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Quote woes with PHP+JS


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Hello. First off, my experience with merging JS+PHP is minimal, so this may be an easy fix (or maybe I screwed something up beyond fixing). I've been looking for fixes to no avail, I would greatly appreciate any help.


What I'm trying to do is create a tooltip that loads data via a MYSQL connection, displayed through PHP. I am using coolTips (JS) for the custom popup effect.


Here is my code for an anchor that opens the tooltip;


$description = "<span class=\'ldescription\'>" . addslashes("$row[18]") . "</span>";

echo "
<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"return coolTip('$description', WIDTH, 430, HEIGHT, 230, OTHER MISCELLANEOUS PARAMETERS); return true;\" onmouseout=\"nd(); return true;\">$row[1]</a>


My problem occurs when there are double quotes (") in $description. Addslashes fixed the single quote (') problem, but when there are double quotes they end the anchor tag (it shows everything as a hyperlink from the end of $description to the beginning of the anchor closing tag).


Again, I'd greatly appreciate any help on this.

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Thanks for the reply, but it did not work.


The $row[18] variable is a varchar which is loading from a database. When this string of text has quotes (Here's an "example.") it does what I described in the original post.



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It seems easier to troubleshoot this sans the whole database connection, variables,  etc...


<?php echo "
<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"return coolTip('<div id=\'ctInside\'>SAMPLE TEXT</div>, SOME PARAMETERS'); return true;\" onmouseout=\"nd(); return true;\">link</a>


I just have some text (SAMPLE TEXT), inside an onclick (coolTip), inside an echo. How do I escape double quotes in this scenario? (If SAMPLE TEXT were SAM"PLE TEXT).

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