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Another really hard and stupid question.


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This is a great PHP/MySQL tutorial.  Spend an hour going through it (and understanding it) and you will have no problem implementing your newfound knowledge into this project.


Any of us who have responded could simply write the code for you, but then you'll just come back asking for more and more "help" (handouts).  We're here to teach you to fish!

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This is a great PHP/MySQL tutorial.  Spend an hour going through it (and understanding it) and you will have no problem implementing your newfound knowledge into this project.


Any of us who have responded could simply write the code for you, but then you'll just come back asking for more and more "help" (handouts).  We're here to teach you to fish!


Actually lol, this is the only thing i need done. But i have gone through the site, read like every page. I now now quite a bit. But i'm still unsure how to do this.

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Actually lol, this is the only thing i need done. But i have gone through the site, read like every page. I now now quite a bit. But i'm still unsure how to do this.


Could you at least attempt to do what you want? Then along the way we can help you with whatever your having trouble with.

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Alright, maybe a little bit more input will get you going in the right direction.


Are your users logging in to do this?  Or is it public and anybody can click on the image?


If it's just one public place where anybody can click the image, then posting the results to the DB is easy...after each successful click have it



First you will want to


1) "connect to the database"


THEN you are going to


2) INSERT INTO something (like your table name) an (amount, username) with the VALUES of (the amount, the username)


Then after that you will want to do a query (search, retrieve) where you


3) SELECT SUM(amount) as amount FROM counter


That's all I'm giving you, you can figure out the rest.  If you run into syntax errors, google them...if you get stuck, post what you are stuck on here.


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