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Converting my current RSS to include Sub Sections and a google Video Sitemap


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I have been working on this one for a few weeks now, before that on and off and I have come to the conclusion I just don't understand php enough to get how to change this to get it working properly.


First - I was trying to add the ability to give each category in my media section its own RSS feed. I am not really sure if I am providing enough of the code, if I am not, please just let me know what else I need to include. (the code will be posted below). Currently the code allows for me to see the newest over all. I was trying to make it so it would be like media=rss=sectionID . Right now its just media=rss. This one has been boggling my mind for some time now.


Second, I wanted to also convert the code below to produce a proper google video sitemap. If this is possible could some one PLEASE explain it, I have been working on getting this one working for weeks now with no luck. It seems really simple to do, but apparently I just can't figure it out. So if any one could please explain how to do it I would be highly great full.  I really do not know much so I would really appreciate any one willing to help me with this as well as give me some little tips if possible in order to help me better understand how it works.


Here is the code I am trying to play with that creates my current RSS feed for my video section.



	function rss() {
	global $mkportals, $DB, $mklib;

	$content = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>\n
<rss version='2.0'>
<description>MkMedia Generated</description>
<copyright>MkMedia 2004 - ".date("Y")."</copyright>";

	$query = $DB->query("SELECT id, name, description, data, author FROM mkp_media WHERE validate = '1' AND visible = '1' ORDER by `data` DESC LIMIT 0,10");
	if (!$DB->get_num_rows($query)) {
		$content .= "
<title>Sorry There Are Currently No Feeds</title>
		$rsslength = strlen($content);
		header("Content-Type: text/xml");
		header("Content-Length: ".$rsslength);
		header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
		echo $content;
	while ($row = $DB->fetch_row($query)) {
		$id = $row['id'];
		$date = $mklib->create_date($row['data']);
		$name = str_replace("´", "", $row['name']);
		$name = preg_replace('/&(?!(#[0-9]+|[a-z]+);)/si', '&', $name);
		$description = str_replace("´", "", $row['description']);
		$description = preg_replace('/&(?!(#[0-9]+|[a-z]+);)/si', '&', $description);
		$author = $row['author'];
		$content .= "

	$content .= "
	$rsslength = strlen($content);
	header("Content-Type: text/xml");
	header("Content-Length: ".$rsslength);
	header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
	echo $content;


For the sitemap my goal is to replicate this.



Again, any help would be highly appreciated, both of these issues are really annoying for me to accomplish.

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