mccdave Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 Hi I am really stuck with this! I am making a site for my local Community Centre. A friend of mine has written a guestbook that i have adapted to use as a fom of content management. You can login and post page changes.... the site is the login is admin. My problem is I need to be able to enable users to move enteries. EG if they put in a new entry for say a Monday it may appear below Wednesday. I need to have a button etc to move Mon up above Wed etc. Any ideas would be great. I know im asking alot, basically for someone to do it for me, but it is in a good cause!! Many thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wildteen88 Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 How is the content being stored? Looking at the admin page you're using a flat file database. Without seeing your code I can't really provide any code. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccdave Posted December 29, 2007 Author Share Posted December 29, 2007 Thanks for the response wildteen! Heres the code: Sorry its the whole thing, but i have no idea which bit i should send you. If you can help that would be superb!! Thanks again. Dave <?php ob_start(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- #Layer1 { position:absolute; left:132px; top:148px; width:542px; height:308px; z-index:1; } --> </style> <link href="../testing.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- #Layer2 { position:absolute; left:429px; top:34px; width:243px; height:224px; z-index:2; } --> </style> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_reloadPage(init) { //reloads the window if Nav4 resized if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) { document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }} else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload(); } MM_reloadPage(true); //--> </script> <div id="Layer1" class="guestbooktext"> <?php define('ADMIN_USER', 'admin'); define('ADMIN_PASS', 'admin'); define('GB_FILE', 'gb.dat'); define('DATE_FORMAT', ''); define('MAX_PER_PAGE', 5); define('MAX_NAME_LEN', 32); define('MIN_MESG_LEN', 3); define('MAX_MESG_LEN', 60000); define('POST_TIME', 5); define('ALLOW_URLS', false); define('SELF', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); /*================================*\ -- end user variables -- \*================================*/ define('FUNC', isset($_GET['func']) ? $_GET['func'] : NULL); define('P', isset($_GET['p']) ? (int) $_GET['p'] : 1); if (FUNC == 'logout') { echo '<p>You are logged out.</p>'; setcookie ('password', ''); unset($_COOKIE['password'], $password); } if (isset($_POST['password'])) { $password = md5($_POST['password']); if ($password == md5(ADMIN_PASS)) { setcookie('password', $password); } } else { $password = isset($_COOKIE['password']) ? $_COOKIE['password'] : NULL; } ob_end_flush(); switch (FUNC) { /*================================*\ -- default -- \*================================*/ default: if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo '<p>failed to open: '.GB_FILE.'</p>'; break; } $i = 0; $data = NULL; $to_show = (P * MAX_PER_PAGE) - MAX_PER_PAGE; if (P > 1) echo '<p><b>Page '.P.'</b></p>'; while (!feof($fp)) { $i++; if ($i > ($to_show + MAX_PER_PAGE)) break; $data = fgets($fp, 4096); if (empty($data)) break; if ($i > $to_show) { list ($date, $name, $mesg, $ip) = str_replace('\|', '|', preg_split('/(?<!\\\)(\|)/', $data)); echo ("\n<p><b>$name</b> ".date(DATE_FORMAT, $date)."<br />$mesg</p>"); } } if ($i > MAX_PER_PAGE) { $line_count = substr_count(fread($fp, filesize(GB_FILE)), "\n") + $i; $line_count = ceil($line_count / MAX_PER_PAGE); $s = 1; $f = $line_count + 1; echo "\n".'<p>Page: # '; if ($line_count > MAX_PER_PAGE) { if (P < 6) { $s = 1; $f = 10; } elseif (($line_count-P) < 6) { $s = $line_count - 8; $f = $line_count; } else { $s = P -3; $f = $s + 8; } echo (P > 5) ? ' <a href="'.SELF.'">1</a>-' : NULL; } for ($k=$s; $k<$f; $k++) { echo ($k == P) ? "$k " : "<a href=\"".SELF."?p=$k\">$k</a> "; } echo ($k <= $line_count) ? "of <a href=\"".SELF."?p=$line_count\">$line_count</a></p>" : '</p>'; } fclose($fp); break; /*================================*\ -- sign -- \*================================*/ case 'sign': $name = (isset($_POST['name'])) ? strip_chars($_POST['name']) : NULL; $mesg = (isset($_POST['mesg'])) ? strip_chars($_POST['mesg']) : NULL; $naughty = array("fuck", "shit", "piss", "bollocks", "cunt", "asshole", "Fuck", "Shit", "Piss", "Bollocks", "Cunt", "Asshole", "FUCK", "SHIT", "PISS", "BOLLOCKS", "CUNT", "ASSHOLE",); $mesg = str_replace($naughty, "*****", $mesg); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $errors = NULL; $now = time(); $name_len = strlen($name); $mesg_len = strlen($mesg); if ($name) { if ($name_len > MAX_NAME_LEN) { $errors = '- Name is too long, '.$name_len.' (Max: '.MAX_NAME_LEN.')<br />'; } } else { $errors = '- Title field is empty<br />'; } if ($mesg) { if ($mesg_len > MAX_MESG_LEN) { $errors.= '- Message is too long, '.$mesg_len.' (Max: '.MAX_MESG_LEN.')<br />'; } elseif ($mesg_len < MIN_MESG_LEN) { $errors.= '- Message is too short (Min: '.MIN_MESG_LEN.')<br />'; } } else { $errors.= '- Text field is empty<br />'; } if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading, check location and file permissions.'; break; } list($date, , , $ip) = fgetcsv($fp, 4096, '|'); fclose($fp); if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $ip && $now < $date+POST_TIME) { $errors.= 'You are trying to post to soon after your last message'; } if ($errors) { echo '<p>'.$errors.'</p>'; } else { if ($name == ADMIN_USER) { if (@$_POST['pass'] != ADMIN_PASS && $password != md5(ADMIN_PASS)) { echo '<p>This username requires a password</p>'; echo '<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=sign"><p><input type="password" name="pass" size="20" /> <input type="submit" value="Add" name="submit" /><input type="hidden" name="name" value="'.$name.'" /><input type="hidden" name="mesg" value="'.$mesg.'" /></p></form>'; break; } } $filesize = filesize(GB_FILE); $filesize = (empty($filesize)) ? 1024 : $filesize; if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r+')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading and writing, check location and file permissions.'; break; } $data = fread($fp, $filesize); rewind($fp); fwrite($fp, "$now|".str_replace("\n", NULL, str_replace('|', '\|', $name)).' |'.str_replace("\n", '<br />', bbcode($mesg)).' |'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'|'); if (! empty($data)) fwrite($fp, "\n". $data); fclose($fp); echo '<p>Your message has been added<br />Go to the <a href="'.SELF.'">main</a> page to view it</p>'; break; } } echo "\n".'<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=sign"><p><label for="name">Title:</label><br /><input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="24" /><br /><label for="mesg">Text:</label> <a href="'.SELF.'?func=bbcode"></a><br /><textarea name="mesg" id="mesg" cols="20" rows="4">'.$mesg.'</textarea><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add" /></p></form>'; break; /*================================*\ -- admin -- \*================================*/ case 'admin': if ($password == md5(ADMIN_PASS)) { if (isset($_GET['d'])) { /*================================*\ -- admin delete -- \*================================*/ if (isset($_GET['c'])) { if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading , check location and file permissions.'; break; } $output = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4096); if (substr($line, 0, 10) == $_GET['d']) { $output .= fread($fp, filesize(GB_FILE)); fclose($fp); if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'w')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for writing, check location and file permissions.'; break; } fwrite($fp, $output); fclose($fp); echo '<p>Text has been <b>deleted</b>.<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page<br /></p>'; break 2; } else { $output .= $line; } } fclose($fp); echo '<p>There was an error deleting this post, it doesn\'t seem to exist<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page and try again</p>'; } if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading, check location and file permissions.'; break; } while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4906); if (substr($line, 0, 10) == $_GET['d']) { list($date, $name, $mesg) = explode ('|', $line); echo '<p>Are you sure you want to delete this entry?</p>'; echo '<p><b>'.$name.'</b> - on '.date(DATE_FORMAT, $date).'<br />'.$mesg.'</p>'; echo '<p><a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin&d='.$_GET['d'].'&c=1">Yes</a> - <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">No</a></p>'; break 2; } } fclose($fp); echo '<p>There was an error finding this post, it doesn\'t seem to exist<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page and try again</p>'; } elseif (isset($_GET['e'])) { /*================================*\ -- admin edit -- \*================================*/ if (isset($_GET['c'])) { $name = (isset($_POST['name'])) ? strip_chars($_POST['name']) : NULL; $mesg = (isset($_POST['mesg'])) ? strip_chars($_POST['mesg']) : NULL; $errors = NULL; $name_len = strlen($name); $mesg_len = strlen($mesg); if ($name) { if ($name_len > MAX_NAME_LEN) { $errors = '- Name is too long, '.$name_len.' (Max: '.MAX_NAME_LEN.')<br />'; } } else { $errors = '- Title field is empty<br />'; } if ($mesg) { if ($mesg_len > MAX_MESG_LEN) { $errors.= '- Message is too long, '.$mesg_len.' (Max: '.MAX_MESG_LEN.')<br />'; } elseif ($mesg_len < MIN_MESG_LEN) { $errors.= '- Message is too short (Min: '.MIN_MESG_LEN.')<br />'; } } else { $errors.= '- Text field is empty<br />'; } if ($errors) { echo '<p>'.$errors.'</p>'; } else { if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading, check location and file permissions.'; break; } $output = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4096); if (substr($line, 0, 10) == $_GET['e']) { list($date, , , $ip) = str_replace('\|', '|', preg_split("/(?<!\\\)(\|)/", $line)); $output .= $date.'|'.str_replace("\n", NULL, str_replace('|', '\|', $name)).' |'.str_replace("\n", '<br />', bbcode($mesg)).' |'.$ip."|\n".fread($fp, filesize(GB_FILE)); fclose($fp); $fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $output); fclose($fp); echo '<p>Text has been <b>edited</b>.<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page<br /></p>'; break 2; } else { $output .= $line; } } fclose($fp); echo '<p>There was an error finding this post, it doesn\'t seem to exist<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page and try again</p>'; } } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo "\n".'<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=admin&e='.$_GET['e'].'&c=1"><p><label for="name">Title:</label><br /><input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="24" /><br /><label for="mesg">Text:</label> <a href="'.SELF.'?func=bbcode"></a><br /><textarea name="mesg" id="mesg" cols="20" rows="4">'.$mesg.'</textarea><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Edit" /></p></form>'; break; } if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading, check location and file permissions.'; break; } while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4906); if (substr($line, 0, 10) == $_GET['e']) { list(, $name, $mesg) = str_replace('\|', '|', preg_split("/(?<!\\\)(\|)/", $line)); $mesg = preg_replace("(\<b\>(.+?)\<\/b>)is", "[b]$1[/b]", $mesg); $mesg = preg_replace("(\<i\>(.+?)\<\/i\>)is", "[i]$1[/i]", $mesg); $mesg = preg_replace("(\<u\>(.+?)\<\/u\>)is", "[u]$1[/u]", $mesg); $mesg = preg_replace("(\<del\>(.+?)\<\/del\>)is", "[s]$1[/s]", $mesg); $mesg = str_replace('<br />', "\n", $mesg); $mesg = strip_tags($mesg); echo "\n".'<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=admin&e='.$_GET['e'].'&c=1"><p><label for="name">Title:</label><br /><input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="24" /><br /><label for="mesg">Text:</label> <a href="'.SELF.'?func=bbcode"></a><br /><textarea name="mesg" id="mesg" cols="20" rows="4">'.$mesg.'</textarea><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Edit" /></p></form>'; break 2; } } fclose($fp); echo '<p>There was an error finding this post, it doesn\'t seem to exist<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page and try again</p>'; } else { /*================================*\ -- admin default -- \*================================*/ $gb_size = filesize(GB_FILE); echo '<p>======================<br />'; echo 'file size: '.round($gb_size / 1024, 1).'KB<br />'; echo '<br />======================</p>'; echo '<p><a href="'.SELF.'">View Text</a> - <a href="'.SELF.'?func=sign">Add Text</a></p>'; if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading and writing, check location and file permissions.'; break; } $i = 0; $data = NULL; $to_show = (P * MAX_PER_PAGE) - MAX_PER_PAGE; if (P > 1) echo '<p><b>Page '.P.'</b></p>'; while (!feof($fp)) { $i++; if ($i > ($to_show + MAX_PER_PAGE)) break; $data = fgets($fp, 4096); if (empty($data)) break; if ($i > $to_show) { list ($date, $name, $mesg, $ip) = str_replace('\|', '|', preg_split("/(?<!\\\)(\|)/", $data)); echo ("\n<p><a href=\"".SELF."?func=admin&e=$date\">[edit]</a> <a href=\"".SELF."?func=admin&d=$date\">[delete]</a> <a href=\"$ip\">[whois]</a><br /><span><b>$name</b> on ".date(DATE_FORMAT, $date)."</span><br />$mesg</p>"); } } if ($i > MAX_PER_PAGE) { $line_count = substr_count(fread($fp, $gb_size), "\n") + $i; $line_count = ceil($line_count / MAX_PER_PAGE); $s = 1; $f = $line_count + 1; echo "\n".'<p>Page: # '; if ($line_count > MAX_PER_PAGE) { if (P < 6) { $s = 1; $f = 10; } elseif (($line_count-P) < 6) { $s = $line_count - 8; $f = $line_count; } else { $s = P -3; $f = $s + 8; } echo (P > 5) ? ' <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">1</a>-' : NULL; } for ($k=$s; $k<=$f; $k++) { echo ($k == P) ? "$k " : "<a href=\"".SELF."?func=admin&p=$k\">$k</a> "; } echo ($k <= $line_count) ? "of <a href=\"".SELF."?func=admin&p=$line_count\">$line_count</a></p>" : '</p>'; } fclose($fp); } } else { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) echo '<p>Sorry wrong password</p>'; echo "\n".'<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=admin"><p><input type="password" name="password" size="20" /> <input type="submit" value="Login" name="submit" /></p></form>'; } break; /*================================*\ -- BBCode -- \*================================*/ case 'bbcode': echo ' <p>BBCode is a way of putting special effects into your text. The allowed BBCode is:</p> <ul> <li>[b]<b>bold</b>[/b]</li> <li>[i]<i>italic</i>[/i]</li> <li>[u]<u>underline</u>[/u]</li> <li>[s]<del>strikethrough</del>[/s]</li> </ul> <p>For example: to make <b>this</b> bold. when posting a message add the tags [b] and [/b] around the text (as seen above).</p> '; break; } /*================================*\ -- functions -- \*================================*/ function strip_chars($var) { return trim(str_replace("\r", NULL, htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(strip_tags($var)), ENT_QUOTES))); } function bbcode($var) { if (ALLOW_URLS == true) $var = preg_replace('/http:\/\/[\w]+(.[\w]+)([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?/i', '<a href="$0">$0</a>', $var); $var = preg_replace('(\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\])is', '<b>$1</b>', $var); $var = preg_replace('(\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\])is', '<i>$1</i>', $var); $var = preg_replace('(\[u\](.+?)\[\/u\])is', '<u>$1</u>', $var); $var = preg_replace('(\[s\](.+?)\[\/s\])is', '<del>$1</del>', $var); return trim(str_replace('|', '\|', $var)); } /*================================*\ -- end functions -- \*================================*/ echo "\n".'<p><span><a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">Admin Logon</a>'; if (!empty($password)) echo ' <a href="'.SELF.'?func=logout">Logout</a>'; echo '</span></p>'; ?> </div> <div id="Layer2" style="position:absolute; left:34px; top:28px; width:207px; height:83px; z-index:2"><img src="../images/logo_03.jpg" width="544" height="119"></div> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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