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Need help with this registration


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I was looking over this tutorial and can't seem to get it to work.



I'm not able to add the username and password to the database. I did every step and still can't get it to work.



require "db.php";


print'<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">

<label>Username</label><br/><input name="username"/><br/>

<label>Password</label><br/><input name="password" type="password"/><br/>

<input type="submit" name="register" value="register"/>



$lock = 'true';

if($lock == 'true') {

print 'Copy and pasting gets you nowhere in life.';



$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']);

$pw = sha1($_POST['password']);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO members (id, username, password) VALUES (NULL, '$user', '$pw')") or die('For some reason, we could not process your registration.');

print'Registration Successful. Head over to <a href="login.php">the login page</a>.';




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// form
}else {
$user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']);
$pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password']);
$errors = array();

	$errors[] = "You did not supply a username";
}else {

		$errors[] = "Username must be between 3 and 32 characters";

		$errors[] = "Username can only contain alphanumerical characters";

	$sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username`='".$user."'";
	$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
	if(mysql_num_rows($res) == 0){
		$errors[] = "The username already exists in the database";

	$errors[] = "You did not supply a password";
}else {
	if(strlen($pass) < 6){
		$errors[] = "Your password must be greater than or equal to 6";

if(count($errors) > 0){
	echo "The following errors occurred:<br>\n";
	foreach($errors AS $error){
		echo $error . "<br>\n";
}else {
	$sql2 = "INSERT INTO `users` (`username`,`password`) VALUES('".$user."','".sha1($pass)."')";
	$res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());
	echo "You have successfully registered as ".$user."!\n";



give that a go.

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You have this




and then a else statement that sets $lock to true and then the next line compares $lock to true, so of course it will echo your Copy and Paste line.


Why is that even there?  Either they are clicking Register or they are not.


You dont need two else statements like that and I dont see why any tutorial would do that unless you missed something.

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Doesn't make sense.  So it's say YOU shouldn't Copy and Paste their code?


It is in there so they dont copy and paste, they read the actual tutorial and are trying to learn PHP, not just copying off of everybody else.

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The author said nothing about the $lock variable in the tutorial. The only thing I missed was the last line where he said change it to false. I was wondering why that else statement was there. The password is registering correctly, but the username is blank when I look at the database.


Try using my example. That tutorial is horrible and shouldn't be used.



Nice, you can listen to a 26 minute tutorial, or change 1 word in you current file.  I would choose 1 word.

Your video is blurry.

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mysql_query("INSERT INTO members (id, username, password) VALUES (NULL, '$user', '$pw')") or die('For some reason, we could not process your registration.');


This should be your query line


mysql_query("INSERT INTO members (id, username, password) VALUES (NULL, '$name', '$pw')") or die('For some reason, we could not process your registration.');


You are setting the username to $name, not $user

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