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preg_match or regx + finding "\" foreign chrs in form entrys


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help please,


all this regex and preg_match is very confusing - i have been searching the net for examples but most of the ones i find relate to url searching or the [a-z] classic .



what im looking for or help with is finding characters that arent meant to be in a form that can be submitted to a mysql db i.e. \, *, +, =, -, !, ? etc.. a backslash \ preg_match would be



could anyone give me a pinter or point me in the correct direction.




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echo preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', 'Invalid string!') ? 'Invalid' : 'Valid' ;

matching numbers,characters, digits dont need regex we have ctype data to check this stuff


   echo 'valid';

   echo 'invalid';

php5 can also check email address and URL using predefined functions without using regex

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this dosnt check for werid freaky symbols like this |-_-|


isnt preg_match therefore better???





$strings = array('1820.20', '10002', 'wsl!12');

foreach ($strings as $testcase) {

    if (ctype_digit($testcase)) {

        echo "The string $testcase consists of all digits.\n";

    } else {

        echo "The string $testcase does not consist of all digits.\n";



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this code

$strings = array('1820.20', '10002', 'wsl!12','|| ');
foreach ($strings as $testcase) {
    if (ctype_digit($testcase)) {
        echo "true $testcase <br/>";
    } else {
        echo "false $testcase <br/>";

gave me this output

false 1820.20

true 10002

false wsl!12

false |-_-|


whats wrong with that...

I'm not saying don't use regex but dont over use regex if you only need to check numbers caracters etc..

you need php predefined functions


i only use regex when i'm checking for a string on pattern

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