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Need to keep visitor from selecting first choice in drop down

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This is a PHP/Javascript form field validation issue so thought i'd post here.


I have a drop down menu that is created dynamically via PHP/MySQL. The first selection, however, is static and is basically --Select One-- or similar. I do not want them to ignore selecting so it needs to be made so it can't be selected and alert them. I haven't a clue since i'm more PHP than Javascript oriented. Here's my code for the menu:


function search_form2() {
  echo "<form method='POST' action='search.php'><select name='category'>\r";
  echo "<option>-- Select Category --</option>";
  $sql = "SELECT category FROM categories";
  if ($result = mysql_query($sql)) {
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
      while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        echo "<option value='{$row['category']}' name='{$row['category']}'>{$row['category']}</option>\n\r";
  echo "</select>\n\r";
  // property type form
  echo "<select name='loan_type'>\r";
  $sql2 = "SELECT loantype FROM loan_type";
  if ($results2 = mysql_query($sql2)) {
if (mysql_num_rows($results2)) {
	while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($results2)) {
		echo "<option value='{$row2['loantype']}' name='{$row2['loantype']}'>{$row2['loantype']} </option>\n\r";
  echo "</select>";
  echo "<input type='submit' name='search' value='Search'>\n</form>";


Somehow I need to 'validate' or 'disable' this choice: echo "<option>-- Select Category --</option>";


Anyone? Thanks in advance!

<script language="javascript">
function opt(val)
var po = document.getElementById('cat').value;
if (po == "ignore")
alert("Please Choose A Valid Category!");

<select id='cat' name='category' onchange='opt(this.value)'>
<option selected value='ignore'>Select One
<option value='1'>1

First, thanks for the post! Ok, I inserted your code as follows. The <script> items into the <head> tag and the other like so:


function search_form2() {
  echo "<form method='POST' action='search.php'><select id='cat' name='category' onchange='opt(this.value)'>\r";
  echo "<option selected value='ignore'>Select One</option>";
  $sql = "SELECT category FROM categories";
  if ($result = mysql_query($sql)) {
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
      while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        echo "<option value='{$row['category']}' name='{$row['category']}'>{$row['category']}</option>\n\r";
  echo "</select>\n\r";


Now, when I leave the selection at Select One and the other drop down to whatever, the search still takes place. In other words it's not stopping the search from proceeding. As a result the search is breaking which displays a blank page.


You can see what I have here: http://www.lenderfish.com/search-test.php


There's two drop downs. I'll need to adapt the final code to the second one as well.

ok - try this instead:


<script langauge="javascript">
function mustValidate(what,alertmsg)
with (what)
if (value=="ignore")
  {alert(alertmsg);return false;}
else {return true}

function validateIt(thisform)
with (thisform)
if (mustValidate(category,"Select A Valid Category!")==false)
  {return false;}

<form action='search.php' method='post'onsubmit='return validateIt(this)'>
Category: <select name='category'>
<option select value='ignore'>Select One
<option value='1'>1
<input type='submit' value='Submit'> 



the code below will let you validate two select fields:


<script langauge="javascript">
function mustValidate(what,alertmsg)
with (what)
if (value=="ignore")
  {alert(alertmsg);return false;}
else {return true}

function validateIt(thisform)
with (thisform)
if (mustValidate(category,"Select A Valid Category!")==false)
  {return false;}
if (mustValidate(category2,"Select A Valid Category 2!")==false)
  {return false;}

<form action='search.php' method='post'onsubmit='return validateIt(this)'>
Category: <select name='category'>
<option select value='ignore'>Select One
<option value='1'>1


Category 2: <select name='category2'>
<option select value='ignore'>Select One
<option value='1'>1


<input type='submit' value='Submit'> 

phpQuestioner's code will alert the user whenever they switch the dropdown to the first value - I dont know if you mind that at all or not.


I would suggest checking on submission of the form, and when you do, you can easily write functionality to check for other fields.


Something like this would work:


//js stuff for the head
onload = function(){
     * listen for the form submission
     * give your form a unique id. we'll use "form_id"
    var form = document.getElementById('form_id');
     * we'll do the validation here
     * i like to reference elements by their ids as i tend to move them around the dom from time to time
     * so give all of your elements unique ids
    form.onsubumit = function(){
      var error   = false;
      var err_msg = ''; 
      var drop    = document.getElementById('drop_down_id');
      //check your drop down value
      if(drop.value === 'ignore'){
          error   = true;
          err_msg = 'Please choose an option from the dropdown \n';
      //if there is an error, do not submit the form and alert the error message
          return false;


emehrkay I thought that was what simcoweb wanted; so I post a resolution to his question right here:






but - yeah, at first, I though simcoweb wanted a dom event to validate; but I was wrong. :D



Actually, to clarify, what i'd like is for them to not be able to either accidentally OR on purpose try to submit the form without first making a selection. Since the 'default' is Select One and they should try to submit without first selecting an item it should stop them in their tracks. More like: You must select a category prior to submitting the form!


So, realistically it should work both ways.


1) IF they try to submit the form without first selecting an item from each menu, OR

2) IF they try to select the Select One as their selection and attempt to submit


Heh, I should probably do myself a favor and just omit those Select One placeholders :)  But, the purpose is to make sure they make the two necessary selections in order for the search to work properly. Make sense?

ok - let's try this again - shall we :D


see if this does the trick:


<script langauge="javascript">
function mustValidate(what,alertmsg)
with (what)
if (value=="ignore")
  {alert(alertmsg);return false;}
else {return true}

function validateIt(thisform)
with (thisform)
if (mustValidate(category,"Select A Valid Category!")==false)
  {return false;}
if (mustValidate(category2,"Select A Valid Category 2!")==false)
  {return false;}

function opt(val,pick,msg)
var po = document.getElementById(pick).value;
if (po == "ignore")


<form action='search.php' method='post'onsubmit='return validateIt(this)'>
Category: <select id='cat' name='category' onchange="opt(this.value,'cat','Select A Valid Category!')">
<option select value='ignore'>Select One
<option value='1'>1


Category 2: <select id="cat2" name='category2' onchange="opt(this.value,'cat2','Select A Valid Category 2!')">
<option select value='ignore'>Select One
<option value='1'>1


<input type='submit' value='Submit'> 


it's just a combination of both the original and the newest validation scripts. this should do exactly what you want it to do.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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