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Cant get weapons to work:(


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Hi all this code calls is m armory but for some stupid reason it is not calling the weapons from the SQL DB


here is Armory.php

// Tabsize = 2

//start title
//end title
if (isSet($_GET["strErr"])) { $msg = $_GET["strErr"]; }

if( isset($_SESSION['userid']) ){
} else {
message("You are not logged in!","index.php");

	createms($_SESSION['userid'], $mscost);
header("Location: armory.php?StrErr=not enough Naquadah");
header("Location: mothership.php");


function getWeapons($userID, $raceID, $attack) {
$user_weapons = mysql_query("select * from `user_weapons` where `userid`='$userID' AND `quantity` > 0 order by strength asc") or die(mysql_error());
		$q="SELECT * FROM `race_weapons` WHERE `weaponID` = '".$row['weaponID']."' AND `weaponAttack` = '$attack'";
		if ($row["strength"] < $wep['weaponDefaultStrength']) {
			$strengthDiff = number_format(($wep['weaponDefaultStrength'] - $row["strength"])*(6*$row["quantity"])); 
			} else {
				$strengthDiff = 0;
		$output .= "<tr>
						<td style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt;\">".$wep['weaponName']."</td>
						<td align=\"right\" style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt;\">
          " . number_format($row['quantity']) . "        </td>
              <td align=\"middle\" style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt;\">
         " . number_format($row['strength']) . "          /
          " . number_format($wep['weaponDefaultStrength']) . "        </td>
        <form action=\"armory3.php\" method=\"post\">
          <td width=\"100%\">
            <table cellSpacing=\"0\" cellPadding=\"2\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt;\">
                <td style=\"BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none\">
                  <input type=\"input\" maxLength=\"5\" size=\"3\" value=\"0\" name=\"repairQuantity\" style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt;\">
								<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wid\" value=\"" . $row["wid"] . "\">
                <td style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none\" width=\"100%\">
							<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"repair\">
                <input style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt; WIDTH: 40%\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . number_format((6*$row['quantity'])). " /pt\" name=\"dorepair\">
							<input style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt; WIDTH: 45%\" type=\"submit\" value=\"$strengthDiff\" name=\"repairAll\">
        <form action=\"armory3.php\" method=\"post\">
          <td align=\"left\" width=\"100%\">
            <table cellSpacing=\"0\" cellPadding=\"1\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt;\">
                <td style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt;\" align=\"left\">
                  <input type=\"input\" maxLength=\"5\" size=\"3\" value=\"0\" name=\"scrapQuantity\" style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt;\">
								<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wid\" value=\"" . $row["wid"] . "\">
                <td width=\"100%\" align=\"left\">
                  <input style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8pt;\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Sell for " . number_format($wep["weaponPrice"]*. . " Naquadah\" name=\"scrapDo\" width=\"100%\">
								<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"scrap\">
	return $output;

<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script src="js/xmlhttp.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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<center><Table width=100% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5>
<td width=15% valign=top><?php include("includes/navi.php"); ?></td><td valign=top>
<?php if($msg!=""){ ?><b><i><center><font size=+0><?php echo($msg); ?></font></center></i></b> <?php } ?><Br><?php echo($msbutton); ?><br>
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">
			<td valign=top colspan="2">
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" class="table_lines">
              <th colspan=4><center>Armory</center></th>
						<th class="subh" align="left" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><font color="white">Assault weapons</font></th>
						<th class="subh" align="right" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><font color="white">Quantity</font></th>
						<th class="subh" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><center><font color="white">Strength</font></center></th>
						<th class="subh" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><center><font color="white">Repair<br>Naquadah per point / ALL</font></center></th>
						<th class="subh" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><center><font color="white">Scrap / Sell</font></center></th>
					<? print getWeapons($user["userid"],$user["raceID"],"1"); ?>
						<th class="subh" align="left" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><font color="white">Defense weapons</font></th>
						<th class="subh" align="right" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><font color="white">Quantity</font></th>
						<th class="subh" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><center><font color="white">Strength</font></center></th>
						<th class="subh" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><center><font color="white">Repair<br>Naquadah per point / ALL</font></center></th>
						<th class="subh" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><center><font color="white">Scrap / Sell</font></center></th>
					<? print getWeapons($user["userid"],$user["raceID"],"0"); ?>
<TABLE width="100%">

	<TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 25px" vAlign=top width="50%"><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table_lines">
            <th colspan="3">Military Effectiveness</th>
            <td align="right"><?php echo(number_format(getAtkPow($user['userid'])+getDefPow($user['userid'])+getSpyPow($user['userid']))); ?></td>
            <td align="right">Ranked: <?php echo(number_format($user['overallRank'])); ?></td>
            <td><strong>Strike Action</strong></td>
            <td align="right"><?php echo(number_format(getAtkPow($user['userid']))); ?></td>
            <td align="right">Ranked: <?php echo(number_format($user['attackRank'])); ?></td>
            <td><strong>Defensive Action</strong></td>
            <td align="right"><?php echo(number_format(getDefPow($user['userid']))); ?></td>
            <td align="right">Ranked: <?php echo(number_format($user['defenseRank'])); ?></td>
            <td><strong>Covert Action</strong></td>
            <td align="right"><?php echo(number_format(getSpyPow($user['userid']))); ?></td>
            <td align="right" valign="top">Ranked: <?php echo(number_format($user['covertRank'])); ?></td>
            <td><strong>Mothership Action</strong></td>
            <td align="right"><font size=-1><?php echo(number_format(getFleetPower($user['userid']))); ?></font></td>
            <td align="right">Ranked: <?php echo(number_format($user['fleetRank'])); ?></td>
          <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" class="table_lines" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;">
              <th align=center colspan=2>Populace</th>
              <td>Assault Trooper </td>
              <td><?php echo(number_format($user['attackTroops'])); ?></td>
              <td><?php echo(number_format($user['defenseTroops'])); ?></td>
              <td><?php echo(number_format($user['untrainedTroops'])); ?></td>
              <td>Covert Operative </td>
              <td><?php echo(number_format($user['covertTroops'])); ?></td>
			</td><td valign=top><Br>
	  <form name=buywep id=buywep action='armory3.php' method="POST">
          <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" class="table_lines">
              <th colspan=4>Buy Weaponry</th>
              <th colspan=4><font size=-1>Assault Weapons</font></th>
              <td>Weapon Name </td>

		 print($atklist); ?>
              <th colspan=4><font size=-1>Defense Weapons</font></th>
              <td>Weapon Name </td>

		 print($deflist); ?>
              <td colspan=4><div align="center">
                <input name="purchase" type="submit" id="purchase" value="Purchase Weaponry">
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="purchase">

  <?php include("includes/bottom.php"); ?>


Here is the Armory2.php



//to change the limit edit the functions right below race weapons from 7 to the # you want
//human weapon

//begin weapon retrieval
function getAttackList($rid){
global $conf;
//we are gonna loop it around town
$q="SELECT * FROM `race_weapons` WHERE `raceID` = '$rid' AND `weaponAttack` = '1'";
<Td><input type=text value=0 name='atk".$i."' id='atk".$i."' size=4></td>

return $weaponlist;
function getDefenseList($rid){
global $conf;
$q="SELECT * FROM `race_weapons` WHERE `raceID` = '$rid' AND `weaponAttack` = '0'";
<Td><input type=text value=0 name='def".$i."' id='def".$i."' size=4></td>

return $weaponlist;

function weaponExists($weaponID, $userID) {
$user_weapons = mysql_query("select quantity from user_weapons where weaponID=\"" . $weaponID . "\" && userid=\"" . $userID . "\"") or DIE(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($user_weapons)) {
	return mysql_result($user_weapons,0,"quantity");	// Returns quantity if weapon exists in user's database
	} else {
		return FALSE;																		// Otherwise return false

function weaponAffordable($weaponID, $weaponAmount, $userID) {
$user_users = mysql_query("select Naquadah from user_users where userid=\"$userID\"") or DIE(mysql_error());
$userNaquadah = mysql_result($user_users,0,"Naquadah");
$race_weapons = mysql_query("select weaponPrice from race_weapons where weaponID=\"$weaponID\"") or DIE(mysql_error());
$weaponPrice = mysql_result($race_weapons,0,"weaponPrice");
if (($weaponPrice*$weaponAmount) <= $userNaquadah) {
	return TRUE;
	} else {
		return FALSE;

function purchaseWeapon($weaponID, $weaponExists, $weaponAmount, $userID) {
if (weaponAffordable($weaponID, $weaponAmount, $userID)) {
	$race_weapons = mysql_query("select weaponPrice from race_weapons where weaponID=\"" . $weaponID . "\"") or DIE(mysql_error());
	$weaponPrice = (mysql_result($race_weapons,0,"weaponPrice")*$weaponAmount);
	$users_user = mysql_query("update user_users SET Naquadah=Naquadah-$weaponPrice where userid=\"" . $userID . "\"") or DIE(mysql_error());
	if ($weaponExists) {
		$race_weapons = mysql_query("select weaponDefaultStrength from race_weapons where weaponID=\"" . $weaponID . "\"") or DIE(mysql_error());
		$weaponDefaultStrength = mysql_result($race_weapons,0,"weaponDefaultStrength");
		$user_weapons = mysql_query("select strength from user_weapons where userid=\"" . $userID . "\" && weaponID=\"" . $weaponID . "\"") or DIE(mysql_error());
		$strength = mysql_result($user_weapons,0,"strength");
		// Calculate new weapon strength
		$newstrength = ((($strength*$weaponExists) + ($weaponDefaultStrength*$weaponAmount)) / ($weaponExists + $weaponAmount));
		$purchase_sql = mysql_query("update user_weapons set quantity=\"" . ($weaponExists+$weaponAmount) . "\", strength=\"$newstrength\" where userid=\"" . $userID . "\" && weaponID=\"" .$weaponID. "\"") or DIE(mysql_error());
		return TRUE;
		} else {
			$race_weapons = mysql_query("select weaponDefaultStrength from race_weapons where weaponID=\"" . $weaponID . "\"") or DIE(mysql_error());
			$strength = mysql_result($race_weapons,0,"weaponDefaultStrength");
			$purchase_sql = mysql_query("insert into user_weapons (wid, weaponID, strength, userid, quantity) VALUES (\"\", \"" . $weaponID . "\", \"$strength\", \"" . $userID . "\", \"" . $weaponAmount . "\")") or DIE(mysql_error());
			return TRUE;
	} else {
		return FALSE;

function getWeaponData($weapons=array(), $attack, $raceID) {
$race_weapons = mysql_query("select weaponID, weaponName, weaponDefaultStrength, weaponPrice from race_weapons where raceID=\"" . $raceID . "\" && weaponAttack=\"$attack\" order by weaponName asc") or DIE(mysql_error());
$i = 0; $weaponAmount = sizeof($weapons); $weaponData = array();
while ($i < mysql_num_rows($race_weapons)) {
	$weaponCounter = 0;
	while ($weaponCounter < $weaponAmount) {
		if (mysql_result($race_weapons,$i,"weaponID")==$weapons[$weaponCounter]) {
			$weaponData[($weapons[$weaponCounter])]["name"] = mysql_result($race_weapons,$i,"weaponName");
			$weaponData[($weapons[$weaponCounter])]["defaultStrength"] = mysql_result($race_weapons,$i,"weaponDefaultStrength");
			$weaponData[($weapons[$weaponCounter])]["price"] = mysql_result($race_weapons,$i,"weaponPrice");
return $weaponData;

function getMothershipButton($userid){
$sql="SELECT * FROM `user_mothership` WHERE `userid` = '$userid'";
$button="<center><form name=msbuy id=msbuy action='' method=POST><input type=submit name='buyms' id='buyms' value='Buy Flagship For 250,000,000'></form></center>";
$button="<center><form name=msbuy id=msbuy action='' method=POST><input type=submit name='enterms' id='enterms' value='Enter Control For The ".$ms['shipName']."'></form></center>";
return $button;

function createms($id,$cost){
$q="INSERT INTO `user_mothership` (`shipid`,`userid`,`shipName`) VALUES ('','$id','Yt-100')";
$q="UPDATE `user_users` SET `Naquadah` = `Naquadah` - '$cost' WHERE `userid` = '$id'";
header("Location: armory.php?strErr=Flagship Constructed");



Here is the SQL:


CREATE TABLE `race_weapons` (
  `weaponID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `raceID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `weaponName` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `weaponAttack` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `weaponDefaultStrength` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `weaponPrice` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`weaponID`)

-- Dumping data for table `race_weapons`

INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (1, 1, 'Antique Pistol', 1, 5, 1000);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (2, 1, 'M1 Grant', 1, 10, 1800);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (3, 1, 'Rifle', 1, 20, 3200);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (4, 1, 'Sniper', 1, 40, 5100);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (5, 1, 'Machine Gun', 1, 160, 16400);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (6, 1, 'Armored Machine Gun', 1, 540, 52400);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (7, 1, 'Light Tank', 1, 2360, 169800);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (8, 1, 'Shotgun', 0, 5, 1000);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (9, 1, 'Magnum', 0, 10, 1800);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (10, 1, 'Sniper Rifle', 0, 20, 3200);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (11, 1, 'Jeep', 0, 40, 5100);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (12, 1, 'Machine Gun', 0, 160, 16400);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (13, 1, 'AA Gun', 0, 640, 52400);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (14, 1, 'Missile Emplacement', 0, 2360, 169800);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (15, 2, 'Dagger', 1, 5, 1000);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (16, 2, 'Training Staff', 1, 10, 1800);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (17, 2, 'Sword', 1, 20, 3200);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (18, 2, 'Fighting Staff', 1, 40, 5100);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (19, 2, 'ppg', 1, 160, 16400);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (20, 2, 'Pulse Cannon', 1, 640, 52400);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (21, 2, 'Light Bomber', 1, 2360, 169800);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (22, 2, 'ppg', 0, 5, 1000);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (23, 2, 'Energy Rifle', 0, 10, 1800);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (24, 2, 'Light Transport', 0, 20, 3200);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (25, 2, 'Hover Tank', 0, 40, 5100);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (26, 2, 'Pulse Cannon', 0, 160, 16400);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (27, 2, 'Anti-Pulse Emplacement', 0, 640, 52400);
INSERT INTO `race_weapons` VALUES (28, 2, 'Minbari Fighter', 0, 2360, 169800);


Note* There is no error but they just dont show up to buy!!!

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I would say try to locate the error in your code.make sure


->dbconnect.php create proper connection

->correct db is selected


over which portion you feel is not working correctly??? please paste teh snippet where you are facing this.



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