this function to your button.


2. make three rows of games on the front page rather than 2.


do this by creating a table with 3 rows instead of 2 - are you using a static table right now or does your php create the table you have right now (with 2 rows)?

In the html for the 'Mars Mission' game I grabbed the code below.  The 'object' tag is where the game plays and all the action takes place.  notice that 'width=' and 'height=' are part of the tag.  Those determine the size of the area and if you change them the size of the area will change.  Unfortunitely, the .swf files themselves may be limited in area and the change might not make the actual playing part bigger.


You can change the size of an 'object' on the fly using javascript by giving the 'object' tag an 'id=' tag and then writing javascript like this:

document.getElementById('theObjectId').style.width = '320px';
document.getElementById('theObjectId').style.height = '240px';

--you may have to do the above to the 'object' tag and the 'embed' tag which you notice also has 'height=' and 'width=' attributes

<p class="header">Other Games » Mars Mission</p>
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="640" height="480">
  <param name="movie" value="./swf/mars_stand_miniclip.swf" />
  <param name="quality" value="high" />
  <embed src="./swf/mars_stand_miniclip.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="480"></embed>

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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