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A little query help?


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Hey peeps, I just want to know if something is possible, particularly as I don't really know how to implement what I want...


Right, so I've got a table that i want to get pairs of unique records from 4 separate columns (its for 2 sets of peoples first & last names), named first1, last1, first2, last2. I want to be able to select unique variations of first & last for both, and then get a unique set of records covering both people.


I hope this makes sense :)


I'll give an example...


First/Last 1 we have: Jeff Beck, Jeff Buckley, Jeff Daniels

First/Last 2 we have: James Dean, Jeff Daniels, Paul Daniels


From the query I want 1 set of records to be: Jeff Beck, Jeff Buckley, Jeff Daniels, Paul Daniels, James Dean


Bearing in mind that the first/last names are in different columns of the table.


Any thoughts? Some kind of JOIN maybe (I've never used one before...)?

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With that structure I'd do it like this


$sql = "SELECT CONCAT(first1, ' ', last1) as name1, CONCAT(first2, ' ', last2) as name2
        FROM tablename";
$res = mysql_query($sql);

$names = array();
while (list($n1, $n2) = mysql_fetch_row($res))
    $names[] = $n1;
    $names[] = $n2;

$names = array_unique($names);


or you could try (untested)

(SELECT CONCAT(first1, ' ', last1) as name FROM tablename
    SELECT CONCAT(first2, ' ', last2) as name FROM tablename) as x
ORDER BY x.name

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Thanks for that!


I've gone with the UNION option (so I can keep the values of first1/last1 etc separate), although now I can't get the sorting I want to work.


My query is now this:


(SELECT last1, first1 FROM table WHERE last1 LIKE '$operator' ORDER BY last1) UNION (SELECT last2, first2 FROM table WHERE last2 LIKE '$operator' ORDER BY last2)


This gets all the data I need for my list, although I want to sort all the items together, not just have last1 a-z then last2 a-z, I want (last1 & 2) a-z.


I'm thinking of some kind of temporary table situation (which I read about optimizing in the mysql docs, but not actually how to go about it...). Any thoughts?

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I'm running MySQL 5.0.41, so that shouldn't be a problem should it?


With the query in my prev post running i get this response:



Mike Hodges

Charles Herman-Wurmfeld

Brian Helgeland

Stephen Herek

Amy Heckerling

John Hamburg

Guy Hamilton

Albert Hughes

Jared Hess

Walter Hill

Curtis Hanson

Renny Harlin

Allen Hughes


(It's a list of film directors in case you were wondering :))


The list should be sorted by the last name of all items going a-z, but it's not


What I was thinking, other than changing the query to do it for me, was either making a temp table and populating it with the results, then querying that table to get a properly sorted list, or populating an array with all the stuff and sorting that somehow...

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That works like a charm! Is there any way to still select first1, last1, first2, & last2 all as separate items though?


If not could I use the concatenated name to then make another search?


ie. SELECT * WHERE CONCAT(first1, ' ', last1) = $fullname OR CONCAT(first2, ' ', last2) = $fullname;

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