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[SOLVED] some php maths stuff


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hi guys im making a simple rating system and i need a way to work out the percentage,

when a user votes

get what i mean?

and so the script will be something like

//Retrieve Vote
$vote = $_GET['vote'];
  //Retrieve current value
$game = $_GET['game'];
    global $database;
    $q = "SELECT * FROM " . Games . "
          WHERE gName = '$game'
          ORDER BY `gName` ASC
    $result = $database->query($q) or die("Error: " . mysql_error());
    /* Error occurred, return given name by default */
    $num_rows = mysql_numrows($result);
    if( $num_rows == 0 ){
      return 'Game Not Found!';
    while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ) {
    $current = $row[RId];
    $votes = $row[Votes];
//End current value
//What vote
if ($vote = down) {
        function down($current, $votes)
    $new = $current/$votes;
    echo $new;
down()} elseif ($vote = up) {
    function up($current, $votes)
    $new = $current/$votes;
    echo $new;
} else {
    echo "Hmm... your vote wasnt cast for some reason";


would this work?

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well acctually lets scrap the db stuff for now so use;

//Retrieve Vote
$vote = $_GET['vote'];
  //Retrieve current value
$game = $_GET['game'];
    global $database;
    $q = "SELECT * FROM " . Games . "
          WHERE gName = '$game'
          ORDER BY `gName` ASC
    $result = $database->query($q) or die("Error: " . mysql_error());
    /* Error occurred, return given name by default */
    $num_rows = mysql_numrows($result);
    if( $num_rows == 0 ){
      return 'Game Not Found!';
    while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ) {
    $current = $row[RId];
    $votes = $row[Votes];
//End current value
//What vote
if ($vote = down) {
        function down($current, $votes)
    $new = $current/$votes;
    echo $new;
down()} elseif ($vote = up) {
    function up($current, $votes)
    $new = $current/$votes;
    echo $new;
} else {
    echo "Hmm... your vote wasnt cast for some reason";

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hmm ok well using this:

//Retrieve Vote
$current = 5;
    $votes = 22;
$vote = $_GET['vote'];
  //Retrieve current value

//End current value
//What vote
if ($vote = down) {
        function down()
global $current;
global $votes;
    $new = $current/$votes;
    echo $new;
}  elseif ($vote = up) {
    function up()
global $current;
global $votes;
    $new = $current/$votes;
    echo $new;
} else {
    echo "Hmm... your vote wasnt cast for some reason";

i get 19.0476190476

using url test.php?vote=up

and test.php?vote=down

and test.php

they all get the same result

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ok i got it working with:

//Retrieve Vote
$vote = $_GET['vote'];
$current = 5;
    $votes = 22;
function down()
global $current;
global $votes;
    $new = $current/$votes;
    echo $new;
function up()
global $current;
global $votes;
    $new = $current/$votes;
    echo $new;

  //Retrieve current value

//End current value
//What vote
if ($vote==down) {
}  elseif ($vote==up) {
} else {
    echo "Hmm... your vote wasnt cast for some reason";

but is there any way to round it to the closest whole number?

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Right, i'll be honest, I haven't read through your whole code yet cause you and yourself seem to be doing alright so far and posting faster than I can read.


Couldn't you use ceil() to round up a number to the next integer number...




Sorry, I might be on the completely wrong track here but that's what i would do...

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ok thats good to hear,

i am not bothering with the rounding now,

but now i am trying to use this:

if ($new<=19.5) {
      ?><img src="star/1star.png" width="130" height="25"><?php
}  elseif ($new>=19.6&&$new>=39.5) { ?>
<img src="star/2star.png" width="130" height="25">
<?php }
elseif ($new>=39.6&&$new>=59.5) { ?>
<img src="star/3star.png" width="130" height="25">
<?php }
elseif ($new>=59.6&&$new>=79.5) { ?>
<img src="star/4star.png" width="130" height="25">
<?php }
elseif ($new>=79.6) { ?>
<img src="star/5star.png" width="130" height="25">
<?php }
else {
    echo "Hmm we have no vote...";


but no matter what $new equals it always shows as one star,

any ideas?

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