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[SOLVED] Format(HTML) ARRAY output


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Hey Gang,


I have an array I need to display creatively and can not work it out.

The data looks something like the following:


Barry | Tennis | Captain

Barry | Soccer | Goal Kicker

Barry | Water Polo | Player


I know how to display this using a foreach loop the 'satndard' way but I would like to display it the following way..


Barry | Tennis | Captain

         | Soccer | Goal Kicker

         | Water Polo | Player


Is there any nice way to do this?


tks, Will./

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Thanks for the prompt reply.

Here's my array output.. It doesn't match the example data above but this IS the real data.



array(75) {


  array(6) {


    string(4) "6307"


    string(10) "2007-12-01"


    string(10) "2007-12-31"


    string(3) "yes"


    string(0) ""


    string(6) "252.48"



  array(6) {


    string(4) "6269"


    string(10) "2007-12-01"


    string(10) "2007-12-31"


    string(3) "yes"


    string(0) ""


    string(6) "283.03"



Displayed in a table. But first column only has new row when there is a new client. Does that make sense..

tia, Will./

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Okay, as a bit of exercise I wrote a function to output a table from your two-dimensional array, while blanking out the client when it's a repeat.


function array2table($array) {
echo '<table>';
foreach ($array as $nestedArray) {
	if ($nestedArray[0] == $prev) {
		echo '
		foreach ($nestedArray as $value) {
			echo '<td>', $value, '</td>';
		echo '
	} else {
		echo '
		foreach ($nestedArray as $value) {
			echo '<td>', $value, '</td>';
		echo '
		$prev = $nestedArray[0];
echo '

// sample usage, inputting the following two-dimensional array
$array = array(
array('client1', 'something', 'more'),
array('client1', 'another something', 'more'),
array('client4', 'Water Polo', 'Player'),
array('client2', 'Tennis', 'Captain'),
array('client2', 'Soccer', 'Goal Kicker'),
array('client63', 'Tennis', 'Captain'));
array2table($array); // run the function



	<td>client1</td><td>another something</td><td>more</td>

	<td>client2</td><td>Soccer</td><td>Goal Kicker</td>

	<td>client4</td><td>Water Polo</td><td>Player</td>



or forum-formatted:


client1 another something more


client2SoccerGoal Kicker


client4Water PoloPlayer



My approach maybe isn't the most elegant, but it works :)

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Thanks for your reply. That function did the trick!

I have another question if someone has time..


I'm using the following code to create my array and display it. I'd like to tally a total for each client but am unsure on how to seperate the client_id and totals for calculation.


foreach ($clientID as $clients) {
    // Get Statement Details
    $query = "SELECT * FROM statements, invoices WHERE statements.id = invoices.statement_id
 AND statements.due_date >= '$date1' AND invoices.paid != 'on' AND statements.client_id = '$clients'";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $linkID) or die("Data not found : Statement Error.");

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$contents[] = array($row['client_id'], $row['id'], $row['statement_date'], $row['due_date'], $row['overdue'],
    $row['amount_owed'], $row['total']);
    } // End Client Names
foreach ($contents as $nestedArray) {

    if ($nestedArray[0] == $prev){
$content .= "<tr><td width=120></td>";
foreach ($nestedArray as $value) {
    $content .= "<td width=120>" . $value . "</td>";
$content .= "</tr>\n";
    } else {
$content .= "<tr>";
foreach ($nestedArray as $value) {
    $content .= "<td width=120>" . $value . "</td>";
$content .= "</tr>\n";
$prev = $nestedArray[0];


Any ideas?


tia Will.

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Thanks thebadbad for your help so far..

OK, I have made a small leap forward and have merged all the data I need to display.

2 steps to go.


How would I use the php/html code below to only print array position 6 once per client? (In this case 743.24)

And highlight alternate client rows. (Some client rows may have one line some may have more)


Here's the new array.


$contents[] = array($row['client_id'], $row['id'], $row['statement_date'], $row['amount_owed'],$row['total'],$newTotal);


Which outputs like so.


array(231) {


  array(6) {


    string(4) "5106"


    string(4) "6104"


    string(10) "2007-11-01"


    string(0) ""


    string(6) "263.16"


    string(6) "743.24"



  array(6) {


    string(4) "5106"


    string(4) "6255"


    string(10) "2007-12-01"


    string(0) ""


    string(5) "59.84"


    string(6) "743.24"



foreach ($contents as $nestedArray) {

    if ($nestedArray[0] == $prev){
$content .= "<tr><td width=120></td>";
foreach ($nestedArray as $value) {
    $content .= "<td width=120>" . $value . "</td>";
$content .= "</tr>\n";
    } else {
$content .= "<tr>";
foreach ($nestedArray as $value) {
    $content .= "<td width=120>" . $value . "</td>";
$content .= "</tr>\n";
$prev = $nestedArray[0];


Any pointers would be great..



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No problem, I learn best while coding :)


Your first problem was easy, but I can't seem to get my head around the coloring of alternating client-rows. Instead of unsetting the first var in the nestedArray, when the client is a repeat, I just blanked out the first and sixth var, like this:


$nestedArray[0] = $nestedArray[5] = '';


I also put in some double quotes in your HTML. Edited foreach (edited from your last post):


foreach ($contents as $nestedArray) {

    if ($nestedArray[0] == $prev){
$content .= "<tr>";
$nestedArray[0] = $nestedArray[5] = '';
foreach ($nestedArray as $value) {
    $content .= "<td width=\"120\">" . $value . "</td>";
$content .= "</tr>\n";
    } else {
$content .= "<tr>";
foreach ($nestedArray as $value) {
    $content .= "<td width=\"120\">" . $value . "</td>";
$content .= "</tr>\n";
$prev = $nestedArray[0];

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I ended up getting the Alternate line highlighting working so I thought I'd post it here.


$x = 1;

foreach ($contents as $nestedArray) {

    if ($nestedArray[0] == $prev){
if($x % 2) {
    $content .= "<tr class=row1>";
} else {
    $content .= "<tr class=row2>";
$nestedArray[0] = $nestedArray[4] = '';
foreach ($nestedArray as $value) {
    $content .= "<td>" . $value . "</td>\n";
$content .= "</tr>\n";
    } else {
if($x % 2) {
    $content .= "<tr class=row1>";
} else {
    $content .= "<tr class=row2>";
foreach ($nestedArray as $value) {
    $content .= "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
$content .= "</tr>\n";
$prev = $nestedArray[0];


Cheers, Wi||

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