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email and checkboxes for dummies


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I have zero php skill and need a wee bit of help.


I am creating a mail page and would like to be able to send email to mulitiple recipients (sounds easy enough, right?) but the trick is I need to populate my list of potential TO: recipients from a database and include checkboxes beside each name....then I need to figure out how to have my mail loop through the checked names.

I am using a Dreamweaver extension called UniversalEmail that I hoped would make things easier for me.


I hope someone can help me (in basic NOOB terms)

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alright lets clean up a  few things first


1) You don't have zero skills just not a lot

2) Do not use dreamweaver at all for scripting period use a text editor  this is a good one Notepad++

3) Do not send to multiple receipts via the "to" part as it remove their privacy use the BCC heaer

4) Show us some code for what you have built.

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ok - im not goign to code it for you here - but this is the basics:


loop through database records and make your table wiht checkboxes


from the $_POST data or however you send the data - you need  to check which fields are ticked ( boolean values if im not mistaken) - and then compile an array of emails from those checked boxes.


**this is not he  best way to do it - however for a small list this would work.  larger lists youl have to look at other email sending functions - not just mail(); **


loop through the final array of people to send emails to.  have a vairbale that stores the email - and if you want the names and things personalised for each email - it probably requires a mysql_query eariler in the script.  simply use the mail() function to send a copy of that email for you. :>


Good luck

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Thanks for the numerous replies!


OK...1)the reason I use Dreamweaver is ...as I previously mentioned...I have zero php skillz.  LOL


My host does allow the use of php mail() function (thank goodness)


Here is the codeing that is generated when I use the Un!versalEmail software (three different files are created by the program):

on my page (emailtest2)

<?php require_once('../../Connections/alflregister.php'); ?>
mysql_select_db($database_alflregister, $alflregister);
$query_Recordset1 = "SELECT * FROM contacts";
$Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1, $alflregister) or die(mysql_error());
$row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1);
$totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1);
<?php require_once("../../WA_Universal_Email/Mail_for_Linux_PHP.php"); ?>
<?php require_once("../../WA_Universal_Email/MailFormatting_PHP.php"); ?>
if ((isset($_POST["Submit"])))     {
  //WA Universal Email object="Mail for Linux"
  //Send Loop Once Per Entry
  $RecipientEmail = "".$row_Recordset1['cell']  ."";include("../../WA_Universal_Email/WAUE_emailtest2_1.php");

  //Send Mail All Entries
  if ("invalid.php"!="")     {
    header("Location: invalid.php");

// my html here



mail_for_linux (generated by Un!v mail)

function WAUE_AddAttachment($mailObj,$attPath)     {
  if ($attPath && $attPath != "") {
    $fileArr = explode("|WA|",$attPath);
  if (WAUE_isAttachment($fileArr[sizeof($fileArr)-1]))  {
      switch (sizeof($fileArr))     {
        case 4:
          $mailObj->attachments[] = array($fileArr[0], $fileArr[1], $fileArr[2], $fileArr[3]);
        case 3:
          $mailObj->attachments[] = array("application/octet-stream", $fileArr[0], $fileArr[1], $fileArr[2]);
        case 2:
          $mailObj->attachments[] = array("application/octet-stream", "base64", $fileArr[0], $fileArr[1]);
          $mailObj->attachments[] = array("application/octet-stream", "base64", "", $fileArr[0]);

  return $mailObj;

function WAUE_AddBCC($mailObj,$bccEmail)      {
  if ($bccEmail != "")     {
    $bccArray = WA_getEmailArray($bccEmail);
    for ($bcc=0; $bcc < sizeof($bccArray); $bcc++)     {
      if (WAUE_isEmailAddress($bccArray[$bcc][1])) {
        $mailObj->bccrecip[] = array($bccArray[$bcc][1], $bccArray[$bcc][0]);
  return $mailObj;

function WAUE_AddCC($mailObj,$ccEmail)      {
  if ($ccEmail != "")     {
    $ccArray = WA_getEmailArray($ccEmail);
    for ($cc=0; $cc<sizeof($ccArray); $cc++)     {
      if (WAUE_isEmailAddress($ccArray[$cc][1])) {
        $mailObj->ccrecip[] = array($ccArray[$cc][1], $ccArray[$cc][0]);
  return $mailObj;

function WAUE_AddRecipient($mailObj,$recEmail)      {
  if ($recEmail != "")     {
    $recArray = WA_getEmailArray($recEmail);
    for ($rec=0; $rec<sizeof($recArray); $rec++)     {
      if (WAUE_isEmailAddress($recArray[$rec][1])) {
        $mailObj->recipients[] = array($recArray[$rec][1], $recArray[$rec][0]);
  return $mailObj;

function WAUE_BodyFormat($mailObj,$bodyFormat)      {
  $mailObj->BodyFormat = $bodyFormat;
  return $mailObj;

function WAUE_Definition($serverName,$serverPort,$retPath,$organization,$xMailer,$charSet)     {
  $mailObj = new WA_MAILOBJ($serverName,$serverPort,$retPath,$organization,$xMailer,$charSet);
  return $mailObj;

class WA_MAILOBJ {
  var $SMTP;
  var $Port;
  var $ReturnPath;
  var $Organization;
  var $XMailer;
  var $CharSet;
  var $Importance;
  var $BodyFormat;
  var $attachments;
  var $recipients;
  var $ccrecip;
  var $bccrecip;
  function WA_MAILOBJ($serverName,$serverPort,$retPath,$organization,$xMailer,$charSet) {
    $this->SMTP         = $serverName;
    $this->Port         = $serverPort;
    $this->ReturnPath   = $retPath;
    $this->Organization = $organization;
    $this->XMailer      = $xMailer;
    $this->CharSet      = $charSet;
    if ($serverName != "") ini_set("SMTP", $serverName);
    if ($serverPort != "") ini_set("smtp_port", $serverPort); 
    $this->Importance = "";
    $this->BodyFormat = "";
    $this->attachments = array();
    $this->recipients  = array();
    $this->ccrecip     = array();
    $this->bccrecip    = array();

function WAUE_SendMail($mailObj,$mailAttachments,$mailBCC,$mailCC,$mailTo,$mailImportance,$mailFrom,$mailSubject,$mailBody)     {
  if (strpos($mailTo,"@") < 0 || sizeof($mailObj->recipients) == 0)  {
  $fromArray = WA_getEmailArray($mailFrom);
  $mailTo2 = "";
  $mailContent = "";
  $mailHeader = "";
  $mailFrom = $fromArray[0][1];
  $lineEnd = "\n";
  if ($fromArray[0][0] != "")     {
    $mailFrom = $fromArray[0][0]." <".$fromArray[0][1].">";
  $mailHeader .= "MIME-Version: 1.0".$lineEnd;
  if (sizeof($mailObj->attachments) > 0 && is_array($mailObj->attachments[0]))     {
    $mailHeader .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed";
    $mailHeader .= "; boundary=\"WAMULTIBREAKWA\"".$lineEnd;
  else if ($mailObj->BodyFormat == 2) {
    $mailHeader .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative";
    $mailHeader .= "; boundary=\"WAMULTIBREAKWA\"".$lineEnd;
$headers  = "";
  else {
    if ($mailObj->BodyFormat == 1) $mailHeader .= "Content-Type: text/plain";
    elseif ($mailObj->BodyFormat == 0) $mailHeader .= "Content-Type: text/html";
if ($mailObj->CharSet != "") $mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "; charset=\"".$mailObj->CharSet."\"").$lineEnd;
else $mailHeader .= $lineEnd;

  foreach ($mailObj->recipients AS $emailArr) {
  	if ($mailTo != "") $mailTo .= ", ";
  	if ($mailTo2 != "") $mailTo2 .= ", ";
if ($emailArr[0] != "") $mailTo .= $emailArr[0];
if ($emailArr[1] != "") $mailTo2 .= $emailArr[1]." <".$emailArr[0].">";
else $mailTo2 .= $emailArr[0];
  if (strpos($mailTo2, "@")) {
$mailTo = $mailTo2;
  $mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "From: ".$mailFrom).$lineEnd;

  foreach ($mailObj->ccrecip AS $emailArr) {
  	if ($mailCC != "") $mailCC .= ", ";
if ($emailArr[1] != "") $mailCC .= $emailArr[1]." <".$emailArr[0].">";
else $mailCC .= $emailArr[0];
  if (strpos($mailCC, "@")) {
    $mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "Cc: ".$mailCC).$lineEnd;

  foreach ($mailObj->bccrecip AS $emailArr) {
  	if ($mailBCC != "") $mailBCC .= ", ";
if ($emailArr[1] != "") $mailBCC .= $emailArr[1]." <".$emailArr[0].">";
else $mailBCC .= $emailArr[0];
  if (strpos($mailBCC, "@")) {
    $mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "Bcc: ".$mailBCC).$lineEnd;

  $mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "Reply-To: ".$fromArray[0][1]).$lineEnd;
  $mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "X-Sender: ".$mailFrom).$lineEnd;
  $mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "X-Priority: ".$mailObj->Importance).$lineEnd;
  $mailHeader .= "Date: ". date('r (T)').$lineEnd;
  if ($mailObj->ReturnPath != "") {
    $retArray = WA_getEmailArray($mailObj->ReturnPath);
    $mailObj->ReturnPath = "<".$retArray[0][1].">";
    if ($retArray[0][0] != "")     {
      $mailObj->ReturnPath = $retArray[0][0]." <".$retArray[0][1].">";
    $mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "Return-Path: ".$mailObj->ReturnPath).$lineEnd;
$theMSGID = $retArray[0][1];
$theMSGID = explode("@", $theMSGID);
$theMSGID = "<".md5($theMSGID[0]).">@".$theMSGID[1];
$mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "Message-ID: ".$theMSGID).$lineEnd;
  if ($mailObj->Organization != "") {
    $mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "Organization: ".$mailObj->Organization).$lineEnd;
  if ($mailObj->XMailer != "") {
    $mailHeader .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "X-Mailer: ".$mailObj->XMailer).$lineEnd;
  if ($mailObj->BodyFormat == 2 || sizeof($mailObj->attachments) > 0)     {
    $mailContent = $lineEnd."--WAMULTIBREAKWA".$lineEnd;
switch ($mailObj->BodyFormat)   {
  case 2:
    $splitBreak = "--WAMULTIBREAKWA";
        if (sizeof($mailObj->attachments) > 0)  {
          $mailContent .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"WAATTBREAKWA\"".$lineEnd.$lineEnd."--WAATTBREAKWA".$lineEnd;
      $splitBreak = "--WAATTBREAKWA";
        $mailContent .= "Content-Type: text/plain";
        if ($mailObj->CharSet != "") $mailContent .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "; charset=\"".$mailObj->CharSet."\"").$lineEnd;
	else $mailContent .= $lineEnd;
	$theReplace  = $lineEnd.$splitBreak.$lineEnd;
        $theReplace .= "Content-Type: text/html";
        if ($mailObj->CharSet != "") $theReplace .= "; charset=\"".$mailObj->CharSet."\"".$lineEnd.$lineEnd;
	else $theReplace .= $lineEnd.$lineEnd;
        $mailBody    = str_replace("<multipartbreak>", $theReplace, $mailBody);
        $mailContent .= $lineEnd.$mailBody;
	$mailContent .= $lineEnd.$splitBreak."--".$lineEnd;
      case 1:
        $mailContent .= "Content-Type: text/plain";
        if ($mailObj->CharSet != "") $mailContent .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "; charset=\"".$mailObj->CharSet."\"").$lineEnd;
	else $mailContent .= $lineEnd;
        $mailContent .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit".$lineEnd;
	$mailContent .= $lineEnd.$mailBody;
      case 0: 
        $mailContent .= "Content-Type: text/html";
        if ($mailObj->CharSet != "") $mailContent .= preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", "; charset=\"".$mailObj->CharSet."\"");
	$mailContent .= $lineEnd;
        $mailContent .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit".$lineEnd;
	$mailContent .= $lineEnd.$mailBody;
  else {
    $mailContent .= $mailBody;
  if(sizeof($mailObj->attachments) > 0)    {
    foreach ($mailObj->attachments as $fileArr)    {
      if (is_readable($fileArr[3]))    {
        if (strtolower($fileArr[1]) == "base64")     {
          $data = chunk_split(base64_encode(implode("", file($fileArr[3]))));
        else     {
          $data = implode("", file($fileArr[3]));
        $mailAttachments .= $lineEnd."--WAMULTIBREAKWA";
        $mailAttachments .= $lineEnd."Content-Type: ".$fileArr[0];
        $mailAttachments .= "; name=\"".basename($fileArr[3])."\"".$lineEnd;
        $mailAttachments .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ".$fileArr[1].$lineEnd;
        $mailAttachments .= "Content-Disposition: inline;";
        $mailAttachments .= " filename=\"".basename($fileArr[3])."\"".$lineEnd.$lineEnd;
        $mailAttachments .= $data;
  $mailContent = str_replace("<multipartbreak>", "--WAMULTIBREAKWA".$lineEnd, $mailContent);
  $mailHeader  = str_replace("<multipartbreak>", "--WAMULTIBREAKWA".$lineEnd, $mailHeader);
  if(sizeof($mailObj->attachments) > 0 && $mailObj->BodyFormat==2)  {
    $mailContent = $mailAttachments.$mailContent.$lineEnd."--WAMULTIBREAKWA--";
  else  {
    $mailContent = $mailContent.$mailAttachments;
  $mailObj = mail($mailTo,$mailSubject,$mailContent,$mailHeader);

  return $mailObj;

function WAUE_SetImportance($mailObj,$Importance)     {
  $newPriority = 3;
  if (!is_numeric($Importance))     {
    if (strtoupper($Importance) == "HIGH")     {
      $newPriority = 1;
    if (strtoupper($Importance) == "LOW")     {
      $newPriority = 5;
  else     {
    $newPriority = $Importance;
  $mailObj->Importance = $newPriority;
  return $mailObj;


mail_formatting (Un!v. mail)

function WAUE_isAttachment($attPath) {
  if ($attPath && $attPath != "" && strpos($attPath, ".") > 0) {
    return true;
  return false;

function WAUE_isEmailAddress($testAddress) {
  $isValidEmail = true;
  if (strpos($testAddress, ";") !== false) {
      $testAddress = substr($testAddress, 0, strpos($testAddress, ";"));
  if (strpos($testAddress, ",") !== false) {
      $testAddress = substr($testAddress, 0, strpos($testAddress, ","));
  if (strpos($testAddress, "<") !== false && strpos($testAddress, "<") < strpos($testAddress, "@")) {
    $testAddress = substr($testAddress, strpos($testAddress, "<")+1);
    if (strpos($testAddress, ">") !== false && strpos($testAddress, ">") > strpos($testAddress, "@")) {
      $testAddress = substr($testAddress, 0, strpos($testAddress, ">"));
  if ($testAddress != "")  {
    $knownDomsPat = "/^(com|net|org|edu|int|mil|gov|arpa|biz|aero|name|coop|info|pro|museum)$/";
    $emailPat = "/^(.+)@(.+)$/";
    $accepted = "[^\s\(\)><@,;:\\\"\.\[\]]+";
    $quotedUser = "(\"[^\"]*\")";
    $ipDomainPat = "/^\[(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\]$/";
    $section = "(".$accepted."|".$quotedUser.")";
    $userPat = "/^".$section."(\\.".$section.")*$/";
    $domainPat = "/^".$accepted."(\\.".$accepted.")*$/";
    $theMatch = preg_match($emailPat,$testAddress,$MatchVal);
    $acceptedPat = "/^" . $accepted . "$/";
    $userName = "";
    $domainName = "";
    if (!$theMatch) {
      $isValidEmail = false;
    else  {
      $userName = $MatchVal[1];
      $domainName = $MatchVal[2];
      $domArr = split("\.",$domainName);
      $IPArray = preg_match($ipDomainPat,$domainName,$ipMatch);
      for ($x=0; $x < strlen($userName); $x++) {
        if ((ord(substr($userName,$x,1)) > 127 && ord(substr($userName,$x,1)) < 192) || ord(substr($userName,$x,1)) > 255) {
          $isValidEmail = false;
      for ($x=0; $x < strlen($domainName); $x++) {
        if ((ord(substr($domainName,$x,1)) > 127 && ord(substr($domainName,$x,1)) < 192) || ord(substr($domainName,$x,1)) > 255) {
          $isValidEmail = false;
      if (!preg_match($userPat,$userName)) {
        $isValidEmail = false;
      if ($IPArray) {
        for ($x=1; $x <= 4; $x++) {
          if ($IPArray[x] > 255) {
            $isValidEmail = false;
  for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($domArr); $x++) {
        if (!preg_match($acceptedPat,$domArr[$x]) || strlen($domArr[$x]) == 0 || (strlen($domArr[$x]) < 2 && $x >= sizeof($domArr)-2)) {
          $isValidEmail = false;
      if (strlen($domArr[count($domArr)-1]) !=2 && !preg_match($knownDomsPat,$domArr[count($domArr)-1])) {
        $isValidEmail = false;
      if (count($domArr) < 2) {
        $isValidEmail = false;
  return $isValidEmail;

function WA_getEmailArray($emailStr)     {
  $retArray = array();
  $emailArr = explode(";",$emailStr);
  foreach ($emailArr AS $emailString)     {
    if (strpos($emailString,"@") > 0)     {
      $emailArr2 = explode("|WA|", $emailString);
      if (sizeof($emailArr2) == 1)     {
        $tempArray    = array(2);
        $tempArray[0] = "";
        $tempArray[1] = WA_StripSpaces($emailString);
        $retArray[]   = $tempArray;
      else     {
        $tempArr = array("", "");
        $eArr0 = $emailArr2[0];
        $eArr1 = $emailArr2[1];
        if (strpos($eArr1, "@") !== false)      {
          $tempArr[0] = WA_StripSpaces($emailArr2[0]);
          $tempArr[1] = WA_StripSpaces($emailArr2[1]);
        else     {
          $tempArr[0] = WA_StripSpaces($emailArr2[1]);
          $tempArr[1] = WA_StripSpaces($emailArr2[0]);
        $retArray[] = $tempArr;
  return $retArray;

function WA_FormatColumn($align,$numspaces,$content)     {
  $WA_FormatColumn_return = "";
  $numspaces = intval($numspaces);
  if (strlen($content) > $numspaces)     {
    $WA_FormatColumn_return = substr($content,0,$numspaces);
  else     {
    switch (strtolower($align)) {
      case "right":
        $WA_FormatColumn_return = WA_RightAlign($numspaces,$content);
      case "left":
        $WA_FormatColumn_return = WA_LeftAlign($numspaces,$content);
    if (strtolower($align) == "center")     {
      $WA_FormatColumn_return = WA_CenterAlign($numspaces,$content);

  return $WA_FormatColumn_return;

function WA_RightAlign($numspaces, $content)     {
  $WA_RightAlign_return = $content;
  while (strlen($WA_RightAlign_return) < $numspaces)     {
    $WA_RightAlign_return = " ".$WA_RightAlign_return;
  return $WA_RightAlign_return;

function WA_LeftAlign($numspaces, $content)     {
  $WA_LeftAlign_return = $content;
  while (strlen($WA_LeftAlign_return) < $numspaces)     {
    $WA_LeftAlign_return = $WA_LeftAlign_return." ";
  return $WA_LeftAlign_return;

function WA_CenterAlign($numspaces, $content)     {
  $WA_CenterAlign_return = $content;
  for ($n=strlen($content); $n<$numspaces; $n++)     {
    if (($n%2) == 1)     {
      $WA_CenterAlign_return = $WA_CenterAlign_return." ";
    else     {
      $WA_CenterAlign_return = " ".$WA_CenterAlign_return;
  return $WA_CenterAlign_return;

function WA_StripSpaces($inStr)     {
  $outStr = $inStr;
  $firstchar = substr($outStr, 0, 1);
  while ($firstchar == " ")     {
    $outStr = substr($outStr,1);
    $firstchar = substr($outStr, 0, 1);
  $firstchar = substr($outStr, strlen($outStr)-1, 1);
  while ($firstchar == " ")     {
    $outStr = substr($outStr, 0, strlen($outStr)-1);
    $firstchar = substr($outStr, strlen($outStr)-1, 1);
  return $outStr;

function WA_TrimLeadingSpaces($inStr)     {
  $outStr = $inStr;
  $firstchar = substr($outStr, 0, 1);
  while ($firstchar == " ")     {
    $outStr = substr($outStr,1);
    $firstchar = substr($outStr, 0, 1);
  $firstchar = substr($outStr, strlen($outStr)-1, 1);
  while ($firstchar == " ")     {
    $outStr = substr($outStr, 0, strlen($outStr)-1);
    $firstchar = substr($outStr, strlen($outStr)-1, 1);
  return $outStr;


and lastly WAUE_emailtest2_1 (Un!v. mail)


  $MailAttachments = "";
  $MailBCC         = "";
  $MailCC          = "";
  $MailTo          = "";
  $MailBodyFormat  = "";
  $MailBody        = "";
  $MailImportance  = "";
  $MailFrom        = "".((isset($_POST["name"]))?$_POST["name"]:"")  ."|WA|".((isset($_POST["email"]))?$_POST["email"]:"")  ."";
  $MailSubject     = "Gameday Notice:";

  //Global Variables

  $WA_MailObject = WAUE_Definition("relay-hosting.secureserver.net ","25","","","","");

  if ($RecipientEmail)     {
    $WA_MailObject = WAUE_AddRecipient($WA_MailObject,$RecipientEmail);
  else      {
    //To Entries

  //Attachment Entries

  //BCC Entries

  //CC Entries

  //Body Format
  $WA_MailObject = WAUE_BodyFormat($WA_MailObject,0);

  //Set Importance
  $WA_MailObject = WAUE_SetImportance($WA_MailObject,"3");

  //Start Mail Body
  //End Mail Body

  $WA_MailObject = WAUE_SendMail($WA_MailObject,$MailAttachments,$MailBCC,$MailCC,$MailTo,$MailImportance,$MailFrom,$MailSubject,$MailBody);

  $WA_MailObject = null;


If anyone can help me make heads or tails out of this, I'm all ears!!

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