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[SOLVED] Unexpected T_ELSE


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I get an unexpected T_ELSE on line 42


$ID = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
echo "You must be logged in to view this page";
$Result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'") or die (mysql_error());
while($Rows = mysql_fetch_array($Result))
echo "Announcer: The Pokébowl, who'll win it tonight folks? Over here we have the Charmanders!<br />
Captain: Char, Charmander *LETS GET HIM GUYS!*<br />
Announcer: And over here we have.. The Squirtles!<br />
Captain2: SQUIRT, SQUIRTLE!! *C'MON! BRING IT ON!*<br />
Announcer2: This will be a big game! Two rivals in the final match! Go go go!<br />
58 minutes later..<br />
Announcer: This si a close one! 48-48 Tie game! The Squirtle captain ahs the ball! Hes going in for the kill! The 30, the 20, the 10, the 5! TOUCHDOWN!<br />
Announcer2: That was some game, bob!<br />
Announcer: Yes it was, Jim! 48- 54!<br />
Jimmy: That was a good game. but I think you should go home now.<br />
<form method='post'>
<input type='submit' name='home' value='Head Home'></form>";
echo "Jimmy: Hi, " . $Rows['username'] . "I'm heading to the Pokébowl later, wanna come? I got tickets! Front row center!<br />"
. $Rows['username'] . ": Nah. I promised I'd help my mom with some chores..<br />
Jimmy: Aw! On Pokébowl night! C'mon! You gotta come!<br />"
. $Rows['username'] . ": Hmm.. I guess my mom wouldn't mind. Okay, I'll go!<br />
<form method='post'>
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='proceed'></form>";
echo "Blah";
echo "Blah 2";


I just cant seem to find out why.. Help?

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Indenting your code will make it a lot easier to find the problem.


Your not closing your bracket to this line

while ($Rows = mysql_fetch_array($Result)) {


Or this line

if ($Rows['story_area']=="1") {


Here is an indented version of your code



$ID = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
if (!isset($ID)) {
    echo "You must be logged in to view this page";
$Result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'") or die(mysql_error());
while ($Rows = mysql_fetch_array($Result)) {
    if ($Rows['story_area']=="1") {
        if ($Rows['gender']=="Male") {
            if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                echo "Announcer: The Pokébowl, who'll win it tonight folks? Over here we have the Charmanders!<br />
                Captain: Char, Charmander *LETS GET HIM GUYS!*<br />
                Announcer: And over here we have.. The Squirtles!<br />
                Captain2: SQUIRT, SQUIRTLE!! *C'MON! BRING IT ON!*<br />
                Announcer2: This will be a big game! Two rivals in the final match! Go go go!<br />
                58 minutes later..<br />
                Announcer: This si a close one! 48-48 Tie game! The Squirtle captain ahs the ball! Hes going in for the kill! The 30, the 20, the 10, the 5! TOUCHDOWN!<br />
                Announcer2: That was some game, bob!<br />
                Announcer: Yes it was, Jim! 48- 54!<br />
                Jimmy: That was a good game. but I think you should go home now.<br />
                <form method='post'>
                <input type='submit' name='home' value='Head Home'></form>";
            } else {
                echo "Jimmy: Hi, " . $Rows['username'] . "I'm heading to the Pokébowl later, wanna come? I got tickets! Front row center!<br />"
                . $Rows['username'] . ": Nah. I promised I'd help my mom with some chores..<br />
Jimmy: Aw! On Pokébowl night! C'mon! You gotta come!<br />"
                . $Rows['username'] . ": Hmm.. I guess my mom wouldn't mind. Okay, I'll go!<br />
                <form method='post'>
                <input type='submit' name='submit' value='proceed'></form>";
            } else {
                echo "Blah";
            } else {
                echo "Blah 2";


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Try changing your code to this



$ID = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
if (!isset($ID)) {
    echo "You must be logged in to view this page";
$Result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'") or die(mysql_error());
while ($Rows = mysql_fetch_array($Result)) {
    if ($Rows['story_area']=="1") {
        if ($Rows['gender']=="Male") {
            if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                echo "Announcer: The Pokébowl, who'll win it tonight folks? Over here we have the Charmanders!<br />
                Captain: Char, Charmander *LETS GET HIM GUYS!*<br />
                Announcer: And over here we have.. The Squirtles!<br />
                Captain2: SQUIRT, SQUIRTLE!! *C'MON! BRING IT ON!*<br />
                Announcer2: This will be a big game! Two rivals in the final match! Go go go!<br />
                58 minutes later..<br />
                Announcer: This si a close one! 48-48 Tie game! The Squirtle captain ahs the ball! Hes going in for the kill! The 30, the 20, the 10, the 5! TOUCHDOWN!<br />
                Announcer2: That was some game, bob!<br />
                Announcer: Yes it was, Jim! 48- 54!<br />
                Jimmy: That was a good game. but I think you should go home now.<br />
                <form method='post'>
                <input type='submit' name='home' value='Head Home'></form>";
            } else {
                echo "Jimmy: Hi, " . $Rows['username'] . "I'm heading to the Pokébowl later, wanna come? I got tickets! Front row center!<br />"
                . $Rows['username'] . ": Nah. I promised I'd help my mom with some chores..<br />
Jimmy: Aw! On Pokébowl night! C'mon! You gotta come!<br />"
                . $Rows['username'] . ": Hmm.. I guess my mom wouldn't mind. Okay, I'll go!<br />
                <form method='post'>
                <input type='submit' name='submit' value='proceed'></form>";
            } else {
                echo "Blah";
            } else {
                echo "Blah 2";


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