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"Edit" mode on a form, input variables into form fields.


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Hey everyone, this is one of those situations where I feel like the solution should be very simple, and I'm going about it in a complex way.  (Par for the course for me!)


The entire page is driven by ajax (definitely more of an experiement than a necessity) but the problem that I'm facing is how do I populate the form fields when I go into edit mode?  Text input boxes, and a textarea is easy enough (tho with the textarea I need to remove the <br> and replace them with newlines...when posting a new job I do it with Javascript, I'm pretty confident I can do the reverse.


What I need is a way to select the value on the dropdown boxes =)  The data that I'm working with is coming form a database, and I have all the form fields saved to a session variable after a job is selected.


Hopefully this makes sense?  If so, I'd really appreciate a push in the right direction.  I'm not sure if the solution to my problem is javascript, or PHP - so if this isn't a PHP question then I appologize!



:: Edit :: ignore "POOPLOL" on the input field for jobname.  That was me using a JS function to write the data (an experiment) and most of my test variables/experiments are juvenile.  I can just use <? php echo $_SESSION['jobname'] ?> in the VALUE field there.


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Nevermind, was looking for an overcomplicated solution to a simple problem.


<select id='salary'>
<option value='<?php echo $_SESSION['salary']; ?>' selected><?php echo $_SESSION['salary']; ?></option>
     echo "<option value='30k'>$20,000-$30,000</option>
       echo "<option value='negotiable'>Negotiable</option>";


Kind of ugly and not elegant, but it works :)

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