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[SOLVED] Creating a MYSQL database and then uploading a sql file to it


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I assume you know mysql_connect, so there's your connection. You use a CREATE query to make a new database, but without knowing your hosting situation, I cannot guarantee it will work (you need GRANT CREATE permissions to do it).


All of this can be done by installing phpMyAdmin, and this all then becomes extremely simple...


Using PHP to read in SQL statements, then INSERT them is not an easy script to do. You would end up re-writing phpMyAdmin (or at least the Import module within it).



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PHP has some nifty functions for mysql.

One of them is mysql_createdb, this should come in handly.

I would however, suggest you use the mysql_query to make a database, it will give you much more controll over the process.

Executing a SQL file to the database should be relativley easy, you just need to make an array of the file and loop trough it.



$connection = mysql_connect('host','user','passwd');
if (!empty($connection)) {
  mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE `db`");
  mysql_query("USE `db`");
  $file = file_get_contents('db.sql');
  $array = split(';', $file);
  foreach($array as $line) {
     if (!empty(mysql_query("$line"))
       echo 'Executed: ' . $line . '<br>';
       echo '<b>Failed: ' . $line . '</b><br>';
 echo 'Could not connect to database';

Edit: just make sure you set the right mysql delimiter..


just to give you an idea.

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Umm i tried the script but it didnt work it came up with this error

Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in C:\xampp\htdocs\createdatabase\makedb-insert-data.php on line 10


This is my final script because i might of changed something i shouldnt of


$connection = mysql_connect('localhost','MYUSERNAME','MYPASSWORD');
if (!empty($connection)) {
   mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE `database`");
   mysql_query("USE `database`");
   $file = file_get_contents('database.sql');
   $array = split(';', $file);
   foreach($array as $line) {
      if (!empty(mysql_query("$line"))
        echo 'Executed: ' . $line . '<br>';
        echo '<b>Failed: ' . $line . '</b><br>';
  echo 'Could not connect to database';

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Try removing the quotes..


$connection = mysql_connect('localhost','MYUSERNAME','MYPASSWORD');
if (!empty($connection)) {
mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE `database`");
mysql_query("USE `database`");
$file = file_get_contents('database.sql');
$array = split(';', $file);
foreach($array as $line) {
if (!empty(mysql_query($line))
echo 'Executed: ' . $line . '<br>';
echo '<b>Failed: ' . $line . '</b><br>';
echo 'Could not connect to database';

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yes i do have a database,sql script in the directory

this is it

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 2.11.1
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Dec 29, 2007 at 10:32 AM
-- Server version: 5.0.45
-- PHP Version: 5.2.4


-- Database: `prelink`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `prelink`

CREATE TABLE `prelink` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `url` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `description` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `prelink`

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try this please then add the detection off the file.sql


// database connection...

// 1. Conection  2. Username 3. Password


// 1. The $query 2. CREATE DATABASE 3. databse name


$query='CREATE DATABASE '.$db_name.' ';

$result=mysql_query($query)or die('<center><b>Database exists please delete database or change database name</b></center>');

mysql_select_db('database_test',$db)or die('could not select database');

$result="mysql_query(CREATE TABLE members('id INT',$db)or die('Table error')";



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Using PHP to read in SQL statements, then INSERT them is not an easy script to do.




If it was, I would have just offered a script. It's not impossible by any means, I've written a few customized ones, but it's what I consider to be beyond a 'Forum Fixer', so good luck with it...



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Found this function in one of the scripts that i have that auto imports db files. you can try to disect it and see what you get

function mysql_restore($host, $name, $pass, $database, $file)
	mysql_connect ($host, $name, $pass) or die ("Could not connect to the Database");
	mysql_select_db($database)  or die ("Could not choose a Database");
    mysql_query("SET NAMES '".$this->charset."'");

		if(preg_match("/^(.+?)\.sql(\.(bz2|gz))?$/", $file, $matches)) {
			if (isset($matches[3]) && $matches[3] == 'bz2') {
			    $this->SET['comp_method'] = 2;
			elseif (isset($matches[2]) &&$matches[3] == 'gz'){
				$this->SET['comp_method'] = 1;
				$this->SET['comp_method'] = 0;
			$this->SET['comp_level'] = '';
			if (!file_exists($file))    die("File not found!");

	$fp = $this->fn_open($file, "r");
	$this->file_cache = $sql = $table = $insert = '';
        $is_skd = $query_len = $execute = $q =$t = $i = $aff_rows = 0;
		$limit = 300;
        $index = 4;
		$tabs = 0;
		$cache = '';
		$info = array();

		while(($str = $this->fn_read_str($fp)) !== false){
			if (empty($str) || preg_match("/^(#|--)/", $str)) {
				if (!$is_skd && preg_match("/^#SKD101\|/", $str)) {
				    $info = explode("|", $str);
					$is_skd = 1;
			$query_len += strlen($str);

			if (!$insert && preg_match("/^(INSERT INTO `?([^` ]+)`? .*?VALUES)(.*)$/i", $str, $m)) {
				if ($table != $m[2]) {
				    $table = $m[2];
					$i = 0;
        	    $insert = $m[1] . ' ';
				$sql .= $m[3];
				$info[$index] = isset($info[$index]) ? $info[$index] : 0;
				$limit = round($info[$index] / 20);
				$limit = $limit < 300 ? 300 : $limit;
				if ($info[$index] > $limit){
					$cache = '';
        		$sql .= $str;
				if ($insert) {

			if (!$insert && preg_match("/^CREATE TABLE (IF NOT EXISTS )?`?([^` ]+)`?/i", $str, $m) && $table != $m[2]){
				$table = $m[2];
				$insert = '';
				$cache .= "Table `{$table}`.";
				$i = 0;
			if ($sql) {
			    if (preg_match("/;$/", $str)) {
            		$sql = rtrim($insert . $sql, ";");
            		$insert = '';
            	    $execute = 1;
            	if ($query_len >= 65536 && preg_match("/,$/", $str)) {
            		$sql = rtrim($insert . $sql, ",");
            	    $execute = 1;
    			if ($execute) {
            		mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error ("Wrong Query.<BR>" . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
					if (preg_match("/^insert/i", $sql)) {
            		    $aff_rows += mysql_affected_rows();
            		$sql = '';
            		$query_len = 0;
            		$execute = 0;

    return true;

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i was just teaching my self some mysql with php

here what i got so far if it helps........


// database connection

//create database
$query='CREATE DATABASE database_connection';
$result=mysql_query($query)or die('<center><b>Database exists please delete database or change database name</b></center>');

//select database

$sql = 'CREATE TABLE `zones` (
        `zdesc` VARCHAR( 150 ) NOT NULL,
        `zwidth` SMALLINT( 3 ) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
        `zheight` SMALLINT( 3 ) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
        `zmax` MEDIUMINT(7) unsigned NOT NULL default 12288,
        PRIMARY KEY ( `zid` )

//query database
mysql_query( $sql, $db );

  $result5="SHOW COLUMNS FROM zones";
  $result6=mysql_query($result5)or die('error on show columns');
  	for($i=0; $i<count($row); $i++){
  	echo "<br>$row[$i] <br>";

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try this please then add the detection off the file.sql


// database connection...

// 1. Conection  2. Username 3. Password


// 1. The $query 2. CREATE DATABASE 3. databse name


$query='CREATE DATABASE '.$db_name.' ';

$result=mysql_query($query)or die('<center><b>Database exists please delete database or change database name</b></center>');

mysql_select_db('database_test',$db)or die('could not select database');

$result="mysql_query(CREATE TABLE members('id INT',$db)or die('Table error')";



Im confused at what that has to do with my script?

The script I have now makes the database (whoops should of told you that) but it doesnt insert the SQL file into it?

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