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really basic: request a value from an array


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Hi, I'm just learning how to do this stuff.


Suppose I have an array called $array with its set of values, and now I have an error function that looks looks something like


if ($referer =="yourdomain.com")

        $found = false;

      if (!$found){

        print_error("You are coming from an <b>unauthorized domain.</b>");

        error_log("[FormMail.php] Illegal Referer. (".getenv("HTTP_REFERER").")", 0);


        return $found;

      } else {

        return true;


I want to find a way to make it so that this error is printed if $referer is not a value from the array. How would I do this?


To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure what everything in this code does. Like I'm not sure what the .getenv stuff means. I know that overall the code is saying that if the referrer is not the one specified (like if the form is on another site besides the ones I've authorized, then it'll refuse to send the contents and deliver an error message. My problem is that I want to specify at least two valid referrers.

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If you know the list of valid referre then create an array




Instead of  if ($referer =="yourdomain.com") do follow



//in_array() is a in built function to check weather the var passed as needle is present in the defined array or not.




      this is a valid referer




  not a valid referer;






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How's about:


$valid_referers = array('yoursite.com','someothersite.com','');
echo 'Invalid Referer';


Im using the $_SERVER superglobal array rather than the getenv() function, since this is what it was created for. Couple of things to note though:


1.) The HTTP referer is unrealiable at best. It can be faked. It is not sent by all browsers. Some filewalls prevent it.

2.) I've included one of the valid referes as a blank; there will be no HTTP referer sent if a user navigates directly to your website - this, of course, should also aleviate the problems caused by browsers and firewalls not sending this.

3.) For the above reasons, HTTP referer shouldn't be relied upon as a security tool - ligitimate users will find themselves blocked; illigitimate users will find a way round it.

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