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I have several forms on my site that submits data into my dB, and lately more and more "spammers" are attacking them, posting everything from cheap viagra to "increased manhood..."


How can I edit my codes to prevent it from happening?

function formatText($inputName,$text)//checks a givin field to see if its empty, if so change color and print it out. 
              echo "<span class='redBold'>" . $text . "</span>";  
              echo $text;
      else echo $text; 

if (isset($_POST['nmF'])){

	$time = time();
	if (is_uploaded_file ($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'])) {if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], "images/Testimonials/" . $time . "{$_FILES['image']['name']}")) $i = $time.$_FILES['image']['name'];}

	$query = "INSERT INTO Testimonials SET
		nmF = '$nmF',
		nmL = '$nmL',
		add1 = '$add1',
		add2 = '$add2',
		salesman = '{$_POST['salesman']}',
		year = '$vehYear',
		make = '$vehMake',
		model = '$vehModel',
		pic = '$i',
		comments = '$comments',
		status = 'on',
		posted = NOW(),
		ip = '{$_POST['ip']}'"; }
	if ($result = mysql_query ($query)) {} else {echo mysql_error();}
if ($nmF && $nmL && $add1 && $add2 && $vehYear && $vehMake && $vehModel && $comments) echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; url=testimonials.php\">";

On the page, have a sentence that says something like.


"Hi there, welcome to the site"


Then in your area where they submit the form, ask "What is the 2nd word in the sentence above"


A bot won't know the answer, but a human will.

$strlength = rand(4,7);
$captchastr = "";
$textornumber = rand(1,3);
if($textornumber == 1)
$captchastr .= chr(rand(49,57));
if($textornumber == 2)
$captchastr .= chr(rand(65,78));
if($textornumber == 3)
$captchastr .= chr(rand(80,90));
$randcolR = rand(100,230);
$randcolG = rand(100,230);
$randcolB = rand(100,230);

//initialize image $captcha is handle dimensions 200,50
$captcha = imageCreate(190,50);
$backcolor = imageColorAllocate($captcha, $randcolR, $randcolG, $randcolB);

$txtcolor = imageColorAllocate($captcha, ($randcolR - 60), ($randcolG - 60), ($randcolB - 60));

$clockorcounter = rand(1,2);
if ($clockorcounter == 1)
$rotangle = rand(0,45);
if ($clockorcounter == 2)
$rotangle = rand(315,360);

//$i*25 spaces the characters 25 pixels apart
for($i=1; $i<=4;$i++)
for($i=1; $i<=4;$i++)
//Send the headers (at last possible time)
header('Content-type: image/png');

//Output the image as a PNG

//Delete the image from memory

$_SESSION["captchastr"] = $captchastr;


<img src="captcha.php" alt="security image" />

Another way to stop bots is using hidden fields.

For example, you can have a text field named something arbitrary, like "Name".

Then you use CSS to hide this field from normal people. Since people won't see it, they won't fill it out, but bots will still "see" it.  Then you just filter out all the submissions that have the "Name" field filled out.


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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