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Registration Emails Not Being Sent


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well, the file that has the email code in it seems to be actm.php in the php folder which is the script the other folders are for flashcom. then the other file that holds email code is for operators signup and it's the same but that file is called actop.php

Okay just to note, you shouldn't say $_GET[uID], it should be $_GET['UID']. And you need { } around the $_GET if you are to use it in a string directly.


And I mean the file for the submission form.

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I believe you but I didn't write it. lol. about 15 hours ago when this issue first started to get on my nerves a guy installed it on his server and it was shooting emails like it was meant to but he said he had to change some code and then he never replied back to me...He did say something about it being red flagged as spam also, I think he just changed some email text to get around that part but I don't know how he got the emails to start sending.

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Took a few minutes looking over the PHP file to see which one registers the username one. Finally found it. Interesting site I should say :D I guess I shouldn't check it out.  :-X


Take a look at operator.php in the registration folder.


The top portion should be the one sending the emails. Of course I'm not 100% sure.


Find the mail portion and rather saying $_SESSION['email'] try $_POST['email'].


Not sure if that would solve it, but try it. I haven't 100% examined the entire code.


If that doesn't work, try finding:

if ($errorMsg==""){
header ("Location: sopregistered.php");

in the same page and remove the header.



Edit: You really should hash your password. Don't insert it into the database like that. The account is more vulnerable that way.

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Woo, Hooo. Your awesome!!! That sent the operator registration email but the other 2 signup forms don't appear to be written the same so I can't make that same change. Any ideas. I can't believe you fixed that.  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

??? I don't even know what went wrong. Was it the $_POST or header?

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I changed it to $post and it worked great. Now I am looking at user.php in the registration folder and it is already set to $post but it looks weird, kinda the same but weird. The model.php for model signup does not need reg mail sent.

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You know what I have no clue of what happend, I changed that back to the way it was and it still works. So sessions is working it must just be a problem with the user.php not sending the mail, I am sorry to say I may not have checked the operator signup before. I am strapped as far as cash goes but if you are interested in finding the error for the user.php signup I will give you a copy of all 3 flash media server applications on my website with an unlimited license. You can take a look camscripts.com, If not no big deal.

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wow, nothing but errors.


Notice: Use of undefined constant UserName - assumed 'UserName' in /home/fmsdesig/public_html/payperview/registration/user.php on line 16


Notice: Undefined index: UserName in /home/fmsdesig/public_html/payperview/registration/user.php on line 16


Thats just at the top of the page when I go to it, it seems all these errors are because of the lack of ' ' like username needs to be 'username'. Could this stop the emails from sending out? And was there ever a time when the ' ' were not needed or was the creator of this script just a poor coder? Also like I said if you go to my site and email me from the contact form I'll send you a link to download those apps.

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