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Required Feild Script + Form Submit New Window script.. HELP!


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I have two scripts.

The first one is to require certain fields I have in a form are filled out.

The second one is to open a new window with height/width control of the new window.


My problem is that when the scripts are running as separate scripts I get the "fields required script" to pop up its message

if a field is not filled out, but also the new window pop up too.


The process should be

A)if you get notified a field is not filled out you must fill it out before the new window pops up.


B)Pop up the new window if you get a field needs to be filled out...


So my thoughts were to combine the scripts together so that the window pops up when my field validation is complete.. but I am having trouble.. and this is why I am here.


how would I combine these two?


Script One (Form Fields Required)

var FormName = "nominationForm";
var RequiredFields = "Your_First_Name,Your_Last_Name,Your_Title,Your_Address,Your_City,Your_State,Your_Zip,Your_Telephone,Your_Email,Confirm_Email,Your_School,Your_Principal,relationship,Their_First_Name,Their_Last_Name,Their_Title,Their_District,Their_School,Their_Address,Their_City,Their_State,Their_Zip,How_Many_Years";
function ValidateRequiredFields()
var FieldList = RequiredFields.split(",")
var BadList = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < FieldList.length; i++) {
var s = eval('document.' + FormName + '.' + FieldList[i] + '.value');
s = StripSpacesFromEnds(s);
if(s.length < 1) { BadList.push(FieldList[i]); }
if(BadList.length < 1) { return true; }
var ess = new String();
if(BadList.length > 1) { ess = 's'; }
var message = new String('\n\nThe following field' + ess + ' are required:\n');
for(var i = 0; i < BadList.length; i++) { message += '\n' + BadList[i]; }
return false;

function StripSpacesFromEnds(s)
while((s.indexOf(' ',0) == 0) && (s.length> 1)) {
s = s.substring(1,s.length);
while((s.lastIndexOf(' ') == (s.length - 1)) && (s.length> 1)) {
s = s.substring(0,(s.length - 1));
if((s.indexOf(' ',0) == 0) && (s.length == 1)) { s = ''; }
return s;


Script Two (Open New Window with Width/Height Control)

function sendme() 
    var a = window.setTimeout("document.nominationForm.submit();",500); 

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i cleaned it up a little, but it was a pretty simple addition. I also got rid of that evil eval :)


function ValidateRequiredFields(){
    var FieldList   = RequiredFields.split(",")
    var BadList     = []; //no need to use the new array object here 
    var len         = FieldList.length;
    var error       = false;
    var message     = ''; //no need to use the new object here
    for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
        var s = document.forms[FormName][FieldList[i]].value;
        s = StripSpacesFromEnds(s);
        if(s.length < 1){
            message += '\n' + FieldList[i];
            error = true;
        var ese     = (BadList.length > 1) ? 's' : '';
        var title   = '\n\nThe following field' + ess + ' are required:\n';
        alert(title + message);
        //call your popup function

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thank you for taking the time to help me with this.

I tried to implement your cleaned up version but I still get an error with IE and the script wont even validate the required fields on FF.


Here is what I have:

var FormName = "nominationForm";
var RequiredFields = "Your_First_Name,Your_Last_Name,Your_Address,Your_City,Your_State,Your_Zip,Your_Telephone,Your_Email,Confirm_Email,Your_School,Your_Principal,relationship,Their_First_Name,Their_Last_Name,Their_District,Their_School,Their_Address,Their_City,Their_State,Their_Zip,How_Many_Years";
function ValidateRequiredFields(){
    var FieldList   = RequiredFields.split(",")
    var BadList     = []; //no need to use the new array object here 
    var len         = FieldList.length;
    var error       = false;
    var message     = ''; //no need to use the new object here
    for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
        var s = document.forms[FormName][FieldList[i]].value;
        s = StripSpacesFromEnds(s);
        if(s.length < 1){
            message += '\n' + FieldList[i];
            error = true;
        var ese     = (BadList.length > 1) ? 's' : '';
        var title   = '\n\nThe following field' + ess + ' are required:\n';
        alert(title + message);
    function sendme() 
		var a = window.setTimeout("document.nominationForm.submit();",500); 


Here is the form that starts on line #186

<form method="POST" action="nominationSubmit.php" name="nominationForm" onsubmit="return ValidateRequiredFields();" target="myNewWin">
            <legend><strong>Nominator Contact Information</strong></legend>
            <input id="Your_First_Name" name="Your_First_Name" type="text" /> First Name<br />
            <input id="Your_Last_Name" name="Your_Last_Name" type="text" /> Last Name<br />
            <input  name="Your_Title" type="text" /> Title (if applicable)<br />
            <input  name="Your_Address" type="text" /> Address<br />
            <input  name="Your_City" type="text" /> City<br />
            <input  name="Your_State" type="text" /> State<br />
            <input  name="Your_Zip" type="text" /> Zip<br />
            <input  name="Your_Telephone" type="text" /> Telephone<br />
            <input  name="Your_Email" type="text" /> Email<br />
            <input  name="Confirm_Email" type="text" /> Email Confirmed<br />
            <input  name="Your_School" type="text" /> High School/Organization<br />
            <input  name="Your_Principal" type="text" /> Principal Name<br />
            </blockquote><br /><br />
            <legend><strong>Relationship to Nominee (Please check the appropriate box)</strong></legend>    
		  <select name="relationship">
			<option selected="selected"></option>
			<option value="School Administrator">School Administrator</option>
			<option value="Staff/Faculty">Staff/Faculty</option>
			<option value="Student's Parent">Student's Parent</option>
			<option value="Student">Student</option>
		  </select><br /><br />
              And/or Other:
              <input type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:InsertContent('other');"/>
              <div id="other" style="display:none;">
		  If other please tell us more: 
              <input name="otherDescipt"/>
            <br />

            <legend><strong>Nominee Contact Information</strong></legend>
            <input name="Their_First_Name" type="text" /> First Name<br />
            <input name="Their_Last_Name" type="text" /> Last Name<br />
            <input name="Their_Title" type="text" /> Title<br />
            <input name="Their_District" type="text" /> School District<br />
            <input name="Their_School" type="text" /> High School<br />
            <input name="Their_Address" type="text" /> School Address<br />
            <input name="Their_City" type="text" /> City<br />
            <input name="Their_State" type="text" /> State<br />
            <input name="Their_Zip" type="text" /> Zip<br /><br />
            Number of years as a college counselor: <input name="How_Many_Years" type="text" /><br />                   
        <br />
        <input style="margin-left:40em; margin-bottom:2em;" type="submit" value="Next Step" onclick="sendme();"/>


IE's error happens upon required fields being left blank and you hit the submit button

Line: 231

Char: 1

Error: Object expected


The funny thing is that Line:231 is

<input name="Their_Last_Name" type="text" /> Last Name<br />




Any thoughts?



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I made a few changes - got rid of the sendme() added to the onclick of the submit button since it is called in the validate function, and corrected a few var names.


It works in all browsers that I was able to test in - safari, oprea, ie6&7, ff2


        <script type="text/javascript">
        var FormName = "nominationForm";
        var RequiredFields = "Your_First_Name,Your_Last_Name,Your_Address,Your_City,Your_State,Your_Zip,Your_Telephone,Your_Email,Confirm_Email,Your_School,Your_Principal,relationship,Their_First_Name,Their_Last_Name,Their_District,Their_School,Their_Address,Their_City,Their_State,Their_Zip,How_Many_Years";
        function ValidateRequiredFields(){
            var FieldList   = RequiredFields.split(",")
            var BadList     = []; //no need to use the new array object here 
            var len         = FieldList.length;
            var error       = false;
            var message     = ''; //no need to use the new object here
            for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
                var s = document.forms[FormName][FieldList[i]].value;
                s = StripSpacesFromEnds(s);
                if(s.length < 1){
                    message += '\n' + FieldList[i];
                    error = true;
                var ese     = (BadList.length > 1) ? 's' : '';
                var title   = '\n\nThe following field' + ese + ' are required:\n';
                alert(title + message);
                return false;
        			var a = window.setTimeout("document.nominationForm.submit();",500); 
        function StripSpacesFromEnds(s)
            while((s.indexOf(' ',0) == 0) && (s.length> 1)) {
            	s = s.substring(1,s.length);
            while((s.lastIndexOf(' ') == (s.length - 1)) && (s.length> 1)) {
            	s = s.substring(0,(s.length - 1));
            if((s.indexOf(' ',0) == 0) && (s.length == 1)) { s = ''; }
            return s;
      <form method="POST" action="nominationSubmit.php" name="nominationForm" onsubmit="return ValidateRequiredFields();" target="myNewWin">
            <legend><strong>Nominator Contact Information</strong></legend>
            <input id="Your_First_Name" name="Your_First_Name" type="text" /> First Name<br />
            <input id="Your_Last_Name" name="Your_Last_Name" type="text" /> Last Name<br />
            <input  name="Your_Title" type="text" /> Title (if applicable)<br />
            <input  name="Your_Address" type="text" /> Address<br />
            <input  name="Your_City" type="text" /> City<br />
            <input  name="Your_State" type="text" /> State<br />
            <input  name="Your_Zip" type="text" /> Zip<br />
            <input  name="Your_Telephone" type="text" /> Telephone<br />
            <input  name="Your_Email" type="text" /> Email<br />
            <input  name="Confirm_Email" type="text" /> Email Confirmed<br />
            <input  name="Your_School" type="text" /> High School/Organization<br />
            <input  name="Your_Principal" type="text" /> Principal Name<br />
            </blockquote><br /><br />
            <legend><strong>Relationship to Nominee (Please check the appropriate box)</strong></legend>    
		  <select name="relationship">
			<option selected="selected"></option>
			<option value="School Administrator">School Administrator</option>
			<option value="Staff/Faculty">Staff/Faculty</option>
			<option value="Student's Parent">Student's Parent</option>
			<option value="Student">Student</option>
		  </select><br /><br />
              And/or Other:
              <input type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:InsertContent('other');"/>
              <div id="other" style="display:none;">
		  If other please tell us more: 
              <input name="otherDescipt"/>
            <br />

            <legend><strong>Nominee Contact Information</strong></legend>
            <input name="Their_First_Name" type="text" /> First Name<br />
            <input name="Their_Last_Name" type="text" /> Last Name<br />
            <input name="Their_Title" type="text" /> Title<br />
            <input name="Their_District" type="text" /> School District<br />
            <input name="Their_School" type="text" /> High School<br />
            <input name="Their_Address" type="text" /> School Address<br />
            <input name="Their_City" type="text" /> City<br />
            <input name="Their_State" type="text" /> State<br />
            <input name="Their_Zip" type="text" /> Zip<br /><br />
            Number of years as a college counselor: <input name="How_Many_Years" type="text" /><br />                   
        <br />
        <input style="margin-left:40em; margin-bottom:2em;" type="submit" value="Next Step"/>

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