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[SOLVED] Alternate row colors in table (new issue)

Grant Holmes

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YEs, I'm back with another challenge in relation to doing this. This is related to this issue, but new.


I'm getting the colors just fine when my code says:

//Alternate Row Color
if($i % 2) 
	echo '<TR bgcolor="silver">';
	echo '<TR bgcolor="#ffffff">';


I have a config file that is INCLUDEd on this page with many variables in the page. I added: these lines:

//These are the colors that alternate colors in tables
$LightRowColor = "#FFFFFF";
$DarkRowColor = "silver";


then I changed the code above to:

//Alternate Row Color
if($i % 2) 
	echo '<TR bgcolor="$DarkRowColor">';
	echo '<TR bgcolor="$LightRowColor">';


This way I could go into this one file and change any tables with that include. However, as you have probably guessed, it doesn't work. My rows alternate with Black and Blue. I'm sure its the way I put the variable in the PHP, but don't know what to fix.


Help please?


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You need to use double quotes with your echo. Try


Not tehcnically double quotes, quotation and escaping is as very "lose" topic in php (or 'lose' for you single quoters) read up on it as you can do it many ways once you find a method comfortable stick to it I like to use double quotes across and singles for mysql values and array keys i.e

$day_the_week = "Tuesday";
echo "Welcome: ".$_SESSION['UserData']['Username']." to \"The\" place today is ".$day_the_week.", have a great day.";


That is how I like to do things but it isn't the only way to do it.

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You need to use double quotes with your echo. Try


Not tehcnically double quotes, quotation and escaping is as very "lose" topic in php (or 'lose' for you single quoters) read up on it as you can do it many ways once you find a method comfortable stick to it I like to use double quotes across and singles for mysql values and array keys i.e

$day_the_week = "Tuesday";
echo "Welcome: ".$_SESSION['UserData']['Username']." to \"The\" place today is ".$day_the_week.", have a great day.";


That is how I like to do things but it isn't the only way to do it.


Yes, there are a few ways you can do it. It really doesn't make a difference whether you use concatenation as you did, or if you just use double quotes so PHP doesn't process the line as just a string. It's just personal preference.


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