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Hi all, I am new here :-)


I am working with joomla and have this code:


$sqlb = "SELECT a.id AS eventid"
		. "\nFROM #__eventlist_dates AS a"
		. "\nLEFT JOIN #__eventlist_locate AS b ON b.id = a.locid"
		. "\nLEFT JOIN #__eventlist_categories AS c ON c.id = a.catsid"
		. "\nWHERE a.published = 1"
		. "\nAND c.access <= $my->gid"
		. "\n$tf ".$sc
		. "\nORDER BY a.dates, a.times"
		. "\nLIMIT 0, $mcount";

			$rowsb = $database->loadObjectList();

			//echo count($rowsb);

			for ($i=0;$i<count($rowsb);$i++) {


					foreach ($ani as $b) {
						  $anib	= array($b);
							  echo $b;





That prints me the id of the items that are present in the database and all is ok.


Problem: I am trying to take each one of the results and insets them separately into a var, but I just don't know how to do that.

The ultimate goal is to be able to pass that var to another php script (maybe via cookie? I don't know - need help in that too).


Q: Can any one help?



// When I write this line I get a full result:









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It's much easier to just pass around $ani, which has all the values you need. Anytime you need to call a $ani element, just use $ani['needed_value'] and there you go...


To pass to another script... I'm not familiar with Joomla, but most CMS type apps have a certain set of initialization lines to make a page "start up", which also populates certain important variables and arrays. So, if your custom page uses that same "start up" process, you'll also get the necessary variables right up front. At any rate, you can pass $ani in directly using a variety of methods, or it's created during a start up, initialize the start up. We'd need more information if you can't figure it out from there...



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