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[SOLVED] Search & Replace of "\"


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An example of a string I have passed via a URL is CY5RPLM#V<\\=!EX. I need to always change the "\\" to "\" whenever these appear. I have tried to use the code below to do this but cannot get it to return the value to confirm it has stripped away the extra "\":


$newvalue= str_replace("\\","\",CY5RPLM#V<\\=!EX)
echo $newvalue


Is the fact that I am dealing with "\" the issue?




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Could also use stripslashes().. It reduces double backslashes to single backslashes... If you had 4 consecutive slashes it'd cut it down to two, if you had two slashes it'd replace it with 1.


$newvalue = stripslashes($STRING);
echo $newvalue;

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That worked like a charm but when I then modified it to now get the variable text (in this case recid) that is being passed in the URL, I get a parse error on line 2. Here is the code I am using:


$oldvalue=<? echo $_REQUEST['recid'] ?>;
$newvalue= str_replace("\\\\","\\",'$oldvalue');
echo $newvalue;


If you're looking for two backslashes in a row and want to replace with one backslash, then do:


$newvalue= str_replace("\\\\","\\",'CY5RPLM#V<\\=!EX');
echo $newvalue;






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Learn up on php syntax and when to use PHP opening and closing tags.


The error is because you did not close php tags before opening new one. However, there's no need to do this if all of it is php code anyway.


So, change this:


$oldvalue=<? echo $_REQUEST['recid'] ?>;


to this:


$oldvalue = $_REQUEST['recid'];

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this function will strip slashes from your $_REQUEST, $_GET, and $_POST vars only if necessary by detecting your magic quotes settings:


No more guesswork. Any server.

function stripslash($str) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
	$str = stripslashes($str);
return $str;

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