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[SOLVED] $10 paypal for quick help


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I need some help building a function that searches a specified page on an external site for a line of code (link), then returns true or false depending on whether it is there or not.


I know it is possible because directorys use this function.


I am willing to pay $10 though paypal or moneybookers to the first one who can help me


Thanks for reading


Tommy Arnold


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content = file_get_contents("www.google.com")


That will get you the source code


Now, how do you want to search for this line?


Can you view the source of the site and paste the line you want, then we will know how to search for it

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View the source, does that link sit on its own on 1 line


See, you will need to use regex to dig out that link, in which case you will need to give regex some rules to search by


But if the website changes there code often, then it can screw things up


For example today that link might be on line 923, where as tommorow it may be on line 966

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Yeh.. but its getting that function


Unless it is piblically available, you will need or have someone write it


Which is why its important to know how there source is wrote


A function will need to know how and what to read in order to select the criteria you are looking for


Regex, line numbers, what ever...


Unles there is some super pre made function that can do it...

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Ok well i have someone working on it now from the digital point forum


But thanks for trying!


Surely the following will work, won't it?



$content = file_get_contents("http://www.google.co.uk"); // Loads the source code into a string

if (stristr($content, '<a href="www.mysite.com">just a link</a>')) /* If that link is in the string it returns true, if not, it returns false. */ { 
return true;
else {
return false;




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