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[SOLVED] cookie memory


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How do I get the cookie to remember which array it pulled from the first page load so it knows it should pull from the other array on the next page load? There are only two arrays included. Please let me know, thank you very much.



setcookie("a", $get1, time()+60*60*24*180);
setcookie("b", $get2, time()+60*60*24*180);
$one  = Array();
$one[1] = "test1"; 
$one[2] = "test2";
$two  = Array();
$two[1] = "test5"; 
$two[2] = "test6";
$getone = array_rand($one);
$gettwo = array_rand($two);
if(isset($_COOKIE['a']) && $getone){
echo $two[$gettwo];}
if(isset($_COOKIE['b']) && $gettwo){
echo $one[$getone];}

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Well rather than setting both cookies, you can set just one. And then when the user goes to another page, destroy that cookie and create a new one. That way, you can just pull out the string from whichever cookie is set and you would know which array to pull from. And so on and so forth.

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You have been most helpful to me on this, I really appreciate it and will send you a special thank you. I'm trying this but the echo's still aren't appearing, anyone know why? Please let me know, thank you very much.


setcookie("a", $getone, time()+60*60*24*180); 
$one  = Array(); 
$one[1] = "test1"; 
$one[2] = "test2"; 
$two  = Array(); 
$two[1] = "test5"; 
$two[2] = "test6"; 
$getone = array_rand($one); 
$gettwo = array_rand($two); 
if(isset($_COOKIE['a'])){setcookie("b", $gettwo, time()+60*60*24*180);
echo $two[$gettwo];}
if(isset($_COOKIE['b'])){setcookie("a", $getone, time()+60*60*24*180);
echo $one[$getone];}




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Well first, you don't need $getone as a variable in your cookie. You can tell well enough by the "a," right?


Also, you need to destroy the set cookie once the new page is loaded.


- Layout -


First page:

Destroy the cookie "b" if exists

Set the cookie "a"


Second page:

Destroy the cookie "a" if exists

Set cookie "b"

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This works fine alone but when it goes into a web page or is included into a web page from another page with a php include, it quits working. It gives header errors. It doesn't seem to like new cookies set near the echos, which is a problem because the echos need to go in the body of the page so people can see their results. Does anyone know how I can set the cookies without getting the page header errors? Please let me know, thank you very much.


$one  = Array(); 
$one[1] = "test1"; 
$one[2] = "test2"; 
$two  = Array(); 
$two[5] = "test5"; 
$two[6] = "test6";

if(isset($_COOKIE["array"]) && $_COOKIE["array"]=="two"){ 
  setcookie("array", "one", time()+60*60*24*180); 
  echo $two[array_rand($two)];
  setcookie("array", "two", time()+60*60*24*180); 
  echo $one[array_rand($one)];

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