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Generated url dont work


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i need some help here, on my web site http://www.classifiedslive.co.uk/index.php when click on city name on left side of site i get error page.Everything is worked fine til i copy whole page on my comp. and after i get back on ftp, till then this dont work.

Also i try to copy whole site in other dir http://www.classifiedslive.co.uk/class/  here i get error page and when i click on some category or subcategory (this is just copy of site in main dir) i dont know why is this happend.

Please help me if you know what evoke this error pages.

here some code from city.inc.php


<table width="100%" align="left">

  <tr><td valign="top">



// Show city list




$sort1 = "ORDER BY countryname";

$sort2 = "ORDER BY cityname";




$sort1 = "ORDER BY c.pos";

$sort2 = "ORDER BY ct.pos";



if ($show_region_adcount || $show_city_adcount)


// First get ads per city and country

$country_adcounts = array();

$city_adcounts = array();

$sql = "SELECT ct.cityid, c.countryid, COUNT(*) as adcnt

FROM $t_ads a

INNER JOIN $t_cities ct ON ct.cityid = a.cityid AND ($visibility_condn)

INNER JOIN $t_countries c ON ct.countryid = c.countryid

WHERE ct.enabled = '1' AND c.enabled = '1'

GROUP BY ct.cityid";


$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error().$sql);




$country_adcounts[$row['countryid']] += $row['adcnt'];

$city_adcounts[$row['cityid']] += $row['adcnt'];




$sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_countries c INNER JOIN $t_cities ct ON c.countryid = ct.countryid AND ct.enabled = '1' WHERE c.enabled = '1' GROUP BY c.countryid $sort1";

$resc = mysql_query($sql);


$country_count = mysql_num_rows($resc);

//$split_at = ($country_count%3?((int)($country_count/3))+2:($country_count/3)+1);

$percol = floor($country_count/$location_cols);

$percolA = array();

for($i=1;$i<=$location_cols;$i++) $percolA[$i]=$percol+($i<=$country_count%$location_cols?1:0);


$i = 0; $j = 0;

$col = 1;

while($country = mysql_fetch_array($resc))


if($sef_urls) $country_url = "{$vbasedir}-$country[countryid]_" . RemoveBadURLChars($country['countryname']) . "/";

else $country_url = "?cityid=-$country[countryid]&lang=$xlang";





<div class="citylist_country1"><a href="<?php echo $country_url; ?>" ><?php echo $country['countryname']; ?> <?php if($show_region_adcount) echo "(".(0+$country_adcounts[$country['countryid']]).")"; ?></a><br></div>





if($country['countryid'] == $xcountryid || !$expand_current_region_only)



$sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_cities ct WHERE countryid = $country[countryid] AND enabled = '1' $sort2";

$resct = mysql_query($sql);




if($sef_urls) $city_url = "{$vbasedir}$city[cityid]_" . RemoveBadURLChars($city['cityname']) . "/";

else $city_url = "?cityid=$city[cityid]&lang=$xlang";




<div class="citylist_country2"><a href="<?php echo $city_url; ?>" citylist_country1><?php echo $city['cityname']; ?> <?php if($show_city_adcount) echo "(".(0+$city_adcounts[$city['cityid']]).")"; ?></a><br></div>












$i++; $j++;

//if($i%$split_at == 0) echo "</td><td valign=\"top\">";

if ($j%$percolA[$col]==0 && $i<$country_count) { echo "</td><td valign=\"top\">"; $col++; $j=0; }









and some code from index.php


<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<tr><td width="100% align="center">

<table width="978" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">


    <td colspan="3" bgcolor="white">

      <?php include("header.inc.php"); ?>    </td>




if ($xview == "main" || $show_sidebar_always)



    <td width="200px" id="sidebar_left" valign="top" align="center">


if($xview != "post" && $xview != "postimg")



<div id="textwellorg"><?php include("subscribe.php"); ?></div>

<div style="clear:both;">


if($xview != "post" && $xview != "postimg")



<div class="citylist_country">

  <?php include("cities.inc.php"); ?>



<?php }?>

      <?php if($show_cats_in_sidebar && !($xview == "main" || $xpostmode)) { ?>

      <table class="sidebox" cellspacing="0" align="center">


          <th class="head"><?php echo $lang['CATEGORIES']; ?></th>



          <td><?php include("cats.inc.php"); ?></td>




      <?php }

if ($enable_calendar && !$xpostmode)












if ($enable_images && ($xview == "main" || $xsection == "imgs"))




$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as imgcnt


FROM $t_imgs a


INNER JOIN $t_cities ct ON a.cityid = ct.cityid


WHERE $visibility_condn AND ct.enabled = '1'




list($imgcnt) = @mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));





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Hmm, I try to trun off my cookies but still get error page.Sory but i dont know what is most relevant in this code.I put whole page cities.inc.php and part of index.php where is include("cities.inc.php").

I dont understund way this scrypt (site) dont work whan i make copy in new dir on ftp like http://www.classifiedslive.co.uk/class/

but when is in http://www.classifiedslive.co.uk it works fine , but cities on left side still dont work.


When click on some city or region i get only page refrash, but it need to show ads from that city or region.

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