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IRC Bot - followed tutorial, but where to go from here?


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Hi all - I followed a PHP tutorial (because I am new to PHP. I know SOME Perl, so learning PHP is seemingly easy so far (I'm following a book) but I wanted to make a project that I could add on to as I learn more.... So - I'm making an IRC bot (that runs in php-cli)..


Thing is, the tut. didn't tell you where to go from here. I can add something, say !test, and it will send "Works" to the channel.


See, in Perl, everything was handed to me, by my use of a module. This one (PHP) is from scratch.


So, how do I check user input? Like if someone said !blah 20  how could I make the bot say "You just said '!blah 20'"?


Here's my code so far:


// A PHP IRC bot originally for #teenlug by KB3LLM


// Dont change the line below:

// Make sure the config file was changed
if($network_address == "default") {
print "Please change all of the variables in config.php and the run again\n";
die ();

// Connect to the network using the variables in config.php
$socket = fsockopen("$network_address", $network_port);

// Now that we connected - Lets talk to the server and tell it our nick and
// Any other info it needs...
fputs($socket,"USER $botuser $bothostname $servername: $botrealname\n");
fputs($socket,"NICK $botnick\n"); // Define BOT's nickname

// Join all channels in the array in the config
foreach ($botchannels as &$botjoin) {
fputs($socket,"JOIN $botjoin\n");

while(1) {
// Everything else down here (ok, not functions.. lets keep the code clean :-] )

while($data = fgets($socket, 128)) {
if($displayreadout == 1){
       echo $data;

       // Separate all data
       $ex = explode(' ', $data);
       // Send PONG back to the server
       if($ex[0] == "PING"){
           fputs($socket, "PONG ".$ex[1]."\n");
          if($displayreadout == 1){
           echo "PONG".$ex[1]."\n";

// Lets start adding commands
// Filter out newlines and junk:
$command = str_replace(array(chr(10), chr(13)), '', $ex[3]);

if ($command == ":!sayit") {
     fputs($socket, "PRIVMSG ".$ex[2]." :WORKS!!!!!!\n");







and in config.php



// Network Information
$network_address = "irc.freenode.net"; // Address of the irc net we want to connect to
$network_port = 6667; // Usually this is fine.

$botnick = "kb3llm_php"; // Nickname of the bot
$botpass = "password"; // Password for NickSERV
$botuser = $botnick; // Bot USER name - for now, same as nickname.
$botrealname = $botnick; // Bot's Realname that will show in /whois.
$bothostname = "kb3llm.org"; // A domain to tell the server (dont know why, but....)
$servername = $network_address; // A server name (again, dont know why. set as same as $network_address for now..)

// Channels
// This might be confusing.. Just add then in quotes with a comma between them.
// EXAMPLE: $botchannels = array("#channel1","#channel2","#channel3");
$botchannels = array("#testest");

$displayreadout = 0;





Thanks for any help..

EDIT: Forgot to say..


the Perl equivlent of what I want to do is:


if($variable =~ /^!blah ([\w\s]*){

#then -- using the module that I used for my Perl bot it would be:

$irc->yield( privmsg => $channel, "You entered \"!blah $1\"");






Thanks again

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