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As long as your file ends in a .php extension so that it will be parsed if someone browses to it, no one can see the code or data in the file (unless they have direct access to the file through FTP or direct access to your computer.)


Give it a try, browse to your file and see what you get.

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Well you could place a .htaccess file in that folder to deny access, or just simply place an blank index.html file in that folder so when a user goes directly to Www.sitename.com/grwgwgd all they'll get is a blank page, or if you go the .htaccess route a 403 Forbidden error.

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Try what PFMaBiSmAd suggested.


PHP is rendered server side, and anything between the <? and ?> brackets is NOT shown to the end user.


Your first question and second are two completed different things. PFMaBiSmAd answered your first question correctly.


Answer to your second question, create an .htaccess file.


1.) Open notepad

2.) copy and paste "Options -Indexes"

3.) save as .htaccess (make sure it's not saved with a .txt extension)

4.) move that file to your root (htdocs) folder

5.) open www.sitename.com/grwgwgd, you should get a 403 Access Forbidden error.

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No need for the php tags just the configuration code. Also the .htaccess has no filename eg: the following is incorrect: filename.htaccess


it's just .htaccess


When creating this file with Notepad, make sure the File Type pull down menu is set to All Files and not Text Document

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Exactly what wildteen88 said.


Kepp in mind though, if you put this .htaccess file in your root directory EVERY directory underneath it will be disallowed from giving a directory listing.









If you wanted to say, disallow directory display of all directories, except members, you'd make a .htaccess file with "Options +Indexes" and place it in the members. root & images would then be disallowed from showing the index, but members, and any subfolders contained within it, would show.


In short, .htaccess files cascade down the directory structure.

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If you have an index page, whether it is .php, .pl, .cfm or  whatever. the user will only be able to view that page. If they go to www.sitename.com/grwgwgd

it will automatically take them to www.sitename.com/grwgwgd/index.[extension], so they can't see the files in that folder.




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Now, go to www.sitename.com/grwgwgd/ and you should get the 404 Error.


If you dont get anything, check you .htaccess file, it should have just

Options -Indexes

As you can see, if only has one space, then save the file with .htaccess and upload it, then go to www.sitename.com/grwgwgd/ it should work now

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