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[SOLVED] SQL Statement. cannot retieve a record I know exists

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Hi all

I have a record in my mysql table"users"  keyed on a username JohnAin.


this SQL statment finds it ...


SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'JohnAin'  "


This does not ...


SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '".$uname."' "



and this does not ...


SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '".addslashes($uname)."' "


On the line before the select statement runs I echo $uname and it reads as JohnAin on the scree.


Any ideas will be welcome.


Regards to all





I changed line 111/112 to read


  if (DB::isError($check) || $check->numRows() == 0) {

        die("That username (".$uname.") does not exist in our database.");


and the darned thing echoed out ok for me there too. it read  JohnAin which is exactly the constant I used to get a successful retrieval.


Phew !!!





that is right, I realised that just after I posted, but I put it in anyway.


I changed to


<form method="post" action="../scripts/changeuser.php">


... and it refinds the form (as it did before)  but still comes back saying ...


"That username ( JohnAin ) does not exist in our database." 


Which of course is not the case since a select using the constant "JohnAin"  does find and retrieve the record.





sorry, just to be clear, it is these statments that I have the problem with ...


case 2: // Start step 2. User details maintenance.

    if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {

        $_POST['uname'] = addslashes($_POST['uname']);



    <br /><h4>User maintenance - Maintain user details for ...<br /> <?echo($uname) ?></h4>


    $qry = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$uname'";

      //$qry = "SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username = '".$_POST['uname']."'";

      $check = $db_object->query($qry);


    if (DB::isError($check) || $check->numRows() == 0) {

        die("That username (".$uname.") does not exist in our database.");





The select will find my record when I use a constant for the key, but not when I use $uname.





    $uname = $_POST['uname'];
    if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $uname = addslashes($uname);
     <br /><h4>User maintenance - Maintain user details for ...<br /> <?echo($uname) ?></h4>
     $qry = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$uname'";
      //$qry = "SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username = '".$_POST['uname']."'";
      $check = $db_object->query($qry);

     if (DB::isError($check) || $check->numRows() == 0) {
        die("That username (".$uname.") does not exist in our database.");

Since you can put in 'JohnAin' directly in the query and it works, there is something specific with the value that comes from the form.


You posted this above -


"That username ( JohnAin ) does not exist in our database."


If that line is EXACTLY as it was output to the browser, there is leading and trailing white-space on the name. The posted code would have given (JohnAin) with no spaces.


Use the trim() function before the query -


$uname = trim($uname);


If this does not solve it, then your browser/form in doing some character encoding, so that the query does not match the name but the name is "displayed" correctly when you echo it.

LOL. I looked at your code for the form and it is deliberately putting in a space before and after the name in the value (everyone here probably thought you were typing the name in instead of selecting it from a dropdown) -


$linetext = "<option value= ' ".mysql_result($result,$i)." ' >".mysql_result($result,$i)."</option>";


Change this to -


$linetext = "<option value= '".mysql_result($result,$i)."' >".mysql_result($result,$i)."</option>";

Hi Guys


I finally worked it out with your help.


My basic error was forgetting that I was constructing a string containing an SQL statment, not the statement itself!


The solution is ...


$qry = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = "."'".$uname."'";


I hope I do not do anything as daft again ... but I bet I do


Regards to you all and thanks for all of your help.



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