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I have just installed a paypal IPN script on my site and im reciveing this error:


Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of fsockopen(). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer.


Whats wrong and how can i fix it?

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I have done that but now all i get is a blank page and a email saying bad order. Here is the code:


class paypal_ipn
var $paypal_post_vars;
var $paypal_response;
var $timeout;

var $error_email;

function paypal_ipn($paypal_post_vars) {
	$this->paypal_post_vars = $paypal_post_vars;
	$this->timeout = 120;

function send_response()
	$fp = @fsockopen( "www.paypal.com", 80, $errno, $errstr, 120 );

	if (!$fp) {
		$this->error_out("PHP fsockopen() error: " . $errstr , "");
	} else {
		foreach($this->paypal_post_vars AS $key => $value) {
			if (@get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
				$value = stripslashes($value);
			$values[] = "$key" . "=" . urlencode($value);

		$response = @implode("&", $values);
		$response .= "&cmd=_notify-validate";

		fputs( $fp, "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0\r\n" );
		fputs( $fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" );
		fputs( $fp, "Content-length: " . strlen($response) . "\r\n\n" );
		fputs( $fp, "$response\n\r" );
		fputs( $fp, "\r\n" );

		$this->send_time = time();
		$this->paypal_response = "";

		// get response from paypal
		while (!feof($fp)) {
			$this->paypal_response .= fgets( $fp, 1024 );

			if ($this->send_time < time() - $this->timeout) {
				$this->error_out("Timed out waiting for a response from PayPal. ($this->timeout seconds)" , "");

		fclose( $fp );



function is_verified() {
	if( ereg("VERIFIED", $this->paypal_response) )
		return true;
		return false;

function get_payment_status() {
	return $this->paypal_post_vars['payment_status'];

function error_out($message, $em_headers)

	$date = date("D M j G:i:s T Y", time());
	$message .= "\n\nThe following data was received from PayPal:\n\n";

	while( @list($key,$value) = @each($this->paypal_post_vars)) {
		$message .= $key . ':' . " \t$value\n";
	mail($this->error_email, "[$date] paypay_ipn notification", $message, $em_headers);



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