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Would mysql_fetch_assoc be faster than mysql_fetch_array


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I think they're both the same. I don't think it returns those (returns array or false), it just allows you to index them that way. I can be wrong.


Plus, like a second really matters that much. It's like the time it takes to blink an eye. The time difference is not something that you would notice.

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i believe assoc is faster because array prints more characters than assoc think about it..

not sure but that is my opinion

But in human time and computer clock time, I don't think there is a difference unless you have a test on a very huge array. I have no idea. But these are servers. They are fast!

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but the issue is which is fast no matter how small the difference is.  and i believe printing additional character ads additional time so if you will have 10000 characters thee will be an additional 10000 characters on array and less 10000 character on assoc. well this is all a guess but i believe this is how it goes

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The question was which is faster to run, printing the results with print_r() is something entirely different. I have always assumed that mysql_fetch_assoc() would be faster and/or less memory intensive because it has less data to index, so I have always used it.


However, just because it "takes less than a second" is not a valid argument. What about if you have 1,000 people accessing the same page at the same time - ot 10,000. Writing tight, efficient code allows you to scale your applications much more than sloppy, inefficient code.


I did a quick test which seems to confirm that mysql_fetch_assoc() is indeed faster. I ran the same query twice and then created a loop on each using the two commands mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_assoc(). I did not execute any code within these loops - just one line with a comment. There were ~1,500 records in the result set and the mysql_fetch_assoc() took about 1/1000 of a second less time to complete. It doesn't sound like much, but if you consider it only took about 4/1000 seconds to complete it was 25% faster. Of course this was a very limited test so your actual milage will vary.

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