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Simple Bank


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I need help with this script I coded it dosnt work but the original I created for my Training works fine....



include "vsys.php";












//echo "--$typ--";

header("Location: bank.php?strErr=$detail");




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<? $user=getUserDetails($_SESSION['isLogined'],'userName');echo $user->userName; ?>

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content="Kings of Chaos is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game with over 500,000 players. Players can choose one of four races: Orcs, Humans,  Elves and Dwarves and build armies, recruit friends as officers, buy weapons, and spy and attack on each other."


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include "top.php";



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=0>



    <TD class=menu_cell style="PADDING-LEFT: 15px" vAlign=top width=140>


include ("left.php");



      <TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 15px; PADDING-LEFT: 15px; PADDING-TOP: 12px"

    vAlign=top align=left> <BR>


include "islogined.php";




      <TABLE width="100%">





<TD vAlign=top width="50%">

            <FORM action=bank.php?do=deposit method=post>

            <TABLE class=table_lines cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%"




                <TH align=middle colSpan=3>Deposit/Withdrawl</TH></TR>


                <TH class=subh align=left>5% is taken each time you Deposit</TH>

                <TH class=subh align=right>Cost Per Unit</TH>

                <TH class=subh>Quantity</TH></TR>



                <TD align=middle><INPUT size=10 value=0




                <TD align=middle><INPUT size=10 value=0




                <TD align=middle colSpan=3><INPUT type=submit value=Deposit! name=deposit>

                <TD align=middle colSpan=3><INPUT type=submit value=Withdrawl! name=withdrawl>

              </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><INPUT type=hidden

            value=93aa2b6a02603399396203313b45827e name=hash> </FORM><BR></TD></TR>


<div align="center">


<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt">     

and the actuall code for the making it work part is...

function Bank($user,$wal,$type)


$noNaquadah="You do not have that amount to put in the Bank";

$nosold="Not enough Naquadah!";


$q = @mysql_query("select gold from `UserDetails` where ID='$user->ID' ");

$el=mysql_fetch_array($q, MYSQL_ASSOC);

if($el[gold])$q = @mysql_query("update `UserDetails` set Bank=Bank+'$wal', gold=gold-'$wal' where ID='$user->ID' ");



$q = @mysql_query("select Bank from `UserDetails` where ID='$user->ID' ");

$el=mysql_fetch_array($q, MYSQL_ASSOC);

if($el[bank])$q = @mysql_query("update `UserDetails` set Bank=Bank-'$wal', gold=gold+'$wal' where ID='$user->ID' ");


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What error are you getting?

I would also encourage you to consider programming in objects



class Bank {

  public function getAccount( $user_id ) {
    // check if user is real and exists. is their pin number correct?
    // if they are real, return an Account object.

  public function withdraw($amt, $act) {
    // withdraw an amount from the account specified

  public function deposit($amt, $fromAct, $toAct) {
    // deposit an amount into the act



then you can do


// Create a bank object.
$bank = new Bank();

// Get two accounts from the bank
$account1 = $bank->getAccount( 5 );
$account2 = $bank->getAccount( 34 );

// Deposit 1000 credits from account1 to account2
$bank->deposit( 1000 , $account1, $account2);

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