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Help me thwart the evil PayPal empire


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Hi all,


Okay, my site launches the user to the PayPal payment area, he/she pays for the purchase, and my ipn.php (instant payment notifcation) script is triggered to update my database... all of this is working fine.


Then the user is returned to my 'thank you' page via the $paypal['success_url'] variable. However, PayPal will not pass or $_POST any of my own variables back to me.  Bastards.


PayPal does have a feature called PDT (payment data transfer) which I turned on.  As straightfoward as it is, it's still a little bit too complicated for my needs.  It requires I make another http POST, pass my fixed 'identity token' along with a bunch of url data, look for the word 'SUCCESS', and then parse out all the PayPal variables.  Yuck.


Realistically, all I need to get back is my order number.  I can do lookups on all my SQL tables and grab all the information I could possibly ever need to create a kickass thank you page... if only I have that one piece of data:  the order number.


So...  is there any way to pass it while running my ipn.php script?  You can't pass $_SESSION variables from PayPal (I have no clue why) - so is there any other sneaky way I could somehow get it that you guys know of?  Or am I doomed to parsing out PayPal data that I don't really need?


Thanks for the help,



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I personally have not used the PayPal thing so I am not sure on this. But it seems strange that they don't pass anything back to you. Maybe you forgot to check a setting in PayPal? I have worked with other types of payment management and all will return some data to you so it would be strange that PayPal doesn't return anything.

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