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[SOLVED] integration of search cloud


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Any ideas on how to make this script work on my site after the database is connected?

im lost

what must i do?




$txt='<p>The tag cloud using a Mysql connection</p><p>';

//As tag clouds are most of the time generated from the results contained inside a database, this script is using a database:

$db=mysql_connect('localhost','yourusername','yourpasswd') or die(mysql_error());

//First off, let's create a table with few search queries:

mysql_query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE searchterms (term VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,nbsearches BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,datesearch DATE NOT NULL)",$db) or die(mysql_error());

//Let's insert some data:
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='1st term',nbsearches=20,datesearch='2007-11-10'",$db);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='2nd term',nbsearches=40,datesearch='2007-11-11'",$db);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='3rd term',nbsearches=25,datesearch='2007-12-10'",$db);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='4th term',nbsearches=200,datesearch='2007-12-01'",$db);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='5th term',nbsearches=2,datesearch='2007-11-02'",$db);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='6th term',nbsearches=45,datesearch='2007-12-10'",$db);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='7th term',nbsearches=120,datesearch='2007-12-11'",$db);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='8th term',nbsearches=767,datesearch='2007-11-12'",$db);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='9th term',nbsearches=220,datesearch='2007-12-12'",$db);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='10th term',nbsearches=10,datesearch='2007-11-13'",$db);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchterms SET term='11th term',nbsearches=520,datesearch='2007-12-14'",$db);

//we assume we have a table containing the searched terms along with the number searches for each one:
//we create a temporary table out of it; we filter the eldest ones (we take the 100 most recent):
mysql_query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tempsearch SELECT term,nbsearches FROM searchterms ORDER BY datesearch DESC LIMIT 100",$db) or die(mysql_error());

//Create another table from that temporary one to sort the results and extract the wanted amount (10):
mysql_query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tempsearchsorted SELECT term FROM tempsearch ORDER BY nbsearches DESC LIMIT 10",$db) or die(mysql_error());

//Take the maximum number of searches for a term
$q=mysql_query("SELECT max(nbsearches) FROM searchterms,tempsearchsorted WHERE tempsearchsorted.term=searchterms.term",$db) or die(mysql_error());

//Sort by name
$q=mysql_query("SELECT searchterms.term,searchterms.nbsearches FROM searchterms,tempsearchsorted WHERE tempsearchsorted.term=searchterms.term ORDER BY searchterms.term ASC",$db) or die(mysql_error());


$txt.= '<a href="/yourpage.php?item='.urlencode($l['term']).'" style="font-size:'.($l['nbsearches']/$sum + 0.9).'em">'.$l['term'].'</a> ';



echo $txt;



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