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This is my first major validation - mainly because I've started to user preg_match etc etc.  Ive got most of the script working - and I know that it is catchign the errors.  The problem is that I can't seem to get the errors into my $ERROR array...


My script is below - and is also attached.  The script stopped entering the data when i added the two functions called "issErr()"  and "setError()".  That part of the code is meant to stop having duplicate errors on the same field.


I appreciate any help.  I know that most people dont like to go through large scripts for free - but I would appreciate any pointers that may help to solve my problem.


Thanks for any and all help.


NOTE:  there are some echo statements hat seem irelevent.  I added them to find out where my script was stopping etc - so just to let you know.






global $ERROR;

$ERROR = array();



function isErr($fieldname) {

if(!isset($ERROR)) {

$ERROR = array(0 => "meh");


foreach($ERROR as $field => $value) {

if($field['empty'] == $fieldname) { return 0;}


return 1;



function setError($field, $type) {

echo "Setting Error<br>";

$ERROR[$idx] = array("err" => $type, "empty" => $field);

#$ERROR[$idx]['err'] = $type;

#$ERROR[$idx]['empty'] = $field;

$idx ++;





#$ERROR[iD]['err'] = "TYPE";

#$ERROR[iD]['empty'] = "FIELD_IDENTIFIER";

#$idx++; # Increment the Error ID


$idx = 0;


if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] = "validate") {

if($_POST['Save'] == 1 || $_POST['Save'] == 0) {



else {

if(isErr("Save") == 1){ setError("Save", "empty"); }



echo "Stage 1<br><br>";




foreach($_POST as $field => $value) {

echo "Stage 1.1 <br>";

if($field == 1) {continue;}

if($_POST['Save'] == 1 && $field == "User_Name" || $field == "Password" || $field == "Conf_Password" || $field == "Emg_Relation") {

### Validate the Username, password and email

if(empty($value)) {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "empty"); }


else if(!preg_match("[A-za'-z]", $value)) {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "invalid"); }


else if(strlen($value) > 20 || strlen($value) < 5) {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "invalid"); }


else if($field == "Password" && $value != $_POST['Conf_Password']) {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "passmtch"); }



if($_POST['Save'] == 0 && empty($value)) {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "empty"); }



if($field == "F_Name" || $field == "L_Name" || $field == "User_Name" || $field == "Emg_Name") {

### Validate the names


if(!ereg("[A-za-z' -]", $value)) {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "invalid"); }


else if(strlen($value) > 20) {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "len"); }




if($field == "Email") {

if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i', $input_email)) {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "invalid"); }



if($field == "Carrier" && $value = "---") {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "empty"); }


if($field == "DOB") {

if(strlen($value) > 10 || preg_match('/^(0[1-9]|1[012])[\\/-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\\/-](19[0-9]{2}|2[0-9]{3})$/', $input_date)) {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "invalid"); }



if($field == "Address")  {

$value = trim($value);

if(strlen($value) > 50 || preg_match("^[a-zA-Z\d]+(([\'\,\.\- #][a-zA-Z\d ])?[a-zA-Z\d]*[\.]*)*$^", $value)) {

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "invalid"); }



if($field == "Cell" || $field = "Emg_Phone" || !preg_match("^(\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})*$", $value || strlen($value) > 10)) {

### Validate phone numbers

if(isErr($field) == 1){ setError($field, "invalid"); }




echo "Stage 2<br><br>";



if(isset($ERROR)) {

echo "Stage 3<br><br";

### If errors then display messages

$FIELDS['F_Name'] = "First Name";

$FIELDS['L_Name'] = "Last Name";

$FIELDS['Email'] = "Email";

$FIELDS['User_Name'] = "User Name";

$FIELDS['Password'] = "Password";

$FIELDS['Conf_Password'] = "Confirm Password";

$FIELDS['Cell_no'] = "Cell Number";

$FIELDS['Carrier'] = "Carrier";

$FIELDS['DOB'] = "Date of Birth";

$FIELDS['Address'] = "Address";

$FIELDS['Emg_Name'] = "Emergency Contact Name";

$FIELDS['Emg_Phone'] = "Emergency Contact Phone";

$FIELDS['Emg_Relation'] = "Emergency Contact Relation";

$FIELDS['Save'] = "Save as Profile Account";


$FRM = $_POST;



echo "<pre>"; print_r($ERROR); echo "</pre>";




foreach($ERROR as $fieldinner => $inner) {

echo "<p>\n";

$fieldname = $FIELDS[$inner['empty']];

if($inner['err'] == "empty") {

if($fieldname == "Save") {

echo "You must select if you want a saved profile account.";



echo "The field ".$fieldname." has been left empty.";

$FRM[$fieldinner] = "";


else if($inner['err'] == "invalid") {

echo "The field ".$fieldname." is invalid.  Please re-enter.";

$FRM[$fieldinner] = "";


else if($inner['err'] == "passmtch") {

echo "Password do not match";

$FRM[$fieldinner] = "";


else if($inner['err'] == "len") {

echo "The field ".$fieldname." is too long.";

$FRM[$fielinner] = "";


echo "<p>\n";


echo "Stage 4<br><br>";


else {

### Submit to database





$FIELDS['F_Name'] = "First Name";

$FIELDS['L_Name'] = "Last Name";

$FIELDS['Email'] = "Email";

$FIELDS['User_Name'] = "User Name";

$FIELDS['Password'] = "Password";

$FIELDS['Conf_Password'] = "Confirm Password";

$FIELDS['Cell_no'] = "Cell Number";

$FIELDS['Carrier'] = "Carrier";

$FIELDS['DOB'] = "Date of Birth";

$FIELDS['Address'] = "Address";

$FIELDS['Emg_Name'] = "Emergence Contact Name";

$FIELDS['Emg_Phone'] = "Emergency Contact Phone";

$FIELDS['Emg_Relation'] = "Emergency Contact Relation";

$FIELDS['Save'] = "Save as Profile Account";













echo "<form action = 'new_user.php?action=validate' method = 'POST'>\n";


echo "<h3>About You</h3>\n";


echo "<p>First Name: <input type = 'text' name = 'F_Name' value = '".$FRM['F_Name']."' />*</p>\n";


echo "<p>Last Name: <input type = 'text' name = 'L_Name'  value = '".$FRM['L_Name']."' />*</p>\n";


echo "<p>Email: <input type = 'text' name = 'Email'  value = '".$FRM['Email']."' />*</p>\n";


echo "<be>\n";


echo "<p>User Name: <input type = 'text' name = 'User_Name'  value = '".$FRM['User_Name']."' />^</p>\n";


echo "<p>Password: <input type = 'pass' name = 'Password'  value = '".$FRM['Password']."' />^</p>\n";


echo "<p>Confirm Password: <input type = 'pass' name = 'Conf_Password'  value = '".$FRM['Conf_Password']."' />^</p>\n";


echo "<br />\n";


echo "<p>Cell Number: <input type = 'text' name = 'Cell_no'  value = '".$FRM['Cell_no']."' />*</p>\n";


echo "<p>Cell Carrier: <select name = 'Carrier'>\n";


echo "          <option selected>---</option>\n";


echo "          <option value='att'>AT&T\Cingular</option>\n";


echo "          <option value='sprint'>Sprint</option>\n";


echo "          <option value='verizon'>Verizon</option>\n";


echo "          <option value='tmob'>T-Mobile</option>\n";


echo "          <option value='virgmob'>Virgin Mobile</option>\n";


echo "          <option value='nextel'>Nextel</option>\n";


echo "          <option value='Other'>Other</option>\n";


echo "        </select>*\n";


echo "</p>\n";


echo "<p>DOB: <input type = 'text' name = 'DOB'  value = '".$FRM['DOB']."' />*</p>\n";


echo "<p>Address: <input type = 'text' name = 'Address'  value = '".$FRM['Address']."' />*</p>\n";


echo "<br>\n";


echo "<h3>Emergency Contact</h3>\n";


echo "<p>Contact Name: <input type = 'text' name = 'Emg_Name'  value = '".$FRM['Emg_Name']."' />*</p>\n";


echo "<p>Contact Phone Number: <input type = 'text' name = 'Emg_Phone'  value = '".$FRM['Emg_Phone']."' />*</p>\n";


echo "<p>Contact Relation: <input type = 'text' name = 'Emg_Relation'  value = '".$FRM['Rmg_Relation']."' />*</p>\n";


echo "<br />\n";


echo "<p>Save your details as a profile account? : <input type = 'radio' name = 'Save' value = '1'>Yes</input>    <input type = 'radio' name = 'Save' value = '0'>No</input>  *</p>\n";


echo "<input type = 'submit' value = 'Submit'></input>    <input type = 'reset' value = 'reset'></input>\n";


echo "</form>\n";


echo "<br>\n";


echo "<p>* Required Fields.<br>^ Requried for saved profile user - in addition to other fields.</p>\n";






Thanks  ;D


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function isErr($fieldname) {

if(!isset($ERROR)) {

global $ERROR;

$ERROR = array();


foreach($ERROR as $field => $value) {

if($field['empty'] == $fieldname) { return 0;}


return 1;



is my new function.


is that correct?


Thansk for the fast reply

function isErr($fieldname) {

    $ERROR = array(); << here i say

      if(!isset($ERROR)) {



      foreach($ERROR as $field => $value) {

        if($field['empty'] == $fieldname) { return 0;}


      return 1;



You need to define the $ERROR variable as an array in your main code. In the function you must use global $ERROR; before any reference is made to it in the code.


Edit: Reading the examples at this link will probably help - http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.scope.php

$ERROR = array();



function isErr($fieldname, $ERROR) {

foreach($ERROR as $field => $value) {

if($field['empty'] == $fieldname) { return 0;}


return 1;



if(isErr($field, $ERROR) == 1){ setError($field, "empty"); }



Ive changed the function to accept the $ERROR argument to edit - however do i need to return ERROR - and in which case how would i store it.. etc?  thanks



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