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I'm trying to access the id attribute of a parent <div> of a link. I'm not quite sure where to start. Here is one of my unsuccessful attempts to do this:


<div id="success">
<a href="javascript:alert(node.nodeParent.getAttribute('id'));">Will we succeed?</a>


Is this possible? Any clues? Thanks for the assist. :)

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Hello emehrkay,

Thank you for the response. Using this.parentNode.id returns an error, "this.parentNode has no properties". Below is the full page/script. Am I missing anything?:


<title>JavaScript Trail to Success!</title>


<div id="success">
<a href="javascript:alert(this.parentNode.id);">Will we succeed?</a>

Well there are a few problems with your code


  • you're using inline js, which i recommend against, but you seem new so we'll let it slide
  • you're using href="javascipt:" that makes the scope the window and not the element


Easy fix would be to make the link look like this


<a href="#" onclick="alert(this.parentNode.id); return false;">Will we succeed?</a>


The better/more accessible/whatever fix would be to make your code look like this

<title>JavaScript Trail to Success!</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
    onload = function(){
        var link = document.getElementById('link');
        link.onclick = function(){
            return false; 


<div id="success">
<a href="#" id="link">Will we succeed?</a>


Sweet. That should work. Thanks much!


The code I placed is the start of some more complicated content I don't have full control over. Divs will be added and removed using JavaScrpt, with external static content (for the most part), being loaded into the divs when added. For example:


<div id="success1">
<input id="oneLiner" type="text" size="60"><br>
<a href="#" onclick="alert(this.parentNode.id); return false;">Will we succeed?</a>

<div id="success2">
<input id="oneLiner" type="text" size="60"><br>
<a href="#" onclick="alert(this.parentNode.id); return false;">Will we succeed?</a>

<div id="success3">
<input id="oneLiner" type="text" size="60"><br>
<a href="#" onclick="alert(this.parentNode.id); return false;">Will we succeed?</a>


The way I'm getting this to work now, is passing the id get variable to an external php file, resulting in something like this:


<div id="success3">
<input id="oneLiner" type="text" size="60"><br>
<a href="#" onclick="alert('success3'); return false;">Will we succeed?</a>


Perhaps I should just stick with this if using inline js is a bad idea. I'll look more into this topic.




If it is easier to use the inline js, do so. The *ideal* way is not to. If you check the source of some of the best web applications out there - google docs, gmail, yahoo mail, etc - you'll see a lot of inline calls. inline has benefits, but the new cool thing to do is not to use it :)

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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