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apache configuration for svn repositories and websvn


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Thanks in advance if someone can help me bridge this gap in

configuring apache...


What I'd like to happen is have svn served over apache from the root

of my domain so I can access my <project> repository via

https://svn.webpossibilities.net/<project> but if someone accesses

https://svn.webpossibilities.net/ with a browser I want to serve

WebSVN. I actually have this working but only if I add <Location> for

each project. So now my config looks like:



  ServerName svn.webpossibilities.net

  ServerAdmin admin@webpossibilities.net

  SSLEngine On

  SSLCertificateFile /home/weposs/ssl/svn/apache.pem

  DocumentRoot /var/www/websvn/

  <Location />

      Options FollowSymLinks

      order allow,deny

      allow from all

      AuthType Basic

      AuthName "Web Possibilities Subversion"

      Require valid-user


      AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd

      <IfModule mod_php4.c>

          php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off

          php_flag track_vars On



  <Location /myproject1>

      DAV svn

      SVNPath /home/weposs/svn/myproject1

      AuthType Basic

      AuthName "Web Possibilities Subversion"

      AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd

      Require valid-user



  ErrorLog /home/weposs/svn/logs/apache-error.log

  LogLevel warn

  CustomLog /home/weposs/svn/logs/apache-access.log combined

  ServerSignature On



Problem is if I switch over to using SVNParentPath my entry for

accessing WebSVN doesn't work. I've tried really hard to research this

using the apache docs and various web resources to no avail.  My best

guess is to replace the myproject1 location with:


  <Location />

      DAV svn

      SVNParentPath /home/weposs/svn

      AuthType Basic

      AuthName "Web Possibilities Subversion"

      AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd

      Require valid-user




It's probably really obvious why this doesn't work but I'm not sure

how to fix it so that it knows which entry I want. Maybe I just need

to rethink this and have one or the other located in a different

location than / ? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.



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