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[SOLVED] Selecting a time range

Grant Holmes

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I have code (that is working) that selects "today" to display a Happy Birthday wish to those in my DB- on a web page. On another page, I want my page to display things only "current"- what I'm defining as from the last 48 hours. In my database I have a field called "DateEntered" that is a time stamp from SQL on record creation. Here is the code for my birthday pull:

$tDay = date("m-d");
$fromDay = $_REQUEST["f_date"];
$toDay = $_REQUEST["t_date"];
@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
if (!empty($_REQUEST["t_date"])) {
  $query='SELECT *,DATE_FORMAT(Cbirthdate,"%m-%d") AS rbirthdate FROM birthdays where `Active` = 1 AND DATE_FORMAT(Cbirthdate,"%m-%d") >= "'.$fromDay.'" AND DATE_FORMAT(Cbirthdate,"%m-%d") <= "'.$toDay.'"';
} else if (!empty($_REQUEST["showall"])) {
  $query='SELECT *,DATE_FORMAT(Cbirthdate,"%m-%d") AS rbirthdate FROM birthdays';
} else if (!empty($_REQUEST["id"])) {
  $query='SELECT *,DATE_FORMAT(Cbirthdate,"%m-%d") AS rbirthdate FROM birthdays where `Active` = 1 AND id='.$_REQUEST["id"];  
} else {
  $query='SELECT *,DATE_FORMAT(Cbirthdate,"%m-%d") AS rbirthdate FROM birthdays where `Active` = 1 AND DATE_FORMAT(Cbirthdate,"%m-%d") = "'.$tDay.'"';





The date in DateEntered is saved in this format: 2008-01-03 08:03:24


Is there an easy way to modify this script, or would I be better off starting over. Ima Newbie, just so ya know! Thanks for your help.


I've done a simple edit, changing DateEntered for Cbirthdate, but that didn't work.

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Revraz, thanks for your continued help. As a newbie, that is both really helpful and TMI all at once.


So would the "HOUR()" function return the Hour value of that field? That's what I read, but I want to be sure I understand the list.


Then I look at the DateDiff, which I guess I could use, but that appears to be hard numbers as opposed to the value of the field against today.


More help please?

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I see the Diff_Add and Diff_Sub as the most likely. So in trying to interpret this, is this the right path?

In this simple example I'm trying to pull ANY record that is fewer than 48 hours old from the hard date entered. However, I'm not getting any results in any of these tests:


$query="SELECT DATE_SUB('2008-01-03 00:00:00',  INTERVAL '48' HOUR)";

$query="SELECT DATE_SUB('2008-01-03 00:00:00', - INTERVAL '48' HOUR)";

$query="SELECT '2008-01-03' - INTERVAL 48 HOUR;)";


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In other statements, I say "Select x FROM TABLE...."


I don't see in these statements where I tell mysql what table I'm selecting the data from. So I modified the SELECT like this, but still no returns:

$query="SELECT FROM birthdays DATE_SUB('2008-01-03 00:00:00', - INTERVAL '48' HOURs)";


Still no returned fields. In what I'm reading this should return ANY record in my table created in the last 48 hours, no? Or do I still need to tell it which field has that data in it?


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DUH!!  I just re-read that code and now see that "DateEntered" is in the final part.


However, I'm still returning too many records. I need to check the "Active" field for a '1', the "Event" field for "request" and have the returns be less than 48 hours old. My code is still:

$query="SELECT * from birthdays where Active='1' AND Event='request' AND hour(DateEntered)< 48";


Instead of returning ONLY those less than 48 hours old (current 5 records), I'm getting ALL records that are active (currently 11)

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My current code returning bad results:

$query="SELECT * from birthdays where Active='1' AND Event='request' AND hour(DateEntered)< 48";


I found this on a google search:  where time_stamp >= sysdate()-interval 96 hours;


however, I've made several attempts in using this in my query, but NO results:

$query="SELECT * from birthdays where Active='1' AND Event='request' AND time_stamp >= sysdate()-interval 48 hours";

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