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i'm really very new to creating php functions and i'm attempting one at the moment...


function getInfo($name) {
  $info = explode('!',$name, 2);
  $user = str_replace(":", '', $info[0]);
  $user = trim($user);
  $address = trim($info[1]);


and then in my php code i put...



$ex[0] returns as  :Kingy!k1hosting@csops.bitsjoint.net


so what i want the function to do is


explode $ex[0] into two.. so it will end up as :Kingy and k1hosting@csops.bitsjoint.net

then i want it to replace : with nothing so i can get just straight Kingy

and then just to trim both the user and address.


and then i want to be able to just echo both $user and $address

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When learning programming, trying something is a great way to learn.


This part is the function definition -


function testfunc($test)
  echo "this is $test";


You can call it any way you want in the program. Note: You would need to use quotes around a parameter to make it a string -







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thats weird because with my little test code i have...


//i have more code than this, but this is the important stuff.

function test($name)
  echo "$name";
  fputs($conn,"PRIVMSG #Lobby User: $name \r\n");

  if($cmd == ":`test") 



That is the code that i am trying to work with, once i can get this function working ill move on to the rest...


The code below will work

//the rest of everything up here minus the function

  if($cmd == ":`test")
    $name = 'Kingy';
    fputs($conn,"PRIVMSG #Lobby User: $name \r\n");


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sorry i havn't posted the error i get



Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\xampp\htdocs\bot.php on line 18


as u can see.. it echos 'Kingy' like it should do, but it doesn't seem to want to fput it in

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thats exactly what i want!!! Thank you PhREEEk


My next question is.. :)


can i do something like this


function test(...) {

  $somevar = something;



then somewhere else in the code just type


echo "$somevar";


?? or do i have to echo it in the function ()

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Variables created inside the function are lost when the function is exited. You can, however, RETURN the value and assign it to a variable, like so:


function someFunction($name) {
    global $conn;
    // some stuff
    // more stuff
    $someVar = 'some stuff';
    return $someVar;


echo "someVar = $someVar<br>"; // prints someVar =   nothing... because someVar doesn't exist
$someVar = someFunction('a_name');
echo "someVar = $someVar<br>"; // prints someVar = some stuff



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so if i did this..

function splitinfo($name) {
  $info = explode("!", '', $name);
  $user = $info[0];
  $address = $info[1]

  RETURN $user;
  RETURN $address;

//ex[0] looks like Kingy!k1hosting@address.com so really $user = Kingy and $address = k1hosting@address.com
echo "$user";
echo "$address";


so would that work? or no

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Nope, you can only return one value, and you have to assign it to a variable. If you have more than one value to return, you can return it as an array, then access the elements or loop over it, etc...


function splitinfo($name) {
  $info = explode("!", '', $name);
  $user = $info[0];
  $address = $info[1]

  RETURN array($user, $address);

$splitInfo = splitinfo($ex[0]);
//ex[0] looks like Kingy!k1hosting@address.com so really $user = Kingy and $address = k1hosting@address.com
echo $splitInfo[0];
echo $splitInfo[1];




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ok thanks for all your help. Topic solved. if i have any more issues later i'll create a new topic, but i should be all good for now. Thanks!


All right then, I think you've learned a few things about using a function. Just a note to not go crazy with them. There are fairly specific reasons for using them, and they are not designed to replace normal body of code. Basically, if you find yourself typing the same block of code over and over again, it's probably time to put that code in a function. Also, functions work great for doing very specific or specialized things. Sometimes they return values, other times they don't. They are only a tool, not the entire tool box! Good luck man!



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well it sounds like i needa use it then because for every command i need to explode $ex[0] into user and address, trim both of them down, connect to mysql and check whether or not the user and address is in the database, and only then can they operate the command :)


thanks again

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